ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day
You should have outlined:
We will be slowly working backwards until you have finished all of Obj 1
- either with guided notes or with a semi-formal outline of each. Due
date: end of the month - emailed to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
March Sandwichness Bracket
Different, interesting take on the same
Nostalgia sells, even for basketball...bridging of two camps...a beautiful carryover
Jaguar....high wire?
The Making of a brand
March Sandwichness Bracket
Different, interesting take on the same
Brand is also about it's legacy, present, and HiStOrY
Jaguar....high wire?
The Making of a brand
1st 30 of class:
Powtoons.com - today you will sign in and explore for the first 5 of class....let's make sure you can access from school.
the assignment
Develop a 45 sec/1 min powtoon describing your brand.
all pictures must be from the stock ones in the program
all music...the same
min slides.....?...simply enough to tell me a complete story in the time allotted
A new transition between each slide is required
make it fun and entertaining
Due ????? evening 10pm....emailed to murphyk2@gcsnc.com
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