Wednesday, April 30, 2014

4/30/2014 Sleepy?.....Me?.....No!......zzzzzzzZZZZZZZ


Flyer time - an intro to in Powerpoint or in Word.
       Must haves:
            Title - Gateway 2014
            Theme - Bicycling or cycling
            To bring list: brainstorm....we are going camping
            Contact Information:  Keith Murphy #, Avis Murphy #
            Artwork - see theme
            Banner - look at Virginia Creepr Trail and find local maps....down to Damascus
            Price - $45 - (can you make a play off of the old Mastercard Commercials?

2.08 continue/finish
Vocab 2.08
2.06 Assignment  - Choose one and complete.  Printed or emailed,
               Counts as HW and Quiz grade
                           If received by Monday  +1
                           If Received on Tuesday no extra credit
                           If receive Wednesday - 1/2 credit
                           No credit if received Thursday or after
2.06 Fun - team slogan challenge - Monday
Walmart to offer Car Insurance......simply a money savings or something far more evil?
Wow!  What posturing! - an outpouring of brand
The whole force in a small size

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

In the first opening moments of class.....
     3.03 - 5 important facts from.... - place with your other section notes
3.07  Vocab - only 15 words.  Go ahead and begin
Continue and finish 3.07

Monday, April 28, 2014

4/29/2014 exactly 32 days left of school...give or take a couple


We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change.
Katharine Hepburn

Flyer time - an intro to in Powerpoint or in Word.
       Must haves:
            Title - Gateway 2014
            Theme - Bicycling or cycling
            To bring list: brainstorm....we are going camping
            Contact Information:  Keith Murphy #, Avis Murphy #
            Artwork - see theme
            Banner - look at Virginia Creepr Trail and find local maps....down to Damascus
            Price - $45 - (can you make a play off of the old Mastercard Commercials?

2.08 continue
2.06 Assignment  - Choose one and complete.  Printed or emailed,
               Counts as HW and Quiz grade
                           If received by Monday  +1
                           If Received on Tuesday no extra credit
                           If receive Wednesday - 1/2 credit
                           No credit if received Thursday or after
2.06 Fun - team slogan challenge - Monday doesn't stop!

Another Brand article....Maybe a Maybach?!?!?


Brands that turn racist...or at least make comments that appear to be so

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

In the first opening moments of class.....
     3.02 - 5 important facts from.... - place with your other section notes
Check out this budget....kickstarter....scroll down and look at pie chart
Business plan for a brewery
A wonderful look at office life....with pretty cool facts

Marketng Management conundrum......what would you do if......

Friday, April 25, 2014

4/28/2014 A beautiful day to ......LEARN!


The most difficult work many professionals do...

is getting someone else to agree with their point of view and take action.

The second most difficult work professionals do is developing a point of view in the first place.

Flyer time - an intro to in Powerpoint or in Word.
       Must haves:
            Title - Gateway 2014
            Theme - Bicycling or cycling
            To bring list: brainstorm....we are going camping
            Contact Information:  Keith Murphy #, Avis Murphy #
            Artwork - see theme
            Banner - look at Virginia Creepr Trail and find local maps....down to Damascus
            Price - $45 - (can you make a play off of the old Mastercard Commercials?

2.08 begin
2.06 Assignment  - Choose one and complete.  Printed or emailed,
               Counts as HW and Quiz grade
                           If received by Monday  +1
                           If Received on Tuesday no extra credit
                           If receive Wednesday - 1/2 credit
                           No credit if received Thursday or after
2.06 Fun - team slogan challenge - Monday doesn't stop!

Another Brand article....Maybe a Maybach?!?!?
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

In the first opening moments of class.....
     Open and briefly outline 3.01 and 3.02 for you own sanity and benefit
Online article - Waitlisted for college? Here's why
3.06 Budget reference -

3.05 - Negotiating -

Marketing plans go awry!!!!
You will write a persuasive paper - 1 page - emailed to me - Due by Monday 8am - will not accept late assignments........"The 1994-1999 Toyota Celica (stick) is the best car to own"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

4/25/2014 Friday....blessed Friday


Is digital the end of luxury brands?

