Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017 Payday! day! Go rent my redbox video for the month


Build it with Chrome

Jurvetson - TED


3.02 ppt - Read over the questions....will haunt you later

Relationship between Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion

Unit 9:  Pricing

Lecture Outline - Pricing

Greensboro Coliseum Rate Card

Your concert/sporting event will have ~ 2200 (upwards of 3500) reserved seating with onsale.
You will utilize most options the Coliseum offers (see rate card)
Pay particular attention to the Facility Services and day of event staffing.
Addition F&B, tables, dining areas, etc.  charges will be provided throughout the lesson.

Please note, you haven’t paid for the talent costs yet.

Please recreate the Carowinds trip, noting break even points

For the info.
Bus cost per mile:$1.89 @ 7 miles to the gallon
Driver costs per hour: $15.00

Step 1: Read
Step 2: Understand major parts of the research
Step 3: Write a 1 page brief (example - How to
Use MLA Citation (use this easy) [page 2]
Use MLA in text Citation (scroll down until you find In-Text Citation
Step 4: Turn in - Due April 28 in the first 5 minutes of class - emailed only - google doc link would be wonderful. You will not have a second go of this paper.
Test on Tuesday, Obj 2 + 1 from Obj 1 = ~ 45/50 questions


New LAP - 3.04 LAP It's a Brand, Brand, Brand World 
It's a Brand, Brand World PM LAP 6 

LAP  - 3.05 Building your corporate brand
Build Your Corporate Brand; Lap (20)

3.06 Pricing PPT - Tuesday/Wednesday

Slideshow (19 slides) (Thursday)

3.06 Technology in Pricing WS Key  [5-89] - Tuesday

Participate in a class debate about the ethics of pricing a product as high as possible due to high demand. Examples to consider are oil prices and popular cars.
Drug company raise prices 5000% for AIDS drug - From $13.50 to $750 a pill

Should those that can afford to pay more supplement those that cannot?

Price Gouging

What is Price Fixing?

Predatory Pricing

Price is Right/Razzle Dazzle/Sell Away (15)
Other Price is Right exercises

3.07 Vocab
Scatter - 3.07

Alpha - 3.07

Matching - 3.07

Software to Help You Set Prices

Price of Happiness
Skip 1:03-1:40

Pricing is a Process

Pricing Violations - Whole Foods

Men v Women

Loss Leader

Bait and Switch

What is Price Discrimination?

Pricing Decisions
(Long but good - 5 slides)

Anti Dumping Laws

Predatory Pricing

Price Fixing / Collusion

Given a list of 10 grocery items that can be found in grocery stores, convenience stores, warehouse clubs, etc., determine the price of each product at the locations specified by your teacher. Discuss reasons for the differences in prices at the various locations.
    Lowes Foods
    Harris Teeter

Must “File” “Make a Copy” into your google drive….make sure you signed in!

Imagine that you are starting a business. Identify factors that would affect your business’s pricing decisions. Record these factors, and discuss them with a classmate.

Issues affecting price

Setting your Price - read the bolded words and understand a bit from them


Future Project - Ted
How Stores track your shopping behavior
The Technology of Storytelling
Photographing the landscape of oil
Designing with Slogans
The official Ted Talks playlist

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017 Thoughts slowing, head heavy, is it time for a nap yet?


How to use a papertowel

You go first

That's the key insight of the peer-to-peer connection economy.
Anyone can reach out, anyone can lead, anyone can pick someone else.
But if you wait for anyone, it's unlikely to happen.
It begins with you.
 ~ Seth Godin


3.02 ppt - Read over the questions....will haunt you later


Choosing Distribution Channels

Prioritizing Distribution Options 

  1. Identify types of pricing objectives.
  2. Explain reasons for setting pricing objectives.
  3. Describe ways in which pricing objectives are used.
  4. Demonstrate procedures for establishing pricing objectives

3.03 A guided notes

Pricing Strategy

Is Your Price Right?

Relationship between Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion

Unit 9:  Pricing

Lecture Outline - Pricing

Using Google Sheets rationale for the pricing objectives that you have for a sport/event product. Describe considerations that you made in setting those objectives. Discuss your rationale with a classmate.
Greensboro Coliseum Rate Card
Your concert/sporting event will have ~ 2200 (upwards of 3500) reserved seating with onsale.
You will utilize most options the Coliseum offers (see rate card)
Pay particular attention to the Facility Services and day of event staffing.
Addition F&B, tables, dining areas, etc.  charges will be provided throughout the lesson.

Please note, you haven’t paid for the talent costs yet.

Please recreate the Carowinds trip, noting break even points
For the info.
Bus cost per mile:$1.89 @ 7 miles to the gallon
Driver costs per hour: $15.00

Using Google Sheets rationale for the pricing objectives that you have for a sport/event product. Describe considerations that you made in setting those objectives. Discuss your rationale with a classmate.

Step 1: Read
Step 2: Understand major parts of the research
Step 3: Write a 1 page brief (example - How to
Use MLA Citation (use this easy) [page 2]
Use MLA in text Citation (scroll down until you find In-Text Citation
Step 4: Turn in - Due April 28 in the first 5 minutes of class - emailed only - google doc link would be wonderful. You will not have a second go of this paper.
Test on Tuesday, Obj 2 + 1 from Obj 1 = ~ 45/50 questions


New LAP - 3.04 LAP It's a Brand, Brand, Brand World 
It's a Brand, Brand World PM LAP 6 

LAP  - 3.05 Building your corporate brand
Build Your Corporate Brand; Lap (20)

3.06 Vocab 

3.06 Match

3.06 Test

Finish Today - Chap 18
Obj 5 - Chap 18 - Setting the Right Price  - Monday (1-12)/Tuesday (13-23)

3.06 Pricing PPT - Tuesday/Wednesday

Slideshow (19 slides) (Thursday)

3.06 Technology in Pricing WS Key  [5-89] - Tuesday

Participate in a class debate about the ethics of pricing a product as high as possible due to high demand. Examples to consider are oil prices and popular cars.
Drug company raise prices 5000% for AIDS drug - From $13.50 to $750 a pill

Should those that can afford to pay more supplement those that cannot?

Price Gouging

What is Price Fixing?

Predatory Pricing

Price is Right/Razzle Dazzle/Sell Away (15)
Other Price is Right exercises

3.07 Vocab
Scatter - 3.07

Alpha - 3.07

Matching - 3.07

Software to Help You Set Prices

Price of Happiness
Skip 1:03-1:40

Pricing is a Process

Pricing Violations - Whole Foods

Men v Women

Loss Leader

Bait and Switch

What is Price Discrimination?

Pricing Decisions
(Long but good - 5 slides)

Anti Dumping Laws

Predatory Pricing

Price Fixing / Collusion

Price Fixing - North Carolina - Milk,5725132&hl=en

Given a list of 10 grocery items that can be found in grocery stores, convenience stores, warehouse clubs, etc., determine the price of each product at the locations specified by your teacher. Discuss reasons for the differences in prices at the various locations.
    Lowes Foods
    Harris Teeter

Must “File” “Make a Copy” into your google drive….make sure you signed in!

Imagine that you are starting a business. Identify factors that would affect your business’s pricing decisions. Record these factors, and discuss them with a classmate.

Issues affecting price

Setting your Price - read the bolded words and understand a bit from them


Future Project - Ted
How Stores track your shopping behavior
How to use a papertowel
The Technology of Storytelling
Legos for grownups
Photographing the landscape of oil
Designing with Slogans
The official Ted Talks playlist