Monday, May 30, 2016

Tuesday, June 31, 2016 4 more days! Say it with me, 4 more days!, well, then another 4/5, but 4 more days



Avoiding a problem with foresight and good design is a cheap, highly leveraged way to do your work.
Extinguishing a problem before it gets expensive and difficult is almost as good, and far better than paying a premium when there's an emergency.
Fretting about an impending problem, worrying about it, imagining the implications of it... all of this is worthless.
The magic of slack (a little extra time in the chain, a few extra dollars in the bank) is that it gives you the resources to stop and avoid a problem or fix it when it's small. The over-optimized organization misunderstands the value of slack, so it always waits until something is a screaming emergency, because it doesn't think it has a moment to spare. Expensive.
Action is almost always cheaper now than it is later.

~ Seth Godin

Random Question of the Day
Word of the Day
SAT QOTD (Begin in 2012)
Kaplan's Version QOTD
Marketing I

Mkt 4.01/4.02/4.06/4.09/4.13 Vocab Test - Tuesday!

4.13 data collection methods

Survey Designs

Guidelines for writing effective questions

Writing Effective Employee Survey Questions

Participant Observation as a Data Collection Method

Questionnaire Design

Qualitative Research Guidelines

Key Survey Elements

Did we answer all of the topics?
a.    Explain why data-collection instruments must be carefully designed and administered.
b.    Discuss challenges in developing effective data-collection instruments (e.g., cultural differences between researcher and source, resources required for the study, intangible nature of some types of information, difficulty accessing some sources of information).
c.    Explain elements of surveys (i.e., a statement to respondents about how information will be used and why it is valuable; clear instructions, including for any skip patterns; appealing format; logical sequence of questions; consideration of how answers to previous items might affect later items).
d.    Describe qualities of a good survey item (e.g., clear questions, single focus for each question, neutral questions, balanced questions, appropriate language for the intended respondent, appropriately broad or narrow in scope).
e.    Explain how to ensure the quality of observations.
f.    Discuss considerations for collecting data online.
g.    Describe considerations in using a pre-existing data collection instrument.

Walmart - The high cost of a low price - Full Documentary (1:37)


Ordeal by cheque

7 ways to evaluate your marketing plan

Marketing Audit Checklist

Evaluating your Products and Marketing Plan

Performance Analysis

Look to the right….a step by step instruction on how to write a full plan
Yes, we will hit most aspects of it


  1. Explain the use of standards in evaluating the performance of a marketing plan.
  2. Discuss the frequency with which marketing plan performance should be evaluated.
  3. Describe actions to take when performance and objectives differ.
  4. Demonstrate procedures for evaluating the performance of a marketing plan.

Practice Tests

How to create a Movie Marketing Plan

Sports Marketing Plan

Quick Breakdown of the assorted boardgames in cabinet

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