Luxury goods as we know them were invented/amplified/regulated by Colbert in the 1600s. At the beginning, luxury goods were better goods--better made, better leather, etc. This was actually a huge insight, and one that generated billions of dollars of revenue over the years.
Over time, as others figured out how to make things just as well as the 'luxury' brands could (the triumph of industrialism), the label on the item, the brand, became at least as important as what was made. The brand is a tribal signifier, a way of demonstrating good taste and a membership in the elite. People pay extra partly for the privilege of paying extra. For a very long time, a sale on luxury goods made no sense, because the fact that it wasn't on sale was precisely what made it a luxury good.

It's this selling of the logo, of Hermes or Chanel or Champagne that made the last fifty years of luxury production such an extraordinary opportunity. Add to this a growing cadre of the newly wealthy, eager for a badge, and it's nearly perfect. Feed the tribe, maintain the value of the logo and you actually get paid a premium for making the thing cost more. 
And then, the outlet stores showed up and Ralph Lauren danced the line between mass and class, selling logos big and small, at all price points. When anyone can make a nice shirt, which nice shirt should you pay extra for? H&M took this even further. There's still plenty of money being spent on the expensive, but the concentation of brand impact is diluting, quickly.
Here's what shifted just recently: In the post-industrial connection economy, we often value networks more than we value stuff. We'd rather have a working smart phone than a fancy car. We'd rather be invited to the right conferences than wear expensive shoes. Logos are worth less, easier to copy and not as valuable a tribal signifier as they were.

And yet...
And yet elites (of all kinds) still desire a way to demonstrate their inclusion into certain groups, groups that aren't open to all. And human beings still seek out the best of something, the item that carries with it the magic of a trained hand, of a bespoke origin and of the nostalgia for the special thing we remember.

I don't think think the luxury industry will disappear, but without a doubt, it is changing. Charging more is one tactic, but it might not be the only one.

Quiz Friday  - 2.06 + friends
        3 Questions from 2.06 Business Brands
        2 Questions from 2.01-2.05
2.08 begin
The Magic Bullet - Infomercial
2.06 Assignment  - Choose one and complete.  Printed or emailed,
               Counts as HW and Quiz grade
                           If received by Monday  +1
                           If Received on Tuesday no extra credit
                           If receive Wednesday - 1/2 credit
                           No credit if received Thursday or after
2.06 Fun - team slogan challenge
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Vocab 3.02,3.03,3.04
wasnt 3.05 great fun!!!!!

Seth Post just for you
Online article - Waitlisted for college? Here's why
You will write a persuasive paper - 1 page - emailed to me - Due by Monday 8am - will not accept late assignments........"The 1994-1999 Toyota Celica (stick) is the best car to own"

4/24/2014 Thursday. Spring has arrived......and so has the pollen


How big is your shortcut budget?

All of us are willing to spend a little time and a little money looking for a shortcut now and then. A quicker, more effective way to lose weight, make friends, earn money and get clean, fresh breath. Sometimes, one of those shortcuts pays off and it reinforces our belief that there might just be a better way.

It seems, though, that those that spend the most effort in search of shortcuts are often the most disappointed and the least successful.

First 2.06 Business Brands

Pop Quiz - because you were talkiing while I was talking
2.07b  - finish
2.08 begin
Quiz Friday
        3 Questions from 2.06 Business Brands
        2 Questions from 2.01-2.05
2.06 Assignment  - Choose one and complete.  Printed or emailed,
               Counts as HW and Quiz grade
                           If received by Monday  +1
                           If Received on Tuesday no extra credit
                           If receive Wednesday - 1/2 credit
                           No credit if received Thursday or after
2.06 Fun - team slogan challenge
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

What section are we on??? 3.05
You will write a persuasive paper - 1 page - emailed to me - Due by Monday 8am - will not accept late assignments........"The 1994-1999 Toyota Celica (stick) is the best car to own"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4/23/2014 Good Morning, Good Morning, Gooooooood Morning!


The bottomless pit of pleasing strangers

You will never, ever run out of strangers.

And so, the goal of perfectly pleasing an infinite number of passersby is a fool's errand. They come with their own worldview, their own issues, their own biases.

