Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019 - Happy Birthday to me

1b U3L9
3/ Express course 11-15 - a few of you still need to address this
4/Any other thing you can do to catch up


1/  Vote a couple of times for the football helmets
2/ Do:
      Email back to on Tuesday
3/  1.12 PPT and guided notes.
     Do, email, and study
4/  Understand the basics of gofundme and kickstarter(.com)
5/  Find a project that interests you and that you would be willing to invest in.....
    Email the link and be ready to defend it with at least three bullet points to the positive
6/  Is this a sponsorship?
7/  Look up Grammy Swag Bags
        Oscar Swag Bags
      Why would companies give this product away?

1.12 [5-34]
Explain the importance of ongoing prospecting for corporate sponsors.
Discuss factors to consider in selecting potential corporate sponsors.
Identify techniques for identifying potential corporate sponsors.
Demonstrate procedures for prospecting for corporate sponsors.

How big are corporate sponsorships?
Prospect for corporate sponsors to renovate the school’s football stadium. Write an analysis of the situation, and present it to your instructor for review.
Gift/Swag Bag examples

1.13 [5-36]
Define the term “proof-of-performance package.”
Explain the purposes for developing proof-of-performance packages for sponsors.
Describe ways that proof-of-performance packages support sponsorship sales.
Discuss the components of proof-of-performance packages.
Explain sources of information that are useful in developing proof-of- performance packages.
Identify measures that can be used in developing proof-of-performance packages.
Demonstrate procedures for developing proof-of-performance packages for sponsors.

If they are paying you that much money….how do they know they are getting great value?

Research paper - short, read
Assignment - Due beginning of class on the following date
5 points for rough draft - October 16
15 points for final paper - 1 week after I hand back you rough draft.
Project Grade 

Proof of Performance Sponsorship PPT

Create your own Proof of Sponsorship for one of the Gold Sponsors of SWGHS (click link below for assignment)

1.13 bonus material

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