Widespread confusion about what it takes to be strong
Sometimes we confuse strength with:
In fact, they are symptoms of brittleness, of insecurity and of a willful disconnect from the things that matter.
Individuals, organizations, brands and leaders all have a chance to be strong. And can just easily choose to be jerks.
Because it is a choice, isn't it?
I think it's up to us not to get them confused, and to accidentally trust the wrong behaviors or the wrong people.
Strength begins with unwavering resilience, not brittle aggression.
- Loudness
- Brusqueness
- An inability to listen
- A resistance to seeing the world as it is
- An unwillingness to compromise small things to accomplish big ones
- Fast talking
- Bullying
- External unflappability
- Callousness
- Lying
- Policies instead of judgment
- ...and being a jerk.
In fact, they are symptoms of brittleness, of insecurity and of a willful disconnect from the things that matter.
Individuals, organizations, brands and leaders all have a chance to be strong. And can just easily choose to be jerks.
Because it is a choice, isn't it?
I think it's up to us not to get them confused, and to accidentally trust the wrong behaviors or the wrong people.
Strength begins with unwavering resilience, not brittle aggression.
Marketing I
Have you ever had a bad salesperson experience? Where you felt pressured, that the service was lacking, or simply bad? Well let’s find out how to remedy the situation.
Read the calendar below for assessment updates
Vocab and Quiz already set for next week.
Read the calendar below for assessment updates
Vocab and Quiz already set for next week.
2.01 Vocab
2.01 Scatter
HW for the weekend - Marketing Dynamics pps 620-628 - Pre-read Customer Service
2.01 Scatter
HW for the weekend - Marketing Dynamics pps 620-628 - Pre-read Customer Service
HW for Next Tuesday:
~“ What is the difference between Consumer Sales and Industrial (Business 2 Business) sales?”
~“ What is the difference between Consumer Sales and Industrial (Business 2 Business) sales?”
~Question #4, p. 629 Think Critically
“Make a list of products that can easily be sold by….”
2.01 Nature and Scope of Selling [5-21]
a. Define the term selling.
b. Identify individuals, groups, or agencies that sell.
c. Explain reasons that customers buy goods and services.
d. Identify types of items that are sold.
e. Explain where selling occurs.
f. Describe how products are sold.
g. Describe the role of selling in a market economy.
h. Explain personal characteristics of salespeople that are essential to selling.HW already due - please pass in if you hand wrote it.
Vocab Chapter 5.....and quiz......see the calendar below.Test!
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