Since they don't know you or trust you and don't get you, they're not inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt or invest what it takes to understand you.

Sure, some of them will applaud or smile or buy. And if that's your mission, have fun.

But perfection in stranger-pleasing? Not going to happen, not worth the journey.

For some people, some of the time, the only response is, "it's not for you."

2.06 Test Questions from Mr Murphy's Marketing Oasis - open up
     2.06 Business Brands
2.07 Material - Powerpoint
Vocab Friday for 2.07
2.06 Assignment  - 2.06 Case up and let's see them.
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Will begin and most likely finish 3.04
look briefly over 3.05 and dive into 3.06

Hence, voacb will be forthcoming.....two day rule

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4/22/2014 Tuesday, Men's Tennis Conference play begins in earnest


Connecting dots (or collecting dots)

Without a doubt, the ability to connect the dots is rare, prized and valuable. Connecting dots, solving the problem that hasn't been solved before, seeing the pattern before it is made obvious, is more essential than ever before.

Why then, do we spend so much time collecting dots instead? More facts, more tests, more need for data, even when we have no clue (and no practice) in doing anything with it.

Their big bag of dots isn't worth nearly as much as your handful of insight, is it?

2.06 and 2.07

Vocab Tuesday upon return 2.06

 El Silencio

 Brand....affinity, brand loyalty

Brand - Duracell

Brand - Powerade
Brand - Coffee

 So you think you are a good driver? v stick
Just fun!
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Will begin and most likely finish 3.04

So you think you are a good driver? v stick
Just Fun!
Wow!  just for you!

 Quiz upon return nine weeks, everything has a time limit now.  Go over and receive a zero.  10 minutes!

10-15 minutes, depending on length.  I will declare prior to assessment.  Includes Quizzes, yes, all quizzes.  bwah ha ha ha ha, er, didn't mean to type that out loud.  my bad!

Monday, April 21, 2014

4/21/2014 Monday. Oh well, the long trek lies ahead


They're your words, choose them

You've seen the signs:
Guess what? There's no legal requirement that signs have to make you sound like a harsh jerk in order to carry weight or to inform the public.
To keep our prices as low as possible, we only accept cash. The good news is that there's an ATM next door.
Careful! We'd like to watch your stuff for you, but we're busy making coffee.
Our spotlessly clean restrooms are for our beloved customers only, so come on in and buy something! Also, there's a public bathroom in the library down the street.
In fact, you might find that when you speak clearly and with respect, you not only communicate more effectively, but people are less likely to blame you when something goes wrong.

...maybe 2.07

Vocab Tuesday upon return 2.06

 El Silencio

 Brand....affinity, brand loyalty

Brand - Duracell

Brand - Powerade
Brand - Coffee

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

 Continue and finish 3.02

maybe begin 3.03


Quiz upon return nine weeks, everything has a time limit now.  Go over and receive a zero.
10-15 minutes, depending on length.  I will declare prior to assessment.  Includes Quizzes, yes, all quizzes.  bwah ha ha ha ha, er, didn't mean to type that out loud.  my bad!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/15/2014 Tuesday, er, Friday, ER.......happy Spring Break


Trust and attention, the endless dance

The two scarce elements of our economy are trust and attention.
Trust is scarce because it's not a simple instinct and it's incredibly fragile, disappearing often in the face of greed, shortcuts or ignorance.
And attention is scarce because it doesn't scale. We can't do more than one thing at a time, and the number of organizations and ideas that are competing for our attention grows daily.
The dance happens because often, it seems as though we need to trade trust in exchange for attention. We have to rely on gimmicks, or overpromise and hype in order to get people to, "look at me!" And of course, the dance happens because once attention is attained, asking for trust merely slows things down. The most viral ideas ask for nothing more than a click from your mouse, a share, more attention gained.
And so we find trusted brands and individuals rarely on the top of the attention list. And those that pay the price to grab some momentary attention almost always do it at the cost of trust.

