Special opportunity on Thursday - 3d movie - teachers will be emailed out today
study for the first 5 and then let's do it!!!!!
Parent handouts....with signatures, -2 points a day until turned in....or no credit at all for the 1st and most basic homework.
Teen Driving (3d) coming tomorrow!!!!!
The First Draft...ever!
The Sharks return to their day job
The Shift to a new Platform
Facebook....getting your attention now?
Special opportunity on Thursday....pure marketing - ask me about it! (2nd block only - sorry third)
The Shift to a new Platform
8 Functions of marketing with definitions
Marketing Information Management Focused
types of research
Purpose of MIM - management focus
Special opportunity on Thursday....pure marketing - ask me about it! (2nd block only - sorry third)
This is your new assignment - also counts as a homework in addition to a quiz
Parent handouts....with signatures, -2 points a day until turned in....or no credit at all for the 1st and most basic homework.
Parent handouts....with signatures, -2 points a day until turned in....or no credit at all for the 1st and most basic homework.
Facebook....getting your attention now?
Thursday begin on Obj 2 material
Friday Test/Assessment on Obj 1
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