Coming and going matter far more than what happens in the middle.
Opening things.
Closing them.
Tearing off the bandage.
Losing something.
Meeting someone new.
Getting on the airplane, getting off of it.
Being greeted.
Ending a feud.
We mistakenly spend most of our time thinking about, working on and measuring the in-between parts, imagining that this is the meat of it, the important work. In fact, humans remember the transitions, because it's moments of change and possibility and trepidation that light us up.
Opening things.
Closing them.
Tearing off the bandage.
Losing something.
Meeting someone new.
Getting on the airplane, getting off of it.
Being greeted.
Ending a feud.
We mistakenly spend most of our time thinking about, working on and measuring the in-between parts, imagining that this is the meat of it, the important work. In fact, humans remember the transitions, because it's moments of change and possibility and trepidation that light us up.
~ Seth Godin
Marketing I
A pause on the regularly scheduled note from 4.12/4.13
Today you will be working on Objective 2 and 3 material
Much the same. Questions with complete answers and referenced sections in the back

A different one from yesterday. I will probably like you more if you do all three and score well.
if you didn't do it from yesterday, you can always back up and look at yesterday's blogspot.
Again, If you run afoul of the questions, look up their respective sections and read through them.
Do not forget! If you owe assignments, Today is a great day to do them!
All make up assignments need to be completed by Next Thursday so I have time to grade/input them. I will not count anything else after Next Thursday. No evil laughter, only sad crying emoji if you get caught wil your proverbial pants down and do not make up your assignments.
On Next Wednesday….15 question mini review of some of the questions you view over the next two days.
(not really - but if you didn't take time to do this yesterday, today is a great day for this as well. No late assignments on this one at all.
I will be looking at my email to find several of the
In addition to the studying, I want you to find an example of great marketing...on Kickstarter. [https://www.kickstarter.com/]
must find 3 kickstarters you would be willing to support (no, you will
not be giving them money), each from the different genres of projects.
The genres are:
Google docs - shared with me/downloaded and attached to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
Include the name and hyperlink of all three
One must be local (NC at the very least)
3 different genres
Make sure one has a really cool intro video
Mkt 4.01/4.02/4.06/4.09/4.13 Vocab Test - Changed to Tuesday!
Walmart - The high cost of a low price - Full Documentary (1:37)
Ordeal by cheque
Sample Marketing Plan
Better Sample marketing plan
sample marketing plan - Iowa Central Community College
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