Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Birthday present list will be posted tomorrow


Animated friend for kids with cancer

Telepathic dog

Mesuring the impact

Las Vegas

Maxpreps - event 


2.03 LAP - Making Mad Glad - Unlimited - Due Friday, Oct 6
2.03/2.05 Making Mad Glad LAP Quiz (20 Q)

2.06 LAP Raise the Bar only take once) - - Due Friday, Oct 6
2.06 Lap 8 Raise the Bar Total (5Q) - take only once

Grades and Standards
2.06 PPT (Slides 1-9)(10-end)

(1-9) - Monday
a. Define the terms grades and standards.
b. Explain the interrelationship of grades and standards.

c. Describe what businesses do with products that fail to meet the lowest standards.

d. Explain reasons for using grades and standards.
e. Describe ways that grades and standards aid the buying and selling process.
f. Explain the importance of grades and standards in global trade.
g. Identify groups that develop grades and standards.
h. Describe types of standards.
i. Identify examples of graded products.

(10-end) - Tuesday

a. Define the following terms: warranty, express warranty, implied warranty, full warranty, limited warranty, and guarantee.
b. Identify the provisions of a full warranty.
c. Distinguish between warranties and guarantees.
d. Identify the characteristics of an effective guarantee.
e. Describe the purposes of warranties and guarantees.
f. Explain the benefits of warranties and guarantees.
g. Describe government regulation of warranties and guarantees.

Let’s research some common foods that incorporate grades and standards.

Raspberry Standards


Look up “Grade Chart USDA Meat”
“Grades of Acne”

grades of hamburger meat

Speed ratings of tires

Grades of Gasoline (octane)

Go home, look in pantry, fridge and find an item with a “Grade”

Remember the name.
If you would like, email murphyk2@gcsnc.com a picture.
bonus if you do.  Must have your face in the shot as well.

Due Next Thursday - 2.06 Vocab

Find and read a product warranty, and answer the following questions:
a. Is the warranty full or limited?
b. If a manufacturer defect is found, how is the purchaser protected?
c. What is the procedure for obtaining repairs?
d. What disclaimers are cited?
e. Does the warranty expire? If so, when?

Have students “claim” a product and research.
Once claimed, no other ind/group can have.

May intro conversation into PLC - Product Life Cycle

LAP Quiz will follow on Friday

Concerning your phone, given we have already looked at specific product/company Warranties, why would one need additional coverage in the form of “phone replacement” through your cell service provider.  

1.12 What is a sponsorship?

1.13 Post Sales Follow Up
EQ - What do you do after the dates concludes and you go back home?.....You call/text them

.Collaborate with a sport/event director to develop a proof-of-performance package for sponsors. Write a synopsis of your findings, and submit it and the proof-of- performance package to your instructor for review.

Create your own Proof of Sponsorship for one of the Gold Sponsors of SWGHS

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