APCSP - Cut computer energy consumption by 100 fold
The trick question
Useful modern education is not the work of rote. When you tell someone the answer and then give them a test to see if they remember what you told them, that’s not education, it’s incented memorization.On the other hand, if you can ask someone a question that causes them to think about something unexamined, that challenges them to explore new ways of seeing the world or making connections, you’ve actually caused a change to happen.
The second time you ask them that question, it won’t work as well. Now it’s just rote. That’s why people call it a trick question. Because they learned something. They learned the trick.
We need more trick questions.

HW Assignment - About me
Each week - More importantly - Each Friday, you will be required to summarize your work in this course by answering the following prompts in your Google Doc titled Marketing_Block_#_YourLastNameYourFirstName.
0. Date, Time
1. What did you learn this week that you found interesting and you understand well? What did you find motivational and exciting to learn?
2. What did you explore that was challenging or that did not capture your interest? What failed to motivate you or negatively impacted you?
3. What did you want to learn that you did not have time to explore? What ideas or processes would you like to study in the future?
Your journal should always posses the following characteristics.
- The most recent entry will always be at the top of the document.
- The first entry of the school year should always be the last entry at the bottom of your document.
- All entries should include detailed writing using Marketing terminology and ideas
Work the Big Six - Lap
1.04 Work the Big Six Quiz (20)
Analyze This - Lap
LAP - Analyze This! (10Q) - Strength Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat (Multiple Answer - Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat)
LAP Analyze This! (10Q - open ended)
LAP Analyze This! (20Q - MC)
Writing Prompt,
1st 10 minutes of class, class assignment grade.
Choose two of the question below...and not the two your friend right next to you chose.
Answer (in long form). a and b are off the list. c-g are fair game.
Do in either Gogle Docs or onedrive
entitle it with lastname_first name_# Block_1.04 Writing prompt
email to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
1.04 Question to know
1st 10 minutes of class, class assignment grade.
Choose two of the question below...and not the two your friend right next to you chose.
Answer (in long form). a and b are off the list. c-g are fair game.
Do in either Gogle Docs or onedrive
entitle it with lastname_first name_# Block_1.04 Writing prompt
email to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
1.04 Question to know
a. Define the following terms: marketing mix, product, place, promotion, price, goals,
strategies, and tactics.
strategies, and tactics.
b. Identify the components of the marketing mix.
c. Describe the importance of each of the components of the marketing mix.
d. Explain the relationship of goals, strategies, and tactics.
e. Describe the importance of marketing strategies.
f. Explain the factors that may cause marketing strategies to change.
g. Explain the importance of strategies in the marketing mix.
1.04 Vocab
Segmentation exercise
Segmentation Game handout
Segmentation chart with list
Gamer segmentation paper
Diet Coke Break - Video - Segmentation
Coke Zero Ad - Segmentation
Segmentation Game handout
Segmentation chart with list
Gamer segmentation paper
Diet Coke Break - Video - Segmentation
Coke Zero Ad - Segmentation
- Define the following terms: market, target market, mass marketing, marketing segments, market segmentation, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral segmentation.
- Explain the importance of target markets to businesses.
- Describe advantages and disadvantages of mass marketing.
- Describe advantages and disadvantages of using market segments.
- Explain why the use of market segments is increasing.
- Describe demographic characteristics that are analyzed by marketers.
- Explain the value of geographic segmentation.
- Discuss the value of psychographic segmentation.
- Describe types of behavioral segmentation.
Have students work in groups.
- Assign each group a product (jeans, frozen yogurt, digital cameras, Ford Mustang, Ipad, Essence Shampoo).
- Group must develop the market segments.
Quizlet Vocab for APCSP class code https://quizlet.com/join/6efxdQeHh
1st Vocab will be Sept 7th first 5 of class
Unit 1 Assessment - Sept - See calendar (Sept 11)
Great Fun!!
1.7 Sending Texts
- Getting Started (5 mins)
- Abstraction - a simplified representation of something more complex. Abstractions allow you to hide details to help you manage complexity, focus on relevant concepts, and reason about problems at a higher level.
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange; the universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand
- Protocol - A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.
- Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona
- Prompt: Imagine we wanted to create a system that would allow you to represent each of the 50 states.
- What's the smallest number of bits you would need to ensure you'd have unique patterns for each state?
- Write down how you would represent these 3 different states in your system. Then add two more of your own.
- Do individually....compare with a buddy.
- What did we learn?
- 3 things...
- Activity (35 mins)
- Lesson 7, #2 - Internet Simulator - open
- Prompt: When we communicate on the Internet we're not usually sending numbers back and forth, we're sending text! The version of the Internet Simulator you're using only lets you send numbers, but that doesn't mean we can't figure out our own way to send text.We'll be doing a series of challenges. Before each one I will give you a chance to talk to your partner. Then I'll give one member of each group a short text message like the ones on the board. Your job will be to create an encoding system that will allow you to send that message. As always this will need to be done silently, with no communication except through the Internet Simulator.
- "hey"
- "ttyl"
- "morning"
Challenge 1 - Spaces and Capitals:
Challenge 2 - Punctuation:
Challenge 3 - Numbers:
Challenge 4 - Review:
Prompt: Have groups compare with each other. Then move to a full group discussion.s
- Compare your systems. How are they the same? How are they different?
- What's the minimum number of bits each of your system would need per character? How do you know?
- ASCII Reference Sheet
- Prompt: Compare ASCII to the system you developed.
- What's the same as the systems you created?
- What's different?
- What is most interesting or surprising about this system?
Questions to ponder....
When in today's lesson is it ok to "forget the bits?"
When or why did we need to remember that information is represented by bits?
- What should we have learned today?
- Binary and decimal numbers can be converted back and forth
- It's usually easier to think of representing other things, like characters, as decimal numbers first. We ignore the underlying detail that the decimal number needs to be converted to bits (binary) to actually send on a computer.
- We usually only think about the underlying binary representation when we have to. For example if we have a 6-bit system we know we only can represent 64 unique patterns. If we need more characters we'll need more bits.
- Something that allows us to hide or forget underlying details is called an abstraction. Today we were sending text to each other but we know under the hood that means we're just sending electrical symbols back and forth. All the different layers we've explored in this chapter (binary numbers, decimal numbers, letters) allow us to ignore or hide the complexity of sending electric symbols. This makes it easy to quickly create systems like you did today and feel confident the underlying system will work.
- Assessment
- Lesson Assessment
- Lesson 7, Check your understanding
- Chapter Assessment
- Coming up on Sept 6. 5th if you want to vote on it come Tuesday.
- --------
- 1.8: The internet
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