~ not Seth Godin (just for you)

1.03 SAG Activity
The history behind SAG
Contracts Digest
Commercials Rate Card
Greensboro Coliseum Rate Card
The history behind SAG
Contracts Digest
Commercials Rate Card
Greensboro Coliseum Rate Card
1.04 Objectives
1/ If you missed the test.....maybe you should ask me when you can take it.
3/ Powerpoint:
- 2.01_notes - just notes, no powerpoint
4/ By the end of this objective/Learning Outcome, you should be able to detail out the following thoughts in paragraph form
2.01 Nature and Scope of Selling [5-21]
a. Define the term selling.
b. Identify individuals, groups, or agencies that sell.c. Explain reasons that customers buy goods and services.
d. Identify types of items that are sold.
e. Explain where selling occurs.
f. Describe how products are sold.
g. Describe the role of selling in a market economy.
h. Explain personal characteristics of salespeople that are essential to selling.
in your own words, typed, at least one paragraph....4 complete sentences
Your choice:
Describe how products are sold
Describe the role of selling in a market economy
Use at least 5 words from 2.01 Vocab. Must make sense! Bonus up 1 point for using more. 1/4 point for each additional, well used, vocab in the writing. Highlight or bold all voacb words used.
Typed and shared with murphyk2@gcsnc.com
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