Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday, October 2, 2017 Oh what a beautiful morning!


Krispy Kreme Main Image
You will need to click, copy and paste to get to the link
SEMII - Aerosmith

MKT - Govt has far reaching authority
Mkt - Smells like KFC clothing

2.03 LAP - Making Mad Glad - Unlimited - Due Friday, Oct 6
2.03/2.05 Making Mad Glad LAP Quiz (20 Q)

2.06 LAP Raise the Bar only take once) - - Due Friday, Oct 6
2.06 Lap 8 Raise the Bar Total (5Q) - take only once

Grades and Standards
2.06 PPT (Slides 1-9)

a. Define the terms grades and standards.

b. Explain the interrelationship of grades and standards.

c. Describe what businesses do with products that fail to meet the lowest standards.

d. Explain reasons for using grades and standards.
e. Describe ways that grades and standards aid the buying and selling process.
f. Explain the importance of grades and standards in global trade.
g. Identify groups that develop grades and standards.
h. Describe types of standards.
i. Identify examples of graded products.

Let’s research some common foods that incorporate grades and standards.

Raspberry Standards


Look up “Grade Chart USDA Meat”
“Grades of Acne”

grades of hamburger meat

Speed ratings of tires

Grades of Gasoline (octane)

Go home, look in pantry, fridge and find an item with a “Grade”

Remember the name.
If you would like, email a picture.
bonus if you do.  Must have your face in the shot as well.

Due Next Thursday - 2.06 Vocab


1.12 What is a sponsorship?

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