Monday, January 16, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Hang on, this will be a quick ride to the end


Pavlov's in your pocket

Why do people buy lottery tickets?
It's certainly not based on any rational analysis of financial risk or reward.
So, why do something that almost never seems to work?
Because it actually works every single time.
What it works to do is release a hit of dopamine, first when you think about buying one, then again when you decide to buy one, and then a third time when you actually transact. For regular players, these three moments of hope and joy demolish the sadness that comes from actually losing.
It's a hope rush, for cheap.
Well, the same thing is true for the billion people carrying around a Pavlovian box in their pocket. The smart phone (so called in honor of the profit-seeking companies who were smart enough to make them) is an optimized, tested and polished call-and-response machine. So far, Apple's made a trillion dollars by ringing our bell.
Every time it pulses, we get a hit.
Every time we realize we haven't checked it in two minutes, we get a hit.
Hit, hit, hit.
And again and again.
The box vibrates, we feel hope and fear and our loneliness subsides, then we check, and we lose (again).
But we are hooked, so we put the phone in our pocket and wait for it to happen again.
Ring a bell?

Word of the Day
Question of the day
SAT QOTD (Begin in 2012)

Kaplan's Version QOTD
Marketing I

4.01 Promotion PPT   slides 1-14 Thursday     15 - 25  Friday
4.01 Guided Notes

Top 4 promotional tactics (Promotional Mix)

The Promotional Mix….with Pictures

How to Establish a promotional Mix

Marketing Communications

AMA Code of Ethics

Stealth Marketing - Unethical

Page box

Aunt Jemima

Discuss each
a.    Explain ethical issues associated with fear-based advertising.
b.    Discuss sexism/stereotyping in advertising.
c.    Explain ethical issues associated with promotion to children.
d.    Discuss ethical issues associated with sales promotion sweepstakes, samples, rebates, and premiums.
e.    Explain the use of stealth marketing.
f.    Discuss ethical issues associated with use of customer information obtained on the Internet.
g.    Describe ways that businesses use socially responsible promotions.



because I am cool - murphy


LAP - Razzle Dazzle

4.01 Razzle Dazzle - LAP Quiz (20)

Quiz 4A Marketing - PR:002, Promotion Lap 4: Know Your Options

Quiz 4A Marketing - PR:003, Promotion Lap 10: Spread the Word

R/ To keep in reserve

Walmart - The high cost of a low price - Full Documentary (1:37)
1/  Obj 8 - Chap 4 - Developing a Global Vision

2/  Chap 13 Case Study - due by Tuesday 1st 5 of class

3/  chap 13 Vocab

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