Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 One day closer.....but still so far away. Almost comical.


McDonald's PSM became a Wendy's Brand shoutout

Because it is fun...choose a couple and we will explore

Check Calendar for quiz

On getting worked up

Waking up a sleeping bear is difficult.
People hibernate too.
But it turns out that once activated, people do far more in a short time than you might expect. And so, the week before Christmas sees an insane amount of shopping. The weeks before a big election see a significant amount of attention paid. The final days of a Kickstarter lead people to action.
If you wait until a marketer tells you it's time to get out of your comfort zone, you've just handed over your freedom and agency to someone who might not care about the things you care about.
Far more powerful to develop the power to get out of our hibernation, on our own timetable, on a regular basis.
It's no one's day but yours.
   ~Seth Godin

Checklist continued
  __  Begin...Major Promotions Project - Q4

  1. Discuss the reasons for maintaining/building fan support.
  2. Identify bases of the sport/event product that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
  3. Describe techniques that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
  4. Demonstrate procedures for selecting strategies to maintain/build fan support

2.05 Fan Zone Project/  Show the kids Cowboysports.org

The Psychology Of Social Sports Fans: What Makes Them So Crazy (Long - but really good

LAP - Play to the Fans (Quiz on Thursday based on this and other readings)

Why pro sports franchises succeed. . . and fail

1000 True Fans

Checklist from Friday:
   __   3.01 Guided Notes
   __  3.01 B  Slide 8 (HW - Due April 5)
  __  3.01_Stage_of_PLC - HW - Due April 5

Slide 8/Reinterpret into Emoticons/limited words- 3.01B Prj 10 points - Due Next Wednesday April 5

3.01_Stage_of_PLC - Project - HW (Can be done in class)

     3.01 Rapping Up Products (20 Q)

Coffee Shop

Table 3 - Adoption segmentation characteristics

Technology in Distribution

Oh Look!

History of Packaging

Pearl River Delta Blue Jean Manufacturing

Tell students to imagine that the development of a new product will result in a huge profit for a business; however, its production will result in hazardous wastes. Arrange for students to conduct a class debate about whether a company should move forward with product development. Implement the debate, and debrief following the activity.

Planned Obsolescence

Planned Obsolescence: The Ultimate Economic Inefficiency
{Key Bullet Points + Govt. Response at bottom}

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