I have been called for Jury Duty.
Mr Tom Parker, teacher extraordinaire - retired, will be taking the reins of class today.
In short, be awesome as I know you are. Do the assignments below. I am even giving you a numbered list.
Civic duty is great!
Mkt - Amazon owns a entire collection of secret Brands - the illusion of choice; re-seller v producer
1/ Read from Quotable:
Mkt - The goal of it all...is it measurable? What does it mean to a marketer?
Thinkof the question - Are we really in control of our own decisions?
Mkt - Amazon owns a entire collection of secret Brands
False choices - do they really count as a choice then? Or do they only make us happier when we decide?
2/ If you were going to redo the 1.01 Vocab - study well and complete for me tomorrow.
3/ If you haven't completed it, the HW assignment - About me.
4/ Complete:
Work the Big Six - Lap
1.04 Work the Big Six Quiz (20)
5/ Complete:
You can only take once:
Take as many times as you need to:
5/ Complete:
Analyze This - Lap
You can only take once:
You can only take once:
LAP - Analyze This! (10Q) - Strength Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat (Multiple Answer - Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat)
You can only take once:
LAP Analyze This! (10Q - open ended)
Take as many times as you need to:
LAP Analyze This! (20Q - MC)
Homework - Due Tuesday, Sept 4
Which one(s) of the 7 Functions is/are the most important….with support and examples
7/ Read through the rest of the powerpoint we were covering in class on Friday.
Make sure you can answer the questions/learning objectives below.
Best you be able to answer them when the time comes (hint hint, quiz on 1.01/1.04 on Thursday)
8/ Study up for 1.04 Vocab This Friday
7/ Read through the rest of the powerpoint we were covering in class on Friday.
Make sure you can answer the questions/learning objectives below.
Best you be able to answer them when the time comes (hint hint, quiz on 1.01/1.04 on Thursday)
1.04 Marketing Strategies - PPT - Finish - second half
a. Define the following terms: marketing mix, product, place, promotion, price, goals,
strategies, and tactics.
strategies, and tactics.
b. Identify the components of the marketing mix.
c. Describe the importance of each of the components of the marketing mix.
d. Explain the relationship of goals, strategies, and tactics.
e. Describe the importance of marketing strategies.
f. Explain the factors that may cause marketing strategies to change.
g. Explain the importance of strategies in the marketing mix.8/ Study up for 1.04 Vocab This Friday
1.04 Vocab
9/ Understand the 4 types of and the rationale for segmentation
1.04 Segmentation - PPT
9/ Understand the 4 types of and the rationale for segmentation
1.04 Segmentation - PPT
1.01 vocab tst - 15 matching
HW Assignment - About me
Each week, you will be required to summarize your work in this course by answering the following prompts in your Google Doc titled Marketing_Block_#_YourLastNameYourFirstName.
0. Date, Time
1. What did you learn this week that you found interesting and you understand well? What did you find motivational and exciting to learn?
2. What did you explore that was challenging or that did not capture your interest? What failed to motivate you or negatively impacted you?
3. What did you want to learn that you did not have time to explore? What ideas or processes would you like to study in the future?
Your journal should always posses the following characteristics.
- The most recent entry will always be at the top of the document.
- The first entry of the school year should always be the last entry at the bottom of your document.
- All entries should include detailed writing using Marketing terminology and ideas
Homework - Due Tuesday, Sept 4
Which one(s) of the 7 Functions is/are the most important….with support and examples
Work the Big Six - Lap
1.04 Work the Big Six Quiz (20)
Analyze This - Lap
LAP - Analyze This! (10Q) - Strength Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat (Multiple Answer - Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat)
LAP Analyze This! (10Q - open ended)
LAP Analyze This! (20Q - MC)
What are marketing strategies?
A product is being sold at a store…..but it isn’t selling too well.
What can the company change to make the product sell better?
Goals, Strategies, Tactics
If we can instill in the students the preference and ability to goal set,
what a wonderful world it would be.
what a wonderful world it would be.
1.04 Marketing Strategies - PPT - Finish - second half
a. Define the following terms: marketing mix, product, place, promotion, price, goals,
strategies, and tactics.
strategies, and tactics.
b. Identify the components of the marketing mix.
c. Describe the importance of each of the components of the marketing mix.
d. Explain the relationship of goals, strategies, and tactics.
e. Describe the importance of marketing strategies.
f. Explain the factors that may cause marketing strategies to change.
g. Explain the importance of strategies in the marketing mix.
