Monday, February 28, 2011

3/1 The Official "Pander to your Teacher" day

Step 1 - look up what pander means.

People want economy and they will pay any price to get it.
Lee Iacocca

This, I believe, in reference to the Iconic K-Car design Iaccoca presided over during his tenure as CEO of Chrysler.

1/ A Lesson in Economics

2/ Read and do

Economic System Match-Up

Match the following examples with the correct pure economic system – Traditional (T), Market (M), or Command (C).

_____ 1. Prices are set by the government.

_____ 2. Based on customs.

_____ 3. No government involvement.

_____ 4. The consumers answer the three basic economic questions.

_____ 5. Amish community.

_____ 6. Customers decide what should be produced.

_____ 7. Businesses decide how products will be produced.

_____ 8. Government leaders decide what should be produced.

_____ 9. Based on traditions.

_____ 10. Indian Reservations.

_____ 11. The government decides who will receive the products.

3/ Find the top 5 GDP's in the world. (internet...go play)

4/ 3.05 - overlay of the BLC and Laws of Supply and Demand - Revisited

2/28 The last day of the month

Quotables: “Without a specific reason for the consumer to behave, without a reward or benefit, the overwhelmed consumer will refuse,”

Seth Godin quote

1/ Review the BLC

2/ Superimpose the Laws of Supply and Demand over the Business Life Cycle

3/ When a Millionaire isn't really a Millionaire ~ a conversation into life

4/ What are the top 5 economies based on GDP? GNP?

5/ 3.04 - Economic Rule (Dominion)

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25 Week 5 ending, 13 more to go and the circle is complete

"People who can spread ideas, regardless of what those ides are, win,"

-Seth Godin

1/ Quiz 3.02 Material. Should be relatively easy...I think, but I am only the teacher.

2/ 3.03 - basis of Economic Measures
The Business cycle - Like the "Circle of Life" from Lion King, but different

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2/23 looking forward by looking backward

Pre-fun - Sweettarts challenge!

1/ Link to Woot! Interesting blog of Brand. Read Polaroid and understand better what it did. We will discuss.

2/ 3.03 - basis of Economic Measures
The Business cycle - Like the "Circle of Life" from Lion King, but different

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2/21 The dawning of the quiz

1/ Study for the Quiz

2/ Finish 3.02

3/ Learn how economics defines us as a population...and life

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 21 - And still no Valentine

Welcome back to a fun-filled day of learning. Though, traditionally, Mondays drag, today, I hope, will be different. How So? Good Question!

Seth Godin writes:
At MWC, Claes Magnusson saw the following slogans on 25 different high tech booths (companies like IBM, HP, etc.)
Built Around People, Shaping Tomorrow With You, Leading A Smarter Planet, Your Messages Shape Our Future, Now What?, The Power Of Now, Today Changes, Power To You, Powering The Smartphones Of Tomorrow, Just Add Friends, Connecting the world enabling value, Creating experiences TOGETHER, Delivering Tomorrow's Experiences Today, No Longer Just An Idea, Bringing You Closer, Smart Devices, Simple World , Innovation Delivered, Simply Your Solution, The Future Changes Everyday, Take Charge Of Profits, Simply Different, Deploy Everywhere, There Is Here, Discover What's Possible, and No Hidden Surprises
What are they for? Do they mean anything at all?
I think the big company corporate slogan is like heavy paper on the annual report, white space on the billboard and a suit on the sales rep. It's a signal, a sign that the company is big, that it's able to waste time dreaming this stuff up and waste money yelling about it. No one actually reads the slogan (at Yoyodyne, the internet company I founded in 1992, our stolen slogan was, "Where the future begins tomorrow." It was written on our business cards and everything. I don't think 1 person in a 100 commented on it).
Not everything you do actually gets a response. In fact, most of it doesn't. But each effort is a tiny brick in the wall of perception, even when it appears to be dumb and even senseless.

#1 - Crossword Puzzle - Do you know the basics?

#2 - 3.02 - Theory of Supply and Demand - Reminiscent of the bean bidding game.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb 18th, TGIF In a purely Economical Sense

Dearly Beloved Aunt Raxenne


Today we will begin with the reading our our dear Aunt Raxenne's Last Will and Testament. I know, she meant so much to all of us, but as executor or her vast estate, and it was big, I must read her last standing edict concerning her worldly possessions. Allow us to take a moment of silence.


On Market Information Management...

I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post for support, rather than for illumination. David Ogilvy

1/ Reflect on the good 2.01 has brought us

1.5/ Bonus opportunity.

2/ 3.02 right around the corner.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17th, 3.01 - a new beginning

Marketing is what you do when your product is no good
Edwin Lands

1/ Bean game!

2/ 3.01- Economic Foundations

3/ 3.02 - More grean Fun!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 16, 2011 - The test man cometh

1 - test 2.01, 2.02, 2.03 + 1 essay question

2 - Presentations

3 - Intro 3.01

Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 15th - The Interim Aftermath

1 -A further reading of segmentation. Learn a finer detail of how to implement.

