Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014 T minus 8 days (not counting today or that would be 9 days, but we are not, so 8)



How does it rank on your list?
When you think about your work or your art or the way you vote, where does obedience rank? What about your tribal connections and social choices?
When you measure the worth of someone else, how highly do you count their willingness to obey authority and the status quo?
It's baked in to our culture. Sometimes so completely that we don't even notice.

Seth Godin


Continue with Obj 3.03

The games are full...Link here

UNLV and sponsorship partners - read

Facebook tutorials....clean and simple, with a bit of humor

Someone got paid 

Class assignment - ads for the 7 School Sponsors - PAST DUE - Minus 5 pts now


Chap 12 - begin
Vocab today.... Vocab 16/12!  combo day!!!!    

The games are full...Link here
OCE #2 ....due the Day before Christmas Break

Don't forget about the pricing project.......due upon return from break!

JCPenney's....tugging on the heart....I actually like them a bit better

Victoria....a lot like we were talking about concerning facebook 

So cool...Choose your own adventure story for the guys!!!!  

The lead in
A showcase of award winning ads

Facebook tutorials....clean and simple, with a bit of humor

House of Whatever


Choice, happiness and spaghetti

Dan Ariely

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day


The games are full...Link here

3.02  - first 15 or so, guided notes  - 3.01 or 3.02 or even 3.03 material
3.03 continuing......Study vocab

JCPenney's....tugging on the heart....I actually like them a bit better
So what was their morals?  Do you like the company they show themselves as?

Facebook tutorials....clean and simple, with a bit of humor


Choice, happiness and spaghetti

Dan Ariely

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