8 questions covering 2.01 - 2.05
1st Block
4th Block
RA - 84829635054

ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin
The assignment - Bonus one to begin the new 9 weeks.  Due the monday we return from the abbreviated spring break.  1 page as to Seth Godin's intent of the ebooklet above.  Worth 10 test points

Vocab Tuesday upon return 2.06


Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

 Continue 3.02
3.01 test

Vocab upon return nine weeks, everything has a time limit now.  Go over and receive a zero.
10-15 minutes, depending on length.  I will declare prior to assessment.  Includes Quizzes, yes, all quizzes.  bwah ha ha ha ha, er, didn't mean to type that out loud.  my bad!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

4/13/2014 The day the earth stood, not really, but you can wear non-SMOD!


Steal, don't invent

Steal your business model. We don't have a shortage of business models, it's okay if you pick one that's already working for someone else.
Steal your web design. There will always be enough people brave enough to invent whole new ways of interacting online. But unless you're an interaction designer or your business model depends on something new, do us all a favor and use something that already works.
Steal your tools. You probably don't need to build a new email delivery engine, a new overnight shipping method or a new way to run payroll. Once someone has a reliable, cost-effective building block, feel free to use it.
When it comes down to the thing you will be known for, your uniqueness, your gift, your thing worth talking about--don't steal that. Writers shouldn't steal words from other writers, and chemists have no need to steal the research of other chemists. Sure, go ahead and invent.
For the rest, honor those that came before and use their work as a building block for yours.

Augmented Reality....Sharky the Beaver - since Obj 2 is soooooo long
10 questions covering 2.01 - 2.05
ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin
The assignment - Bonus one to begin the new 9 weeks.  Due the monday we return from the abbreviated spring break.  1 page as to Seth Godin's intent of the ebooklet above.  Worth 10 test points

Vocab Tuesday upon return 2.06
 ted talk - customer service
Corsage from KFC...just in time for prom
Oreo brand...brand image morph....and more?
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

 Continue 3.02
Tuesday, bring your favorite Ted talk to school day!!!!!!
3.01 test tomorrow!!!! Can't be that many questions huh?

Vocab upon return nine weeks, everything has a time limit now.  Go over and receive a zero.
10-15 minutes, depending on length.  I will declare prior to assessment.  Includes Quizzes, yes, all quizzes.  bwah ha ha ha ha, er, didn't mean to type that out loud.  my bad!

Friday, April 11, 2014

4/11/14 Friday....glorious Friday....See you next week?!?!?! Maybe?


Thinking lifetime (don't break the chain)

The traveling salesman, the carnival barker and the old-time businessman can hit and run. Make the sale, cut your costs, move on.

Today, though, in the connection economy, two huge factors are at work:

1. Subscription. The lifetime value of a customer is high and getting higher. You might buy $50,000 from one grocery store over time. If you own an inkjet printer, it might come to a thousand dollars a year in toner expenses, with a profit margin approaching 90%...

2. Spreading the word. Every customer is also a media outlet and a publisher if she chooses to be. That means that unhappy news spreads far and fast (and that remarkable products and services need lower ad budgets).

But this seems to be almost impossibly difficult for companies to embrace. A simple example:

HP offers inkjet printers at a slight loss, knowing that over time, they'll more than make it back in high-priced toner. When a customer shows up at their website then, searching for a new feature like eprinting or getting their wireless to work, it's both an opportunity and warning sign. Drop this ball and it costs thousands of dollars in lost profit.

At every step along the journey, HP drops the ball. The website, knowing my model and serial number, shows me pictures with instructions that don't match my printer. The site won't let me into the chat support window, because my printer is out of warranty. And when I call, they put me on hold and then route me to an overseas call center. After fifteen minutes, I'm told, "your printer is obsolete, you should buy a new one."

The thing is, a customer is never out of warranty, even if his product is.

Twenty minutes ago, HP knew everything they needed to know to tell me that I needed to buy a new printer. Think of all the ways they could have used this as an opportunity to make it more likely that the new printer would be an HP printer. Instead, they punished me for a quarter of an hour and then demanded I buy something new. They broke the chain.

Sure, I had to buy something, so I bought a Canon.

Of course, it's entirely possible that Canon's support is no better, but that's not the point. Every time the chain is broken, value is lost. I lose value, they lose value.

