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Do it and begin reading the articles below about Redbull!
CBA Project Rubric
Project - Written Research - Due March 17, 2017 - first 5 of class
***Do not work on this in class - I will mark down 5 points each time I see you doing so***
Cover the basics (once more) of writing a paper (research)
***Do not work on this in class - I will mark down 5 points each time I see you doing so***
Cover the basics (once more) of writing a paper (research)
Unveil the Milgram assignment
Basic written paper
Intro (Tell me what you are going to tell me and why it is important)
three aspects to his work (tell me of his research and other interesting aspects to his research)
conclusion (Tell us what you told us along with what he taught us about Marketing)
Works cited - Min 2 - 3 sources ideal
Friday CBA Oral report - Popsicle pull for groups to expound upon the different slides
Make sure you take time to study your slides today....You will not be able to reference them during the inquiry.
Sponsorship mkaes things possible
It cost what? and Was it worth it? Check out the media impressions and dominating of the viewership during the time of the jump
Sponsors of Red Bull Stratos
"The brand was an early adopter of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, though paid media, including TV buys, remain a part of the mix. The brand spent $73 million on measured media in the U.S. last year alone, according to Kantar Media.
Make sure you take time to study your slides today....You will not be able to reference them during the inquiry.
Sponsorship mkaes things possible
It cost what? and Was it worth it? Check out the media impressions and dominating of the viewership during the time of the jump
Sponsors of Red Bull Stratos
"The brand was an early adopter of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, though paid media, including TV buys, remain a part of the mix. The brand spent $73 million on measured media in the U.S. last year alone, according to Kantar Media.
Though Mr. Hozack stressed it was "a scientific project first and foremost," Mr. Baumgartner's feat captured consumers' attention the world over. TV stations, news reports and journalists all referred to the event as "Red Bull Stratos" rather than shortening it to simply "Stratos," as is so often done with branded events.
The event was carried on nearly 80 TV stations in 50 countries. The live webcast was distributed through 280 digital partners and racked up 52 million views, making it the most-watched live stream in history. Red Bull Media House, the brand's global media company, even earned a Sports Emmy for "Outstanding New Approaches -- Sports Event Coverage" earlier this year.
The event was carried on nearly 80 TV stations in 50 countries. The live webcast was distributed through 280 digital partners and racked up 52 million views, making it the most-watched live stream in history. Red Bull Media House, the brand's global media company, even earned a Sports Emmy for "Outstanding New Approaches -- Sports Event Coverage" earlier this year.
Footage was featured in an ad campaign that kicked off in January. And this October, on the anniversary of the jump, Red Bull will release a documentary showing moments no one has seen before, Mr. Hozack said.
Stratos undoubtedly raised Red Bull's profileas the brand looks to expand in core markets like Western Europe and the U.S., as well as newer targets such as Brazil, Japan, India and South Korea. It also raised sales. In the six months immediately following Stratos, sales rose 7% to $1.6 billion in the U.S., according to research firm IRI." ~Adage
Stratos undoubtedly raised Red Bull's profileas the brand looks to expand in core markets like Western Europe and the U.S., as well as newer targets such as Brazil, Japan, India and South Korea. It also raised sales. In the six months immediately following Stratos, sales rose 7% to $1.6 billion in the U.S., according to research firm IRI." ~Adage
Adweek - Dodge Dart Registry
Gofundme.com Sponsorship or athlete
Gift/Swag Bag examples
Carolina Panther Stadium - naming rights - formerly known as Ericsson stadium - Bankrupt
Meet Sponsorship Agreement - boilerplate - U of Texas at San Antonio
Nestle ends IAAF Sponsorship deal
Top Ten Issues in Sponsorship and Licensing Agreements That Are Most Likely to Lead to Disputes and Litigation
Cowboy stadium no more
Go find an Olympic Athlete who is worthy of my money on Go Fund Me.
1.12 ppt
Go find a project worthy of my money on Kickstarter.
1.12 ppt
3-5 minutes to come up with a stump elevator (20 sec) speech about yourself.
Go find a project worthy of my money on Kickstarter.
Proof of Performance Sponsorship PPT
Proof Of Performance Example
Proof of Performance Package
- measures that can be used in developing proof-of-performance packages
Kids must understand the different types of measures to prove an event was worthy of sponsorship
2.08 match 2.07 matching
2.07/2.08 combo
test 2.07/2.08 vocab
Upon completion of your Vocab,
Jump into your:
2.07/2.08 combo
test 2.07/2.08 vocab
Upon completion of your Vocab,
Jump into your:
Benchmark - 6 weeks
Go to Powerschool/schoolnet
Unit 1.00 Quia Review
Unit 1.00 Marketing
Unlimited attempts, great practice. Do not become a distraction in the classroom, go learn something great!
a. Define the following terms: feature, benefit, obvious benefits, unique benefits, hidden benefits, feature-benefit selling, and feature-benefit chart.
b. Identify sources of feature/benefit information.
c. Identify an example of an obvious or apparent benefit.
d. Identify an example of a unique or exclusive benefit.
f. Describe how to prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.
g. Prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.
4/ Explore how many different wonderful apps google allows you to use....for free!
5/ Wall of Iconic Marketing Crap
Choose two/three different items
Kodak Disc Camera
Mr Potato Head
Due this Friday
7/ 2.06/2.07/2.08 Quiz this Friday = 5 questions
8/ 2.09 Selling Process - PPT -
2.09 Selling Process c - PPT - Thurs edging into Friday
2.09 Guided Notes -
Selling process Flowchart https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5212bXcDwG_SnVBNTRrZTBBUWM
Youtube - Magic Bullet
Step through the Selling process for each example given:
Luggage: Corporate Executive Vs. College freshman
Handbag: High school student Vs. Fashion designer in NYC
Boots: Fisherman/Hunter Vs. College student living in the mountains
Cell phone: ABC Inc. purchased for sales reps Vs. 25 – 45 year old consumer
Car: 16-year-old male Vs. 50 year old male
Therapeutic Massage: CEO of corporation Vs. injured athlete
Obj 1 test most missed:
3rd block Obj 1 47.4% correct or lower Questions - Review
4th block Obj 1 47.4 correct or lower questions - Review
4th block Obj 1 47.4 correct or lower questions - Review
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