Google Trends - Greatest thing ever
LAP Chart your Channel Assessment
3.07 Chart Your Channels LAP (20) - Due Friday, May 11
Customer Service - Following up with your customers
The importance of follow-up
Seth Godin Ted Talk
Malcolm Gladwell - Choices Ted Talk
Gray Markets
Clayton Antitrust Act
Robinson Patman Act
Managing Marketing Channels and Wholesaling
Tying Agreements
Sherman Antitrust Act
Sherman Antitrust Act Video explanation
Discuss Coercion with the class
Bargain sounds too good? Stay Away!
Promoting your Business
Promotion Decisions (5 slides … click next)
Above and below the line promotion by Geoff Lancaster
LAP - Razzle Dazzle
Razzle Dazzle Quiz
a. Define the term promotion.
b. List users of promotion.
c. Describe the benefits of using promotion.
d. Describe the costs associated with the use of promotion.
e. Describe types of promotional objectives.
f. Discuss the relationship of promotion and marketing.
a. Define the following terms: product promotion, primary product promotion, secondary product promotion, institutional promotion, public service, public relations, and patronage.
b. Identify types of product promotion.
c. Describe the uses of product promotion.
d. Identify types of institutional promotion.
e. Describe uses of institutional promotion.
f. Discuss the advantages of promotional activities.
g. Discuss the disadvantages of promotional activities.
a. Define the following terms: promotional mix, advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion.
b. Identify the elements of the promotional mix.
c. Categorize examples of promotions according to the elements of the promotional mix.
d. Describe the importance of the promotional mix.
e. Identify factors affecting the promotional mix.
f. Describe how the product being sold affects the promotional mix.
g. Explain how the product's market affects the promotional mix.
h. Discuss how the distribution system affects the promotional mix.
i. Explain how the product's company affects the promotional mix.
a. Explain ethical issues associated with fear-based advertising.
b. Discuss sexism/stereotyping in advertising.
c. Explain ethical issues associated with promotion to children.
d. Discuss ethical issues associated with sales promotion sweepstakes, samples, rebates, and premiums.
e. Explain the use of stealth marketing.
f. Discuss ethical issues associated with use of customer information obtained on the Internet.
g. Describe ways that businesses use socially responsible promotions.
a. Explain how the use of technology in promotion has changed the way marketers communicate with customers.
b. Identify ways that the use of technology positively impacts the promotion function.
c. Discuss ways that the use of technology negatively impacts the promotion function.
d. Describe ways that businesses use the Internet as a promotional tool.
e. Describe how technology has enhanced opportunities to contact customers with promotional messages.
f. Discuss ways that technology has facilitated the use of sales promotions.
g. Explain specific applications of technology in promotion.
a. Explain the need for truthfulness in promotional messages and claims.
b. Discuss how the use of misleading or inaccurate statements in promotion is regulated.
c. Explain laws that protect customers from unwanted promotions.
d. Discuss laws that protect children from promotional messages.
e. Explain the regulation of telemarketing.
f. Discuss the regulation of data privacy.
g. Describe actions that can be taken by the Federal Trade Commission to correct misleading advertising.
h. Discuss reasons for the regulation of products used in advertising.
i. Explain how the legality of products used in advertising can vary from country to country.
What is Public Relations
What is Institutional Advertising?
Inform, Persuade, Remind
Know your options LAP 4.01 [5-111]
4.01 Know Your Options - Lap (20)
Spread the Word - LAP [5-113]
Quiz 4A Marketing - PR:003, Promotion Lap 10: Spread the Word
Promotion - Chap 15 Advertising and Selling
Promotion - Chap 16 Public Relations and Personal Selling
Top 4 promotional tactics (Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix….with Pictures
How to Establish a promotional Mix
Big Project - Part 1 only - Due May 11, 2018
Event Promotion/Coordination/PPT Pjt
Event Promotion/Coordination/PPT Pjt
3.03 Tipping Point OE (10q)
LAP Tipping Point Types of expenses Worksheet
Break Even Help
Break Even Help #2
Successful ticketing = planning ahead
Ticket Sales Planning - NBA
Conclusion only
27 pages of sheer bliss….all from the standpoint of ticketing….and yes, today we read.
Page 8
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 14
Abstract + 1st and 2nd Paragraphs
1/Introduction - 1st paragraph
Begins with “Over the last two decades, improved communication technologies, differences in input costs between
geographies, and geographical skill specialization have”
2/ Page 30-31 Fig 5
Google - Season Ticket Strategies
Los Angeles Kings
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