Think of the interaction at the deli counter or the pump or the bursar's office or the alumni office or on the website from the point of view of the customer and the chain. Where are the moments where you might lose her forever? What are the key places where you need to intervene and invest in the relationship instead of milk it, or drag it through the mud? Assuming that your competitors are just as selfish and metric-driven as you are isn't a great strategy, because you're still losing when you break the chain.

Support is not a cost center, it's a profit center. Treating customers with urgency and clarity and respect (maintaining the chain) is more urgent than ever. But companies are busy measuring time on the phone or cost per hour of support people instead of even trying to measure customer churn.

Think lifetime, all the time.


2.05 activities
     2.05 Warantees Guarantees 

Quiz on Friday 2.04/2.05

ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin
The assignment - Bonus one to begin the new 9 weeks.  Due the monday we return from the abbreviated spring break.  1 page as to Seth Godin's intent of the ebooklet above.  Worth 10 test points
 ted talk - customer service
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Begin 3.02
Quiz 3.01/3.02
3.01 LAP Unleash your....

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wednesday April 8, 2014 Hump day, alright, glad that is over


The string with an idea at the end

Ideas used to be nicely wrapped up, wrapped in movies or books or some other sort of container. The Harvard Business Review and Fast Company would collect a bunch of them in one handy, easy to carry package. And the way we found those ideas was by going to the place where the containers lived and grabbing one. The bookstore was a valuable showroom for worthy ideas.

Today, ideas spread. We find them from someone we trust, or as they flash across the sky of social media. Today, people with authority and leverage continue to need new and important ideas, but there isn't an obvious idea store to go and pick up the next one. Instead, we listen to the pulse of what's going on around us, and see who is talking about what.

Those conversations are the string. Curious people will follow the string all the way back to the place it came from.

Attaching a piece of string to your idea is the updated equivalent of getting it placed in the right part of the bookstore. Attaching a string and putting it in a place where it can move from person to person.

A string by itself is worthless, a waste of time, an internet amusement.

An idea without a string might be valuable, but it won't change much, because no one will find it.

Now we need both.



Quiz on Friday 2.04/2.05

ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin

Rational v Emotional...all in the context of unsought goods
Promotion - it is all about being a part of the secret, inside the circle, because "you get it" and others will not

Competitive Advantage - Brand Image - Brand Promise

Brand Image #2
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Begin 3.02
Vocab on Thursday....3.01 & 3.02
Creativity revisited
        Leah - Built just for you!    
        Yum, Delicious!
Rational v Emotional
Ted Talks - Where do ideas come from?
 Brand Image

4/8/2014 Oranges and Bananas - They are not the same


O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!



Quiz on Friday

ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Begin 3.02
Vocab on Thursday....3.01 & 3.02

Monday, April 7, 2014

4/7/2014 Monday! Spring break coming soon


Meandering toward nowhere special

Five behaviors that often come clumped together, each conspiring to lead you toward disappointment:

Big dreams: The goal isn't consistent impact or meaningful work, it's a huge hit, the star turn and the ability to change the world. It wouldn't be enough to have 1000 true fans, the big dreamer wants a stadiumful in every town.

Poor work habits: Flitting from project to project, waiting for inspiration to arrive, stalling, not taking lessons, repeating the same early steps over and over...

Shortcut seeking: Why bother with the long route when you can find a shorter, faster path? Get-rich-quick schemes, insider access and the quest to get it right now.

Lottery thinking: This is a variation of shortcut thinking, but it involves getting picked. One person, one organization, one Wizard of Oz who will magically make it all happen.

Lack of self-awareness: The self-delusion that your stuff is in fact world-class, and that the critics, all of them that you've managed to interrupt, are wrong.

Just for kicks, imagine someone who embraces the opposite of all five of these behaviors. Someone focused on doing the work, her work, relentlessly getting better, shipping it, racking up small wins and earning one fan at a time. And doing it all with a trained eye on what it means to do it better.

Hard to imagine a better shot at making a difference.



Vocab 2.04 Today!

ebooklet.....Thinking about placebos - Seth Godin

Let's reflect on the past
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Begin 3.02
Idea generation gone awry!

Why will McD's give away free coffee????  is this a new idea?
 Reflection, a wonderful idea