1.04 Vocab
What is the concept of market?
What is Segmentation?
Why do we have a 9th grade academy here at Southwest?
- Define the following terms: market, target market, mass marketing, marketing segments, market segmentation, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral segmentation.
- Explain the importance of target markets to businesses.
- Describe advantages and disadvantages of mass marketing.
- Describe advantages and disadvantages of using market segments.
- Explain why the use of market segments is increasing.
- Describe demographic characteristics that are analyzed by marketers.
- Explain the value of geographic segmentation.
- Discuss the value of psychographic segmentation.
- Describe types of behavioral segmentation.
Have students work in groups.
- Assign each group a product (jeans, frozen yogurt, digital cameras, Ford Mustang, Ipad, Essence Shampoo).
- Group must develop the market segments.
1/ Study for vocab
1.5/ I need the reflection pieces from each of the lessons covered as well as last week's homework submitted to murphyk2@gcsnc.com if you haven't already completed this.
2/ Study back over concepts and info from Unit 1 - Assessment Thursday, Sept 6th.
Reopen and read each of the lessons....not just the vocab...but what were you suppose to get out of the material.
Scroll down below each lesson and click on the Standards Alignment for Computer Science. This will be a great guide as to what you should have garnered from the lesson.
10 Questions - will count as 10 points. Raw score, not scaled. If you totally miss the mark, we will chat about a redo. No pressure.
Quiz..held over for another week!
4/ https://studio.code.org/s/express-2018
Please spend time exploring and coding a bit. Your achiever will be through the roof as you continue to complete these learning items.
Hint: Understand the coding behind it all. Your Code you will submit to AP for your portfolio can be in Blockly or in a code of your choosing. Either way, the logic is the same. This can carry you to the end of class if needed.
If you want a challenge with the person next to you and have 20+ minutes
5/ Try to complete the first part of 1.6 Sending Numbers (below) with the person next to you. It will be harder to do without me as a guide, but I hear you are AP. Good Luck. Should you become absolutely flummoxed, breathe, collectively...read, and try to understand.
Challenge: (from the activity guide)
Groups must develop a protocol or set of rules for communicating a drawing to their partners using only bits.

Challenge Rules: (from the activity guide)
Students should test their protocols with one another under the conditions defined on the sheet. Let them know that there will be a more formal testing of their protocols at the conclusion of the lesson, in which you will provide the image that needs to be transmitted. Are they absolutely sure they’ve accounted for every possible scenario? Does everyone feel comfortable encoding and decoding a message?
1.5/ I need the reflection pieces from each of the lessons covered as well as last week's homework submitted to murphyk2@gcsnc.com if you haven't already completed this.
2/ Study back over concepts and info from Unit 1 - Assessment Thursday, Sept 6th.
Reopen and read each of the lessons....not just the vocab...but what were you suppose to get out of the material.
Scroll down below each lesson and click on the Standards Alignment for Computer Science. This will be a great guide as to what you should have garnered from the lesson.
10 Questions - will count as 10 points. Raw score, not scaled. If you totally miss the mark, we will chat about a redo. No pressure.
- This assessment is designed to be in the "style" of the AP multiple choice assessments.
- That means the questions are not specifically about lessons covered prior to this point. Rather, the questions relate to the underlying AP learning objectives that have theoretically been addressed.
- It does mean students might need to do some extrapolation from what they've learned to answer the questions.
- It does mean the questions might be "hard", especially for the first-time exposure.
Quiz..held over for another week!
4/ https://studio.code.org/s/express-2018
Please spend time exploring and coding a bit. Your achiever will be through the roof as you continue to complete these learning items.
Hint: Understand the coding behind it all. Your Code you will submit to AP for your portfolio can be in Blockly or in a code of your choosing. Either way, the logic is the same. This can carry you to the end of class if needed.
If you want a challenge with the person next to you and have 20+ minutes
5/ Try to complete the first part of 1.6 Sending Numbers (below) with the person next to you. It will be harder to do without me as a guide, but I hear you are AP. Good Luck. Should you become absolutely flummoxed, breathe, collectively...read, and try to understand.