2 - Segmentation for gamers

3 - MarketingTeacher addition

4 -

Let's Segment the movies!

5 - Presentations

Feb 14 - I Love Interims!

"Customers don't always know what they want. The decline in coffee-drinking was due to the fact that most of the coffee people bought was stale and they weren't enjoying it. Once they tasted ours and experienced what we call "the third place".. a gathering place between home and work where they were treated with respect.. they found we were filling a need they didn't know they had."
Howard Schultz

#1/ Interims

#2/ 2.03 Activity

42 year-old woman
Marathon runner
Prefers beverages without sugar
Grandparents with 10 grandchildren
North Carolina Mountains
Prefers adventurous vacations
NBA cheerleader
Newly married couple
Earns $100,000+ a year
Received a Masters Degree from UNC
Cayman Islands
Cold climate
Attends worship service every Sunday
Enjoys day trips
Prefers watching television
Frequently purchases products with warranties

Industrial or Consumer
Post-it notes
Palm pilot
Toilet paper

Computer used by a teacher to keep her grades.
For a 16th birthday gift, Mary gets a computer.
A first-grader who loves to draw on post-it notes.
Smith High School provides their teachers with post-it notes.
Each Pfizer sales rep keeps their appointments in a palm pilot.
Alyssa bought a palm pilot to use to remember birthdays.
The Urks are expecting their second child so they need a minivan.
All employees of “Geeks on Wheels” are provided a company car.
Memorial Hospital purchases toilet paper for their hospital rooms.
Trey always buys Charmin at the grocery store for his house.

#3/ Superbowl Results

#4/ Superbowl videos

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb 11th - Ahhhhhh Friday!

Pre game - Final touches to your Project. 10 minutes.

#1 Continue with 2.03 Segmentation.

#2 Activities

#3 Presentations

#4 If time, Super Bowl Segmentations

Feb 10 - Snow Day

#1 Complete your Activity 7 project

#2 2.03 powerpoint - my teacher page.

Today's Schedule:
1st - 10:35 - 11:45
3rd - 11:50 - 1:40 lunch 12:15 - 12:40
2nd - 1:45 - 2:35
4th - 2:40 - 3:30

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 9th - Day of the Quiz

#1 Study for the quiz!

#2 2.02 Word doc - Activity 7

The Marketing mix is a tricky one. From all of the tricks you will learn from the world and myself, the only 4 items we can play with as Marketers are the 4 P's of marketing - the Marketing mix. Think about that. This is quite profound. We cannot do anything to influence you to buy our products short of manipulating the 4 P's of marketing.

With this in mind, find Activity 7 located on the last page of the Obj 2.02 word doc. Complete. You will need to be ready to present by today. Enjoy!

Grading Rubric is located on my document manager.

You will have ~ 45 minutes to complete this task.

#3 2.03 powerpoint - my teacher page.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb 8 - 2.02 Wrap up

Are $300 headphones worth it?
A friend wanted to buy Dr. Dre headphones. They list for about $300.
Any audiophile can tell you that they sound like $39 headphones. Instead, consider these. We can prove they sound better!
But of course, that's not the question. It's not what sounds better, it's what's worth it.
The Dre headphones come with admiring glances at no extra charge. They come with self-esteem built in. You can argue that this is a worthless feature in a device designed to reproduce sound accurately, but you'd be wrong. After all, the whole reason you're listening to music in the first place is to feel good. To be happy. If the Dre's make you happy, and your happiness is worth $300, then they're worth it, no?
For others (put me in that category) I get more happiness knowing that I didn't fall for a clever marketing ploy, and I buy the ones that I believe sound better. Of course, that's a clever marketing ploy too--persuading me that better sound is worth this much. But don't tell anyone. That would make me feel manipulated.

#1 4 P's of Marketing
Using the 4P's of marketing as we just learned in objective 2.02, place them nextto the appropriate lead-in.

How should the product be packaged?
Should we offer credit and layaway?
Should we allow our product to be sold by a wholesaler?
How often should we advertise?
How many sales people should we hire?
Should we offer guarantees or warranties?
Which type of transportation should we use to move the product?
What should be offered for sale?
How often should we put the product on sale?
Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store?

#2 6 Functions of Marketing
With the situation given, partner it with the appropriate item from the 6 Functions of Marketing as we discussed from 2.02 material

Using technology to improve MP3 players.
Management decides to mark up products by 100%
Customers fill out an in-store survey.
Salespeople assist all customers in the store.
Internet advertising is used in conjunction with television advertising.
Fruits and vegetables are delivered by tractor-trailers.

