#1 Superbowl results
Packers over Steelers by 6.
Quel Domage!
#2 2.02
open up 2.02 from the teacher page.
#3 4 P's of Marketing
Using the 4P's of marketing as we just learned in objective 2.02, place them next
to the appropriate lead-in.
How should the product be packaged?
Should we offer credit and layaway?
Should we allow our product to be sold by a wholesaler?
How often should we advertise?
How many sales people should we hire?
Should we offer guarantees or warranties?
Which type of transportation should we use to move the product?
What should be offered for sale?
How often should we put the product on sale?
Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store?
#4 6 Functions of Marketing
With the situation given, partner it with the appropriate item from the
6 Functions of Marketing as we discussed from 2.02 material
Using technology to improve MP3 players.
Management decides to mark up products by 100%
Customers fill out an in-store survey.
Salespeople assist all customers in the store.
Internet advertising is used in conjunction with television advertising.
Fruits and vegetables are delivered by tractor-trailers.
#5 Superbowl Commercial Website
Best you link me and send me to your email address now.
Do not do during class. I will mark off points should I see you doing so.
Homework assignment due Wednesday, emailed to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
#6 Superbowl Comments
So as to get a head start of your classmates who, in their great wisdom, chose not to observe last nights festivities, I will allow you to post a comment on this blog for today. One will be chosen and shown tomorrow.
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