Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5/21/2013 Day after Interims....we are still here. Two weeks til exams


Levels of marketing magic, the placebo effects of desire

ANTICIPATION: Before the product is released, the true fans are buzzing and speculating and waiting in line. The anticipation is self-reinforcing, a placebo effect of desire.

UTILITY: The album is good, the software is useful, the book changes things. It works better than we hoped. Exceeding expectations pays significant dividends.

REMARK: It's purple. Remarkable. Worth talking about. The word spreads. Ten people tell ten people and suddenly, it's abuzz. Not because of PR or hype, but because the remarkability is built right into the product or service itself. And more people enjoy things that are getting buzzed about.

TRIBE: The core group, the true fans, are even more connected then before. The organization has helped them organize, the product creates a culture, commitments are made, conversations persist, a culture is built. To use something that makes us feel as though we belong is magic indeed.


If this sounds like Apple, Bob Dylan, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Dead, gun collectors or Shake Shack, it's not an accident. It's definitely not an accident.

Marketing Management
3rd Block - 81871225065

Obj 5.06
Test by Thursday/Friday at latest.
Obj 6 next week.
Retest on Obj 4,3,2,1 Tuesday
Vocab Obj 5.01, 5.05 Maybe Wednesday....if I get the vocab up today, if not, we will push it til later.
Oreo fans, check out their website....download the song!!!!!!!!! (blocks from school computer....download it from home)
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

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