Camp Awake Video - Domain Play around and find a cool one for me to give to Avis as a gift
Promotion - Little Rock - What did they gain?
Pinterest @ Haunted House
* Do not choose "New Arrivals"; "Final Markdowns"; "993's"
If your shoes go to Final Markdown after today, fine, but do not choose it out of the gate.
Change Share to anyone with link can comment....this is how I will grade and guide you through your price project
Email me your pricing project linb - Copy the link and email it to -
Link due to me by Wednesday 4th block.
HW grade - if I cannot open it because you didn't change the share, "0" credit
3.01 Material
a. Define the term product/service management.
b. Explain who is responsible for managing products/services.
c. Describe the benefits of product/service managing.
d. Describe the phases of product/service managing.
e. Describe factors affecting product/service managing.
f. Explain the role product/service management plays in marketing.
Slug Slime Project
Product Development Fuji
Product Development Video
Product Development Chart
Story of Stuff - 22 min
Story of Bottled Water - 8 minutes
Story of Electronics - 8 min
3.01 PSM Project - Grocery Store - Bonus Project worth 5 points (Due by Friday, Nov 10, 2017 - Issue Friday, October 27, 2017)
3.01 Vocab - Friday - 15 matching
Read and do the following assessment.
Unlimited attempts.
I will put in on Friday - 4th block (2:05pm)
When you do in class, leave up on your screen so I can verify the totals at the end of class.
If at home, screen shot and save - email if it doesn't come through
I will announce off every day who has finished
Must find time before or after school in the next week to go over your plans and I will assist you too! How cool!
Have some ideas and a few companies to draw from prior to coming to see me.
Due Nov 19. Beginning of class
2.04 - Service sponsors
Are you doing enough to service your sponsors?
Think of a date. Are you doing the bare minimum? Or are you trying to exceed their expectations? Thus ensuring that they will stay with you? Doesn’t take money per se (well, it does - and a lot) but the right application of money, focused money, can make all the difference in the world between ho hum and spectacular.
- Explain the importance of servicing sponsors.
- Identify techniques that can be used to service sponsors.
- Discuss considerations in selecting ways to service sponsors.
- Demonstrate procedures for servicing sponsors.
USPS - Sponsorship - Lance Armstrong
Governing Body
How to service sponsors
- Discuss the reasons for maintaining/building fan support.
- Identify bases of the sport/event product that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
- Describe techniques that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
- Demonstrate procedures for selecting strategies to maintain/build fan support
1000 True Fans
Show the kids
The Psychology Of Social Sports Fans: What Makes Them So Crazy (Long - but really good
Why pro sports franchises succeed. . . and fail
Assessment forthcoming