Friday, January 31, 2014

Monday 2/3/2014 A whole new world.....but hopefully not blanketed with snow.


...different people differently

Don't teach your students as if they are a monolithic population of learners. They learn differently, they have different goals, different skills, different backgrounds.

Don't sell to your customers as if they are a fungible commodity, a walking ATM waiting for you to punch. Six of one are not like half a dozen of the other. They tell themselves different stories, have different needs and demand something different from you.

Different voters, different donors, different employees--we have the choice to treat them as individuals. Not only do they need different things, but they offer differing amounts of value to you and to your project. The moment your policy interferes with their uniqueness, the policy has cost you something.

We used to have no choice. There was only one set of data for the student body, one way to put things on the shelf of the local market, one opportunity to talk to the entire audience...

One of the biggest unfilled promises of the digital age is the opportunity to go beyond demographics and census data. Personalization wasn't supposed to be a cleverly veiled way to chase prospects around the web, showing them the same spammy ad for the same lame stuff as everyone else sees. No, it is a chance to differentiate at a human scale, to use behavior as the most important clue about what people want and more important, what they need.

It's a no-brainer to treat the quarterback of the football team differently from the head of the chess club. We treat our bank's biggest investor with more care than someone who merely wants to trade in a bag of pennies. Instead of reserving this special treatment for a few outliers, though, we ought to consider what happens if we offer it to all of those we value.

The long tail of everything means that there's something for everyone--a blog to read, a charity to donate to, a skill to learn. When you send everyone the same email, demand everyone learn from the same lesson plan or try to sell everyone the same service, you've missed it.

A very long time ago, shoe salespeople realized that shoes that don't fit are difficult to sell, regardless of what you've got in stock. Today, the people you serve are coming to realize that like their shoe size, their needs are different, regardless of what your urgent agenda might be.


 Make sure you finish Assignment #1....due today by the end of class. (see older posts if you need the link still)

Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( needs to be up by this coming Friday.  If not, not credit for the assignment.

Assignment #2 - Quizlet....just incase you are floundering concerning this one...Due on Tuesday.

Super Bowl Assignment will be due this Friday.

***Open up 1.01 Functions of Marketing from my website.

Cheerioes...continueing to break boundaries
GoldieBlox.....quite a story
Toyota ad...Terry Crews no match for the band "Electric Mayhem" (Muppets)
Bud Light, escapism

Minimum Wage....does it need to be raised????
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management
 Make sure you finish Assignment #1....due today by the end of class. (see older posts if you need the link still)
Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( needs to be up by this coming Friday.  If not, not credit for the assignment.

Assignment #2 - Quizlet....just incase you are floundering concerning this one...Due on Tuesday.

Open 1.01 and 1.01b from Murphy's classroom website

We will begin

Friday, January 24, 2014

1/27/2014 A New Day....and only 88 more to go!


Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
Albert Einstein

We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change.
Katharine Hepburn


Bookmark this page.

#1 Assignment

#2 Assignment
Due Friday 2/7/2014 by classtime
You need to have signed up for Parent assist.
  If for whatever reason, you cannot, you will have a zero recorded as your grade.
  Find a way to get it to work.
This will be worth 10 points HW
You will simply pull it up and show me in class.

#3 Assignment
Due Wed, Jan 29, 2014 in class
Become accepted in my Quizlet Class
Logon to and find Marketing - 6621
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management
Bookmark this page.
#1 Assignment

#2 Assignment
Due Friday 1/31/2014 by classtime
You need to have signed up for Parent assist.
  If for whatever reason, you cannot, you will have a zero recorded as your grade.
  Find a way to get it to work.
This will be worth 10 points HW
You will simply pull it up and show me in class.

#3 Assignment
Due Wed, Jan 29, 2014 in class
Become accepted in my Quizlet Class
Logon to and find Marketing Management - 6622

Friday, January 10, 2014



How much does it cost you to avoid the feeling of risk?

Not actual risk, but the feeling that you're at risk?

How many experiences are you missing out on because the (very unlikely) downsides are too frightening to contemplate?

Are you avoiding leading, connecting or creating because to do so feels risky?

Feeling risk is very different than actually putting yourself at risk. Over time, we've created a cultural taboo about feeling certain kinds of risk, and all that insulation from what the real world requires is getting quite expensive.

It's easy to pretend that indulging in the avoidance of the feeling of risk is free and unavoidable. It's neither.

Understanding sponsorship

The answer to the question, "how are you going to pay for this project?" is turning out to be sponsorship more and more often. If you don't know why organizations want to sponsor things, though, it's likely a long, hard road to find the sponsorship you seek.

As the number of media options continue to explode (blogs, books, conferences, tattoos, speaking engagements, film festivals, stadiums, entire websites...) it's worth thinking a little bit about why organizations buy sponsorships.

1. It might be a substitute for advertising. How many people see it? How much does it cost per person? (this is the cpm, but instead of cost per thousand page views or magazine readers, it's cost per thousand impressions, which come in a myriad of ways). I think this is the film festival/book fair model. It's a reasonable way to reach a hard to reach, high value group.

2. It might be a bragging rights thing. This means that the sponsor isn't focused on tonnage, but instead wants the affiliation that they can mention to others. Sort of a reverse endorsement. The thing being sponsored isn't a media outlet, then, but a license by affiliation. An example of this might be sponsoring a speaker coming to town. Clearly, the 500 people in the audience don't constitute a useful CPM, but the fact that you did it gains you authority with those that notice what you did.