#3 Superbowl Commercial
Best you link me and send me to your email address now.Do not do during class. I will mark off points should I see you doing so.Homework assignment due Wednesday, emailed to

If you want to see the commercials by quarter, go to:
Same commercials, organized differently

#4 2.02 Word doc - Activity 7
The Marketing mix is a tricky one. From all of the tricks you will learn from the world and myself, the only 4 items we can play with as Marketers are the 4 P's of marketing - the Marketing mix. Think about that. This is quite profound. We cannot do anything to influence you to buy our products short of manipulating the 4 P's of marketing.

With this in mind, find Activity 7 located on the last page of the Obj 2.02 word doc. Complete. You will need to be ready to present by tomorrow. Enjoy!

Grading Rubric is located on my document manager.

Feb 7 - 2.02 6 Functions of Marketing and the 4 P's as well

#1 Superbowl results

Packers over Steelers by 6.

Quel Domage!

#2 2.02
open up 2.02 from the teacher page.

#3 4 P's of Marketing

Using the 4P's of marketing as we just learned in objective 2.02, place them next
to the appropriate lead-in.

How should the product be packaged?
Should we offer credit and layaway?
Should we allow our product to be sold by a wholesaler?
How often should we advertise?
How many sales people should we hire?
Should we offer guarantees or warranties?
Which type of transportation should we use to move the product?
What should be offered for sale?
How often should we put the product on sale?
Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store?

#4 6 Functions of Marketing
With the situation given, partner it with the appropriate item from the
6 Functions of Marketing as we discussed from 2.02 material

Using technology to improve MP3 players.
Management decides to mark up products by 100%
Customers fill out an in-store survey.
Salespeople assist all customers in the store.
Internet advertising is used in conjunction with television advertising.
Fruits and vegetables are delivered by tractor-trailers.

#5 Superbowl Commercial Website
Best you link me and send me to your email address now.
Do not do during class. I will mark off points should I see you doing so.
Homework assignment due Wednesday, emailed to

#6 Superbowl Comments

So as to get a head start of your classmates who, in their great wisdom, chose not to observe last nights festivities, I will allow you to post a comment on this blog for today. One will be chosen and shown tomorrow.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feb 4 - Obj 2.02, Quiz, other fun stuff

#1 Quiz! Study for ~ 3-5 minutes. SWOT will be on it.

#2 Swot Analysis

#3 4 P's of Marketing
Using the 4P's of marketing as we just learned in objective 2.02, place them next
to the appropriate lead-in.

How should the product be packaged?
Should we offer credit and layaway?
Should we allow our product to be sold by a wholesaler?
How often should we advertise?
How many sales people should we hire?
Should we offer guarantees or warranties?
Which type of transportation should we use to move the product?
What should be offered for sale?
How often should we put the product on sale?
Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store?

#4 6 Functions of Marketing
With the situation given, partner it with the appropriate item from the
6 Functions of Marketing as we discussed from 2.02 material

Using technology to improve MP3 players.
Management decides to mark up products by 100%
Customers fill out an in-store survey.
Salespeople assist all customers in the store.
Internet advertising is used in conjunction with television advertising.
Fruits and vegetables are delivered by tractor-trailers.

#5 Superbowl lead-in and assignment.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 2 - Functions of Marketing

Match the left column with the right column Goal - Target Markets

Bass Pro Shop / Pregnant woman
Hollister / Fishing and water enthusiast
K and W cafeteria / Families with small children
A Pea in the Pod (maternity) / Sporting enthusiast
Toys R Us / Females who enjoy crafts
Dick’s Sporting Goods / Senior citizens
Michael’s / Teenagers and college students

You should keep the marketing concept in mind while using the following scenarios to identify what product could solve the customer’s dilemma: (Goal - Product Development - The Marketing Concept)

· Mr. Jones’ desk is very disorganized with papers, pens, paper clips, and post-it notes. He wishes his desk could be more organized.
· Athletes become frustrated keeping their MP3 players and their sunglasses on their head at the same time.
· Mary enjoys shopping at her neighborhood grocery store, but with her broken leg, it is becoming more difficult carrying her groceries to her car.

We better understand the underlying tenants of marketing now with the introduction of the vocabulary from 2.01. 2.02 stretches us farther by expanding our limited understanding of what each functions entails. Methodically we will pursue this objective to the end.

Please copy the words as we did yesterday and complete a wordle of the major concepts from this lesson. If you feel your wordle is the stuff, please show me and I will try to post it under a new section I am pondering on creating for Marketing. Make sure you save this under your "My Documents/Marketing"

Why do people buy products (goods or services)? What do we need to do before deciding on a target market?

Please go under my Document Manager to find today’s date. Take a look at Australia Target Market Snapshot. Since we are reading this (and looking at the pretty pictures as well) utilize the Who, What, When, Where, How questions for understanding what it is telling us. More importantly, what do you get out of it? Who would you target to come to your country?

Look now to the Target Market Profiles word.doc. We will do this together.

Let’s break into Objective 2.02. Open up the Powerpoint and we shall begin.

Quiz on Friday. Objective 2.01 material only. 5 questions.