Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017 And the beat goes on


Visual Medium - Print still rocks!

300 Millions people share a whopping 2 billion GIFS a day

Superbowl Ad tracker 2018

Youtube Rewind 2017

MIM - Top 10 most watched ads on Youtube

Art of Misdirection (8 min)

Beau Loto (16 min)

Check the calendar for upcoming everything....test tomorrow!
Murphy's Pricing Project

3.07 Channel It! - LAP
3.07 Channel It! - Lap (20)  Will Close 12/15/2017 2:05pm


Tipping Point - Types of Expenses Worksheet

Tipping Point Breakeven  HW #2 - Due Friday turn in by end of class

3.04 Types of Ticketing Sales Programs


Identify types of ticket-sales programs.

Explain the need for a ticket-sales program.

Discuss considerations in developing a ticket-sales program.

Describe security issues associated with ticket-sales programs.

Explain the use of technology to facilitate ticket-sales programs.

Demonstrate procedures for developing a ticket-sales program.

Successful ticketing = planning ahead

Ticket Sales Planning - NBA

Conclusion only

27 pages of sheer bliss….all from the standpoint of ticketing….and yes, today we read.
What did we learn?

Page 8
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 14

Abstract + 1st and 2nd Paragraphs

1/Introduction - 1st paragraph
Begins with “Over the last two decades, improved communication technologies, differences in input costs between
geographies, and geographical skill specialization have”

2/ Page 30-31 Fig 5

Google - Season Ticket Strategies

Los Angeles Kings

3.05 Powerpoint
  1. Discuss techniques that can be used to cultivate group sales.
  2. Identify incentives that can be used to cultivate group sales.
  3. Explain the use of technology in cultivating group sales.
  4. Demonstrate procedures for cultivating group sales.

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