3. It might be a chance to influence the organization being sponsored. This would explain why big corporations are willing to sponsor political conventions.

4. It might be a useful way to inspire and focus your internal organization. When the people who work for you see you sponsoring a worthy charity or a thoughtful opinion leader, it changes how they do their job or how they focus their efforts.

5. It makes the CEO happy and earns the organization a seat at certain sorts of tables. I think this is the model for sponsoring a sports stadium, an act that has never been shown to have any value at all as a mass media choice.

Because there are so many ways to come at this, valuing a sponsorship is difficult indeed. If you're a bank sponsoring a bike sharing service, how do you compare that to five-hundred full page newspaper ads (about the same price over a certain period of time). Of course, you don't. You can't. Instead, you must be really clear internally about what it's for.

In general, if you're clear about which of these five things you're shooting for, most sponsorships are a screaming bargain compared to traditional media buys, particularly if you're trying to reach an elite or elusive demographic.


 6.02 - Sponsorships
Read the 2 quotables

1st - let us read through yesterdays Sponsorship entries

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing 
Chap 13
Vocab Chap 12 & 13
 Fun other articles
Oscar's Swag Bag


Thursday, January 9, 2014

1/9/2014 Thursday....what's up with the long day?


How much does it cost you to avoid the feeling of risk?

Not actual risk, but the feeling that you're at risk?

How many experiences are you missing out on because the (very unlikely) downsides are too frightening to contemplate?

Are you avoiding leading, connecting or creating because to do so feels risky?

Feeling risk is very different than actually putting yourself at risk. Over time, we've created a cultural taboo about feeling certain kinds of risk, and all that insulation from what the real world requires is getting quite expensive.

It's easy to pretend that indulging in the avoidance of the feeling of risk is free and unavoidable. It's neither.


 6.02 - Sponsorships
Sponsorships...IEG - first two paras only

Sponsorships II

Sponsorships III - Rio Olympics

Sponsorships IV

Sponsorships V - Reebok

Sponsorships - Google search

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing 
Chap 13
Since apparently the brain trust of this class only extended to Chap 3 of the Study Guides , no further common google docs will be made.  Best of luck in your sole adventures for the final of this class.
Chap 1 Study Guide
Chap 2 Study Guide
Chap 3
Chap 19
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1/8/2014 2 Hour delay hump day.....does it get any better?

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.
Henry David Thoreau


 6.01 - Sponsorships

Panther Stadium going for an upgrade....timing is suspect?
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing 
Chap 13
Govt factors for Environmental Management
International distribution/logistics
 MOOC....a grand idea
Inform, Persuade, Remind  a lesson in promotion....presented by Heinz
Hunky Garbage men - Hefty - Nissan Versa
Since apparently the brain trust of this class only extended to Chap 3 of the Study Guides , no further common google docs will be made.  Best of luck in your sole adventures for the final of this class.
Chap 1 Study Guide
Chap 2 Study Guide
Chap 3
Chap 19
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 6, 2014 - Merry.....uh no, Happy New......un no....Welcome Back kids!


Delight the weird

Everyone who eats at your restaurant expects a good cup of coffee, and it's difficult to wow them, because, of course, your competition is working to do the same thing.

But of course, it's not everyone who wants a cup of coffee. Some want a cup of tea, or a cup of herbal tea, and those folks are used to being ignored, or handed an old Lipton tea bag, or something boring.

What if you had thirty varieties for them to choose from?

Everyone who stays at your hotel expects the same sort of service, and it's difficult to wow them, because, of course, your competition is working to do the same thing.

But of course, it's not everyone. Some people travel with their dogs, and they're used to being disrespected. What if you gave those people a choice of a dozen dog toys, three dog beds and a special dog run out back?

When you delight the weird, the overlooked and the outliers, they are significantly more likely to talk about you and recommend you.

Welcome to Paris

You've saved and scrimped and spent hours on the plane, and now you're in Paris for the trip of a lifetime. It's likely you'll never be here again, and you've only got three days.

Question: How much time are you going to spend in the hotel room watching reality TV on cable? For that matter, how much time will you spend checking your email, grooming your social network status or browsing around online to see what's new?

You only have three days.

Now it's a week later, and you're back at your desk. Consider the fact that the most interesting or most beloved or most trusted people you will ever know are sitting right next to you, or can be invited over in just a few minutes. Is it worth postponing that once-in-a-lifetime interaction so you can do a Netflix binge or watch some YouTube videos?

The world is waiting. Your turn....


 6.01 - Sponsorships

Buzz City is back! - Charlotte hornets unveil their new logo and color scheme

Expenses....a lesson in frugality....or, how to get investors involved, promise the world and deliver on a few - Spiderman, Turn off the Dark

Inflation.....Is this soooooo bad?

Salary Bump...economic slump?

Costco - First para only
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing 
Chap 12...Supply Chain 30 or less
So funny...Warren Buffet's Christmas Card posting
Product line extension - Duck Commander
Customs and traditions....I love Iceland's history/folklore
Purely Academic.....can you keep your attention stead all the way through? 
"I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read"
Inflation....a lesson we haven't quite learned yet
Salary Bump.....Economic Slump?
Promotion - AT&T v T-Mobile

Costco....first para only
Since apparently the brain trust of this class only extended to Chap 3 of the Study Guides , no further common google docs will be made.  Best of luck in your sole adventures for the final of this class.
Chap 1 Study Guide
Chap 2 Study Guide
Chap 3
Chap 19
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7