Test on Tuesday - through Obj 1.05
Completed Guided Notes - should be in your folder
Take 2 minutes and look through 1.04 material and see if you have questions (Reflection)
look through the other files...the ones we may have not opened....do we need them?
CBA - Presentation Today! murphyk2@gcsnc.com if you haven't already emailed it completed.
Continue with 1.05 and guided notes as time allows
***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.
Chap 5....Consumer Decision Making - the psychological beginnings of the sale
Test - Chap 1,2,3,19 - hard copy given back - assignment given
Tuesday's Homework......Speaking about brand....What 10 songs would be on Cowboy's playlist?
An email
Subject Line - YOUR NAME - Cowboy's Playlist
Song with a youtube hyperlink
Be thoughtful concerning this assignment.
Don't worry about a consensus amongst your classmates...I want to know what your think!
***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.
Test on Tuesday - Obj 1
Branding with Abe
So ridiculous...surprised it was even more popular
First 5....
yesterday you were working on a mental outline of the previous
objectives....today, you will complete the physical outline of the
first 5 - Outline 1.01
Last 5 - Outline 1.02
First 5 after lunch - Outline 1.04
Marketing Research Process Article - Obj 1.05 last file
Obj 1.05 research project
Obj 1.05 Activities #10
In groups of two or less...Find a product that flopped...
Movies are ok, but an honest to goodness product
Why do they say it flopped? - was it a lack of MIM?
Think of a restaurant that has closed.....MIM?
Obj 1.05 Activities #13
Think of a Survey
What basic components would your survey include?
Open drive.google.com and log in (create one- if it is working on the computers)
Create a satisfaction survey for a......
hyperlink insert here
***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.