A commodity is a product or a service that no one cared enough about to market.
Marketing creates value, by combining stories, design and care. The product or service is produced in a way that makes engaging with the item better.
Commodities are in the eye of the producer. If you don't want to sell something that's judged merely on price, then don't.
Seth Godin

Marketing creates value, by combining stories, design and care. The product or service is produced in a way that makes engaging with the item better.
Commodities are in the eye of the producer. If you don't want to sell something that's judged merely on price, then don't.
Seth Godin

Marketing I
Once finished with your Vocab, read over for 7 minutes.
Ticket out the Door today!
Ticket out the Door today!
2.03 Difficult Customer Scenario - 7 things to know
10 minutes:
5 minutes
25 minutes
Youtube Soup Chef
Youtube - Car Rental - Hold the Reservation
Mon 1-19Tues more
Wed - 39
Thurs - You are now registered....permission slip before we begin
Vocab Chap 6 Today!
Scatter Chap 6
Vocab chap 6
Quiz Friday - We forgot about the quiz.....Chap 5/6 combo!!!!!
Pandering - Chance the (W)Rapper
Where are we going?
Chap 1
chap 2
chap 3
Chap 19
Chap 5
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