Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Wake up, fight crime, eat, go to sleep.....


Why do you do it this way?

That's the simple test of a bureaucracy that has lost its way.
If your employees can't answer how something they do helps the customer or the company, you've insulated your people from their jobs.
"It's our policy," is not an answer to why. Saying the policy again, louder, is not an answer to why.
Their inability to answer this simple question might be because you haven't taken the time to teach your people how to think about the work you do. Or it might be because you're hiring people (or rewarding people) who don't want to think about your work.
Don't you want the people who do the work to understand it?  And don't you want your customers to feel respected by the people who serve them?

  - Seth Godin
ACT Question of the day 
SAT Question of the day



T-shirts --The biggest bang for our buck?


Shadow wifi


Cost to own



4.01 continued

New Focus - Brand Continued
     Day one - Name
     Day two - One thing that describes you
     Day 3 - Two things that describe you  (can include the previous day)
     Day 4 - 3 things that describes you (can include the previous days)
     Day 5 - Future goals (short term and long term)

Mini is the new thing

Crazy Glue


Cost to own

MIM - Who owns the information?

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