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Review binary numbers.
- "How many more numbers can be represented with 4 bits as opposed to 3?"
- "What is the highest value I can count to using 3 bits? What about with 4?"
- "Justify the following claim: Regardless of the number of bits in our binary number system, the first value we represent is 0."
- Activity (35 mins)
- Introduce the Internet Simulator
- Today we will again use the Internet Simulator to explore some challenges of sending numbers on the Internet.
- The tool has changed from the last time you saw it! Let's find out what's different.
- "Your
job is to explore this tool with a partner - click all the buttons,
type in the text areas what you can. You cannot break it so don't worry."
- "What's different now? There is a bit of a mystery in what the tool does...and doesn't do. Can you figure it out?"
- "You and your partner have 5 minutes to poke around and see what you can find."
Watch the Video - Internet Simulator - Part 2 - Video
So in short:
The Internet Simulator - Part 2...
....changes how you send and receive the messages
- You no longer have to coordinate setting and reading the wire with your partner
- Now the simulator is a two way street, and everything you send will be received by your partner automatically
- You send a full sequence of symbols all at once, rather than one symbol at a time.
- Now the Binary sends 0's and 1's instead of A's and B's
- It is possible to see the decimal interpretation of the binary.
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Review binary numbers.
- "How many more numbers can be represented with 4 bits as opposed to 3?"
- "What is the highest value I can count to using 3 bits? What about with 4?"
- "Justify the following claim: Regardless of the number of bits in our binary number system, the first value we represent is 0."
- Activity (35 mins)
- Introduce the Internet Simulator
- Today we will again use the Internet Simulator to explore some challenges of sending numbers on the Internet.
- The tool has changed from the last time you saw it! Let's find out what's different.
- "Your job is to explore this tool with a partner - click all the buttons, type in the text areas what you can. You cannot break it so don't worry."
- "What's different now? There is a bit of a mystery in what the tool does...and doesn't do. Can you figure it out?"
- "You and your partner have 5 minutes to poke around and see what you can find."
Watch the Video - Internet Simulator - Part 2 - Video
So in short:
The Internet Simulator - Part 2...
....changes how you send and receive the messages
- You no longer have to coordinate setting and reading the wire with your partner
- Now the simulator is a two way street, and everything you send will be received by your partner automatically
- You send a full sequence of symbols all at once, rather than one symbol at a time.
- Now the Binary sends 0's and 1's instead of A's and B's
- It is possible to see the decimal interpretation of the binary.
Develop a Number Sending Protocol.
Distribute:- Activity Guide: Sending Numbers - Activity Guide(which includes both the activity and its rubric)
- Graph templates: Sending Numbers for Graphing - Worksheet.
Teaching Tips
While students are creating their protocol, encourage by asking:
- What order will the points be sent in?
- How does the recipient know when one number ends and the next begins?
Keep the focus on what’s required of a protocol. How many bits do
you need to represent the numbers you need to represent the drawing, or
coordinates? You want to be efficient but also support different kinds
(sizes) of images.
To test protocols, direct groups to trade protocols and see if they
can send an image using the alternate protocol. Students should give
advice to each other to make suggestions for improvement.
Groups must develop a protocol or set of rules for communicating a drawing to their partners using only bits.

Challenge Rules: (from the activity guide)
- The image will be a line drawing created by connecting points on a grid, like the one seen here.
- The parties can discuss and agree on a protocol ahead of time, but the image exchange must happen without communication between the two parties, other than through using the Internet Simulator.
- You can only send a single message through the Internet Simulator to describe the whole image.
- Give students time to develop their protocols and practice encoding and decoding their images into bits.
- Students should be encouraged to make a simple drawing. A geometric shape, or the first letter of their name is a good option. A shape that can be drawn with about 3-5 points is a good goal. (The 5-pointed star example is a good one, and is shown in the activity guide)
- Students have been provided three different-sized graphs, on which they could scale their initial drawing to be different sizes or draw different images. Either way, it may necessitate the creation of different protocols.
Students should test their protocols with one another under the conditions defined on the sheet. Let them know that there will be a more formal testing of their protocols at the conclusion of the lesson, in which you will provide the image that needs to be transmitted. Are they absolutely sure they’ve accounted for every possible scenario? Does everyone feel comfortable encoding and decoding a message?
