Real Life Product Mascots
Slogan to pic
Double Letter Logo
Final looksy - Design
a budget for the “new place” you will be moving into come the fall.
Please include living expenses, utilities, car, insurance, gas,
maintenance, housing, insurance, maintenance, food, entertainment,
schooling, books and any other items you can think of.
Discuss seating opportunities at each of the venues stated...could the seating be different and still have the same effect?

2: Reverse engineer the $ needed to support your pipe dream. Remember
that taxes take out approx 25% or more of your income.
IMC - Integrated Marketing Communications
Draw out the communication image
Disney IMC
How to develop an effective communication
Charlotte Hornets Promotional schedule
Greensboro Grasshoppers Promotional Schedule
Carolina Hurricanes Promotional Schedule
Winston Salem Dash Promotional Calendar
Atlanta Braves Promotional Calendar
Thomasville Hi toms
Why should we not worry too much about the Friday Night games?
- Describe factors affecting types of seating arrangements.
- Explain advantages/disadvantages associated with different types of seating arrangements.
- Identify appropriate occasions to use types of seating arrangements.
- Explain ADA seating considerations at sports/events.
- Discuss types of sport/event ticketing arrangements.
- Describe advantages/disadvantages of different types of sport/event ticketing arrangements.
For the next two links (long links) discuss the rationale behind one seating arrangement and another...GA, Reserved, etc
Search string - Google Images “seating charts for the amphitheater”
Seating arrangements for Arenas
Outdoor Bleachers - For Better Seating Arrangement
Theatre Spaces
Seating types
Venues and seating
Take a tour of the seating facilities for the school.
Computer room
Discuss seating opportunities at each of the venues stated...could the seating be different and still have the same effect?
- Define the term distribution system.
- Explain differences between distribution systems for tangible products vs. intangible ones.
- Describe the distribution system (i.e., channel of distribution) for sports activities.
- Explain the distribution system for sporting goods.
- Discuss the distribution system for sports business services.
- Describe the distribution system for sports entertainment/spectator sports.
- Explain the distribution system for sports media.
- Discuss the impact that the type of consumer has on sports distribution systems.
- Identify types of intermediaries used by sports marketers.
- Describe examples of direct and complex (indirect) distribution systems in sport marketing.
Additional ppt Distribution
Choosing Distribution Channels
Prioritizing Distribution Options
Can you draw a map of the intellectual distribution for the school?
Step 1: Read
Step 2: Understand major parts of the research
Step 3: Write a 1 page brief (example - How to)
Use MLA Citation (use this website...so easy) [page 2]
Use MLA in text Citation (scroll down until you find In-Text Citation)
Step 4: Turn in - Due April 28 in the first 5 minutes of class - emailed only - google doc link would be wonderful. You will not have a second go of this paper.
Test on Tuesday, Obj 2 + 1 from Obj 1 = ~ 45/50 questions
Brand - KFC
New LAP - 3.04 LAP It's a Brand, Brand, Brand World
It's a Brand, Brand World PM LAP 6
LAP - 3.05 Building your corporate brand
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5212bXcDwG_ek1uR19hdkhqRlkBuild Your Corporate Brand; Lap (20)
3.06 Vocab
Obj 5 - Chap 17 - Pricing Concepts - Wed (1-15)
3.06 LAP Price is Right! - Fri
Price is Right/Razzle Dazzle/Sell Away (15)
Future Project - Ted
How Stores track your shopping behavior
Acoustic Guitar
How to Succeed? Get more Sleep
How to use a papertowel
The Technology of Storytelling
Legos for grownups
Photographing the landscape of oil
Designing with Slogans
The official Ted Talks playlist
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