Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016 Looking into the future oftentimes requires to look behind us

Of course your behavior is justifiable.
That's not the question.
The question is, "is it helping?"
It's easy to justify our mood or our actions based on how we've been treated by the outside world. Justification isn't the goal, though. It's effectiveness that matters.
We get to pick how we act, and it seems as though choosing what works, choosing what makes us happy, choosing what makes the world the place we want to make it--these choices are more useful than any justification we can dream up.
 -Seth Godin

Word of the Day
Question of the day
SAT QOTD (Begin in 2012)

Kaplan's Version QOTD
Marketing I

What is the concept of market?
What is Segmentation?

1.01 Vocab - Friday

Please study for the 1st 5 of class

1.01 - Let's take a peek at the rest of the section

1.01 powerpoint - Conclued SWOT and the 7 functions of marketing
1.01_Guided_Note [hey young adults...this is new]



Chap 1  - Vocab on Friday
Take the first 5 of class and study

Re-instated - Trust me - Chap 1 test on Friday - 20 questions - Ask me about the cheat sheet!

What is meant by the marketing mix?

Obj 1 review....let's call it a pre-quiz
Chap 1 Quiz

Method - People against Dirty - a case study

The Jerk - product solutions  Chap 1

"It can Wait" AT&T

Netflix Case Study - Page 1/2

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