Quizlet Vocab for APCSP class code https://quizlet.com/join/6efxdQeHh
1st Vocab will be Sept 7th first 5 of class
Unit 1 Assessment - Sept 6 - See calendar
Great Fun!!
1.6 Sending Numbers
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Review binary numbers.
- "How many more numbers can be represented with 4 bits as opposed to 3?"
- "What is the highest value I can count to using 3 bits? What about with 4?"
- "Justify the following claim: Regardless of the number of bits in our binary number system, the first value we represent is 0."
- Activity (35 mins)
- Introduce the Internet Simulator
- Today we will again use the Internet Simulator to explore some challenges of sending numbers on the Internet.
- The tool has changed from the last time you saw it! Let's find out what's different.
- "Your job is to explore this tool with a partner - click all the buttons, type in the text areas what you can. You cannot break it so don't worry."
- "What's different now? There is a bit of a mystery in what the tool does...and doesn't do. Can you figure it out?"
- "You and your partner have 5 minutes to poke around and see what you can find."
Watch the Video - Internet Simulator - Part 2 - Video
So in short:
The Internet Simulator - Part 2...
....changes how you send and receive the messages
- You no longer have to coordinate setting and reading the wire with your partner
- Now the simulator is a two way street, and everything you send will be received by your partner automatically
- You send a full sequence of symbols all at once, rather than one symbol at a time.
- Now the Binary sends 0's and 1's instead of A's and B's
- It is possible to see the decimal interpretation of the binary.
- Develop a Number Sending Protocol.
- Sending Numbers (click and read)
- Sending Numbers for Graphing
Groups must develop a protocol or set of rules for communicating a drawing to their partners using only bits.
Challenge Rules:
- The image will be a line drawing created by connecting points on a grid, like the one seen here.
- The parties can discuss and agree on a protocol ahead of time, but the image exchange must happen without communication between the two parties, other than through using the Internet Simulator.
- You can only send a single message through the Internet Simulator to describe the whole image.
During the Acitivity
- Give students time to develop their protocols and practice encoding and decoding their images into bits.
- Students should be encouraged to make a simple drawing. A geometric shape, or the first letter of their name is a good option. A shape that can be drawn with about 3-5 points is a good goal. (The 5-pointed star example is a good one, and is shown in the activity guide)
- Students have been provided three different-sized graphs, on which they could scale their initial drawing to be different sizes or draw different images. Either way, it may necessitate the creation of different protocols.
- Wrap-up (10 mins)
- Does it work?
- I will give you a graph
- you code and transmit it to your partner
- Assessment
- Develop a protocol that allows the user to send a calendar date (mm/dd). What is the minimum number of bits necessary?
- Develop a protocol that allows the user to send a time (use 24hr military time hh:mm:ss). What is the minimum number of bits necessary?
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Review binary numbers.
- "How many more numbers can be represented with 4 bits as opposed to 3?"
- "What is the highest value I can count to using 3 bits? What about with 4?"
- "Justify the following claim: Regardless of the number of bits in our binary number system, the first value we represent is 0."
- Activity (35 mins)
- Introduce the Internet Simulator
- Today we will again use the Internet Simulator to explore some challenges of sending numbers on the Internet.
- The tool has changed from the last time you saw it! Let's find out what's different.
- "Your job is to explore this tool with a partner - click all the buttons, type in the text areas what you can. You cannot break it so don't worry."
- "What's different now? There is a bit of a mystery in what the tool does...and doesn't do. Can you figure it out?"
- "You and your partner have 5 minutes to poke around and see what you can find."
Watch the Video - Internet Simulator - Part 2 - Video
So in short:
The Internet Simulator - Part 2...
....changes how you send and receive the messages
- You no longer have to coordinate setting and reading the wire with your partner
- Now the simulator is a two way street, and everything you send will be received by your partner automatically
- You send a full sequence of symbols all at once, rather than one symbol at a time.
- Now the Binary sends 0's and 1's instead of A's and B's
- It is possible to see the decimal interpretation of the binary.
- Develop a Number Sending Protocol.
- Sending Numbers (click and read)
- Sending Numbers for Graphing
- Challenge:Groups must develop a protocol or set of rules for communicating a drawing to their partners using only bits.
