Blown to Bits:
U1L12 - The need for DNS - Recap and finish
U1L13 - HTTP and Abstraction on the Internet
The Internet Protocol Stack (see image below)
Video: the Internet:HTTP and HTML
Investigate: HTTP traffic on your computer
What is SMTP?

A peek if not full dive into U1L14
BTB Reading - Due Thursday, Feb 13, by 8am.
pp - 309-316 - The Internet Spirit
pp 73-77 - Ghosts in the machine
Question on quia - http://www.quia.com/quiz/7524712.html
Express course 22-27 Due Monday Feb 17
Bonus readings/viewings
Bonus readings/viewings
- There and Back Again: A Packet’s Journey and discuss questions that arise about how a packet travels from one person to another. (3:21)
- Easy Way to Understand Packets. Note: Headphones are recommended; this one has some dramatic music! (13:00)
- Look at IETF Requests for Comment (RFCs): Protocols are developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (among other groups), who publish Requests for Comment (or RFCs) detailing the components of the protocol. If students wish, they may have a look at the one of the actual RFCs for TCP here https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc793.txt. RFCs exist for many of the protocols covered in this course.
1.02 assessment Today!!
1.02 Assessment - click here! - http://www.quia.com/quiz/7500766.html
I will need to open
A. Define the following terms: behavioral segmentation, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, market, market segmentation, marketing segments, mass marketing, psychographic segmentation, and target market.
B. Explain the importance of target markets to businesses.
C. Describe advantages and disadvantages of mass marketing.
D. Describe advantages and disadvantages of using market segments.
E. Explain why the use of market segments is increasing.
F. Describe demographic characteristics that are analyzed by marketers.
G. Explain the value of geographic segmentation.
H. Discuss the value of psychographic segmentation.
I. Describe types of behavioral segmentation.
EQ - Who are the customers? Where do they live? What are they willing to buy? How much are they willing to spend?
Who are the customers? Where do they live? What are they willing to buy? How much are they willing to spend?
Pretest - 1.05 MP 003 Pre-test 10Q http://www.quia.com/quiz/7502403.html
Read - on canvas
To market, to market
Are you ready, willing and able?
Who’s the target?
How much do you want?
Mass marketing\
Segment marketing
Summary (A)-4
Do - on quia
1.05 MP 003 Total Recall(A) 7OE - http://www.quia.com/quiz/7502479.html
Read on canvas
Types of segmentation
Demographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation
Psychographic segmentation
Behavioral segmentation
Summary (B)-4
Do on quia
1.05 MP 003 Total Recall(B) 5OE - http://www.quia.com/quiz/7502482.html
Good overview of Segmentation
Video – Youtube - Market segmentation introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luEQUFWJ6oY&index=18&list=PLvy2hkfDK8JrKqZumPYVbO-qo5qSMU5Pa&spfreload=1
1.05 MP 003 Ind Activity 1: Marty and the Martins
1.05 MP 003 Individual Activity 2: Say Cheese!
Shortcut - Briefing
Shortcut - Briefing
1.05 Briefing – Markets and Market Identification
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