Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Wakey wakey

HSEMII - Follow Up

HSEMI - What If? - Seth Godin
AP Hours Fall 2019

AP CSP Exam and Psuedo code prep

is timedLoop math/logic?
       Though using an existing construct, you are placing in it a student derived/created start, stop, step, and operations (even if from library calls),
       Count up or count down....same idea
is randomNumber math?
      No.  Though it is math nature, think library call and you would still need an equation or Boolean to push it through.  When you use it, it is normally in the form
      num = randomNumber(1,50);
      In short, it is just a number.
      When you use it as part of a math string....though still a number, it can result in cooler stuff

is for/while loop math/logic?
        make sure it does something unique

math/logic parent function?
     Both the parent and at least one child must have math/logic
    Row 5 - parent must have a math/logic
                        logic can be an if else to either cal or not call the one/two other child
     Row 6 - AND a child
                   If you screw up Row 5 and not include the math/logic, you WILL miss Row 6

 Concerning Row 7
      If you give it a name
      is there anything other than library calls
      prob a student developed abstraction

• ID the language you are using (JavaScript)
• ID the purpose or function of your program, purpose is generally easier. Purpose = goal or objective of program, for most of you this is to entertain through the use of a game or quiz, etc.
• Describe what we see in your video
• Need to describe your overall process. Use the words iterative and/or incremental. Something along the lines of “I wrote some code, I tested it, I made changes and additions, I tested more, etc.”
• Also mention two specific examples of a difficulty (a problem you fixed) or an opportunity (something you added to make it better)
• Say whether they’re ind / collab (at least 1 has to be independent)
• For your code to count, must have a parent algorithm that includes 2 other algorithms, usually this is done by calling 2 functions that you wrote
• Parent MUST have math/logic, at least 1 kid MUST have math/logic
• Each algorithm (parent & 2 kids) must do “something” on their own, 1 line of code is NOT an algorithm
• Paste the part that you oval’ed in this written response
• Describe how (not just what they do) the 2 child algorithms work on their own, and also how they combine to help the parent achieve the program’s intended purpose

• Paste the part that you rectangle’d in this written response
• Explain how your abstraction manages complexity
• Most common ways to answer this are:
    o Abstraction is a function that is called multiple times in your program, it manages complexity because each time you call it you don’t need to retype all the code, just the function call
    o Abstraction is a function that makes use of a parameter that is called with different values in your program, it manages complexity because you can replace multiple functions with one more generalized function
    o There are other ways too (an array that replaces multiple variables, for example)

Create PT submission Due Jan 9

Unit 5 Assessment 4 on Tuesday, Dec 17

Due Dec 16

Arrays and Psuedo code are not covered on the AP Exam
Arrays may be referenced, but not tested on.



Carowinds Trip

  • Pricing Strategy

Is Your Price Right?

Relationship between Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion


Unit 9:  Pricing

Springsteen cancels GSO stop - 2016
Google search 


3.03  LAP - Tipping Point
3.03 Tipping Point OE (10q)

LAP Tipping Point Types of expenses Worksheet
LAP - Tipping Point Breakeven assignment
LAP - Tipping Point Breakeven assignment #2
LAP - Tipping Point Class Assignment - Should I???

Break Even Help

Break Even Help #2

Identify strategies for pricing new products.
Select product-mix pricing strategies.
Determine discounts and allowances that can be used to adjust base prices.
Adjust base prices using psychological pricing techniques.
Select promotional pricing strategies.
Select geographic pricing strategies to adjust base prices.
Identify segmented pricing strategies.
Demonstrate procedures for selecting appropriate pricing strategies for products.

3.03C PPT Pricing New Products [5-90] Tuesday

Consider Other Pricing Strategies
Slideshow -  Developing an effective pricing strategy for a troubled

Price Skimming

Factors to consider when setting price
3.03D PPT Pricing Terms [5-92] 

Define the following terms: floors, ceilings, and elasticity.
Describe the importance of determining pricing floors and ceilings.
Explain process for setting prices.
Estimate demand for product.
Implement process for setting prices.

Evaluating your product’s uniqueness

Researching product price elasticity

How to price an event

3.04 PPT Types of Ticketing Sales Programs

Identify types of ticket-sales programs.
Explain the need for a ticket-sales program.
Discuss considerations in developing a ticket-sales program.
Describe security issues associated with ticket-sales programs.
Explain the use of technology to facilitate ticket-sales programs.
Demonstrate procedures for developing a ticket-sales program.

Explain reasons for bundling/packaging extra amenities with tickets.
Discuss reasons for not bundling/packaging extra amenities with tickets.
Identify effective bundling/packaging ideas.
Describe considerations when bundling/packaging extra amenities with tickets.
Identify agencies/businesses to package with.
Demonstrate procedures for bundling/packaging extra amenities with tickets.

Explain the need for a pre-season booking strategy.
Describe advantages/disadvantages of pre-season booking strategies.
Discuss information needed to develop a pre-season booking strategy.
Describe factors to negotiate when developing a pre-season booking strategy.
Demonstrate procedures for developing a pre-season booking strategy.

Conclusion only

27 pages of sheer bliss….all from the standpoint of ticketing….and yes, today we read.

Successful ticketing = planning ahead

Ticket Sales Planning - NBA

Page 8
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 14

Abstract + 1st and 2nd Paragraphs

1/Introduction - 1st paragraph
Begins with “Over the last two decades, improved communication technologies, differences in input costs between
geographies, and geographical skill specialization have”

2/ Page 30-31 Fig 5

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