- Challenge Rules:
- The image will be a line drawing created by connecting points on a grid, like the one seen here.
- The parties can discuss and agree on a protocol ahead of time, but the image exchange must happen without communication between the two parties, other than through using the Internet Simulator.
- You can only send a single message through the Internet Simulator to describe the whole image.
- During the Acitivity
- Give students time to develop their protocols and practice encoding and decoding their images into bits.
- Students should be encouraged to make a simple drawing. A geometric shape, or the first letter of their name is a good option. A shape that can be drawn with about 3-5 points is a good goal. (The 5-pointed star example is a good one, and is shown in the activity guide)
- Students have been provided three different-sized graphs, on which they could scale their initial drawing to be different sizes or draw different images. Either way, it may necessitate the creation of different protocols.
- Wrap-up (10 mins)
- Does it work?
- I will give you a graph
- you code and transmit it to your partner
- Assessment
- Develop a protocol that allows the user to send a calendar date (mm/dd). What is the minimum number of bits necessary?
- Develop a protocol that allows the user to send a time (use 24hr military time hh:mm:ss). What is the minimum number of bits necessary?
- Develop a protocol designed for a graph that is not square, e.g. 50 * 200. How does this alter the format of your protocol?
- Develop a protocol that can communicate locations on the surface of the earth. Longitude and latitude might be helpful tools to use.
- The “Scalable Vector Graphics” (SVG) image file format represents images as a text-based protocol. It can be used with HTML or as a standalone file. Check it out on W3Schools or Wikipedia.
1.7 Sending Texts
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Abstraction - a simplified representation of something more complex. Abstractions allow you to hide details to help you manage complexity, focus on relevant concepts, and reason about problems at a higher level.
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange; the universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand
- Protocol - A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.
- Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona
- Prompt: Imagine we wanted to create a system that would allow you to represent each of the 50 states.
- What's the smallest number of bits you would need to ensure you'd have unique patterns for each state?
- Write down how you would represent these 3 different states in your system. Then add two more of your own.
- Do individually....compare with a buddy.
- What did we learn?
- 3 things...
- Activity (35 mins)
- Lesson 7, #2 - Internet Simulator - open
- Prompt: When we communicate on the Internet we're not usually sending numbers back and forth, we're sending text! The version of the Internet Simulator you're using only lets you send numbers, but that doesn't mean we can't figure out our own way to send text.We'll be doing a series of challenges. Before each one I will give you a chance to talk to your partner. Then I'll give one member of each group a short text message like the ones on the board. Your job will be to create an encoding system that will allow you to send that message. As always this will need to be done silently, with no communication except through the Internet Simulator.
- "hey"
- "ttyl"
- "morning"
Challenge 1 - Spaces and Capitals:
Challenge 2 - Punctuation:
Challenge 3 - Numbers:
Challenge 4 - Review:
Prompt: Have groups compare with each other. Then move to a full group discussion.s
- Compare your systems. How are they the same? How are they different?
- What's the minimum number of bits each of your system would need per character? How do you know?
- ASCII Reference Sheet
- Prompt: Compare ASCII to the system you developed.
- What's the same as the systems you created?
- What's different?
- What is most interesting or surprising about this system?
Questions to ponder....
When in today's lesson is it ok to "forget the bits?"
When or why did we need to remember that information is represented by bits?
- What should we have learned today?
- Binary and decimal numbers can be converted back and forth
- It's usually easier to think of representing other things, like characters, as decimal numbers first. We ignore the underlying detail that the decimal number needs to be converted to bits (binary) to actually send on a computer.
- We usually only think about the underlying binary representation when we have to. For example if we have a 6-bit system we know we only can represent 64 unique patterns. If we need more characters we'll need more bits.
- Something that allows us to hide or forget underlying details is called an abstraction. Today we were sending text to each other but we know under the hood that means we're just sending electrical symbols back and forth. All the different layers we've explored in this chapter (binary numbers, decimal numbers, letters) allow us to ignore or hide the complexity of sending electric symbols. This makes it easy to quickly create systems like you did today and feel confident the underlying system will work.
- Assessment
- Lesson Assessment
- Lesson 7, Check your understanding
- Chapter Assessment
- Coming up on Sept 6. 5th if you want to vote on it come Tuesday.
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