Monday, November 25, 2013

11/26/2013 Tuesday....a test for all classes and a 2 hour delay to boot....


Perfection or exploration

In an organization built around perfection, you need to push people to say, "Bad news, I made a mistake." Only by surfacing mistakes can the organization stamp them out.

In an organization built around exploration, on the other hand, people need to say, "Good news, I made a mistake." Only by seeking things that don't work will the group end up exploring.

In both situations, people don't want to speak up, because we've been taught that mistakes should be hidden. In both situations, though, hiding them is the very worst option.


Basketball Checklist

1st Block - Open and let's begin. - welcome to an open source document.  Any and all with this link can edit and create.  Begin typing in your ideas......

3rd Block - Open and let's begin. - welcome to an open source document. Any and all with this link can edit and create. Begin typing in your ideas......

Target MArket...are you in it?

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

VMA's and the millinials
Toyota and you...the making of a social media ad

Swiss Made - the competitive advantage still holds


11/25/2013 Monday...thank goodness the weekend is over!!!!


Authority as an excuse for complacency

"I thought you knew what you were doing..."
One of the principles of being on the bus, in the class or in your seat is that you are along for the ride. The teacher/boss/driver knows what he's doing, just shut up and sit still.
Apparently, we have come to embrace this. It's safer, and easier too. With this worldview, all blame clearly goes to the people in charge, and powerlessness is a seductive habit.
What a shame.
In an industrial setting, giving up our independence in exchange for eager compliance can lead to productivity and thus success. As that age fades, though, our habit of surrender might not pay off.
The internet is an organizing tool, a connection to billions of others. We've been given a keyboard and a megaphone, a way to change the story or the election or the policy. The authority that comes from asset ownership or experience is worth less than ever before, but we are often eager to defer to it, even when we know that the authority is wrong.
No one can force you to stand up, speak up and make a difference. But if you back off and play along, please understand that whatever happens happened, at least in part, because you acquiesced.


5.03 finish

Let's begin planning for the Basketball games
Panther's resurgence

Basketball herre on the Ranch

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Very interesting charachter....well, interesting articles nonetheless
Did somebody say delivery?

Friday, November 22, 2013

11/22/2013 Friday....and a shortened week next week.....can it get any better than this?

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
Colin Powell

Who is this marketing for?

Before you spend a minute or a dollar on marketing, perhaps you could answer some questions:

  • Who, precisely, are you trying to reach?
  • What change are you trying to make?
  • How will you know if it's working?
  • How long before you will lose patience?
  • How long before someone on your team gets to change the mission?
  • How much time and money are you prepared to spend?
  • Who gets to approve this work?
  • Who are you trying to please or impress?


5.03 finish and review

Quiz 5.02/5.03a

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Integrated marketing communication

Quiz - Chap 14
Let's chat about Zappos and curating.
Something a bit fun and psycographic

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11/21/2013 Sports banquet tonight.....Wish you played a fall sport


#BlackFriday = media trap

Black Friday was a deliberate invention of the National Association of Retailers. It was not only the perfect way to promote stores during a super slow news day, but had the side benefit of creating a new cultural norm.

Any media outlet that talks about Black Friday as an actually important phenomenon is either ignorant or working hard to please their advertisers. Retailers offer very little in the way of actual discounts, they expose human panic and greed, and it's all sort of ridiculous if not soul-robbing.

Sixteen years ago, my friend Jerry Shereshewsky helped invent 'cyber Monday' as a further expansion of the media/shopping complex mania. It was amazingly easy to find people eager to embrace and talk about the idea of developing yet another holiday devoted to buying stuff.

Here are some of the steps involved in creating a marketing phenomena like this:

  1. Find something that people are already interested in doing (in this case, shopping)
  2. Add scarcity, mob dynamics, a bit of fear
  3. Repeat the meme in the media. Press releases, B roll, clever statistics regardless of veracity
  4. Do it on a slow news day, and mix in famous names, famous brands and even some hand-wringing about the plight of workers

Apple does this with its product launches. The IRS does the opposite of #1 around tax day. Nike sold a billion dollars worth of sneakers this way.

People like doing what other people are doing. People don't like being left out. The media likes both.


5.03 read through for 5.

An Army message

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Integrated marketing communication

Amazon and Private Brand Label
Girl Power
Upworthy Generator

Test - Vocab - Chap 14

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18/2013 Monday, Monday, Monday! Soon to be Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday


Belief is more powerful than proof

In fact, the only use of proof is to have a shot at creating belief.
It's not the only way, though, and it's not always the best one either.


5.02 review

5.03 read through for 5

Yorkshore Tea...Product Positioning

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

What chapter is next?
Yorkshire Tea.....image

Friday, November 15, 2013

11/15/2013 Friday. Maybe Yorkshire Tea will help



5.02...Read for 5 minutes and get ready

Yorkshore Tea...Product Positioning

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 18...price concluded
Yorkshire Tea.....image

Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/14/2013 Thursday...need I say more?


Evoking online trust

Interactions rarely happen with people we don't trust.

How is it that someone sees your website or your social media presence or your email and decides to interact? The decision to interact happens beforesomeone actually listens to what you have to say. Here’s a way to think about the factors that kick in before the browser even hears what you have to offer them today:

  • Word of mouth
  • Direct interaction
  • Graphics
  • Tone of voice
  • Offer
  • Size of leap
  • Fear
  • Social ranking/metric
  • Tribal affiliation
  • Perception of transparency
  • Longevity
  • Mass acceptance

Word of mouth: The most effective, by far. If I’ve heard good things about you from people I know, the entire relationship changes. You get the benefit of the doubt.

Direct interaction: Have you previously touched me or interacted me in some way beyond the passive? The way I feel about that ping will alter our interaction. If this is the first time you're reaching out, you can bet a piece of spam is read differently than something that comes via mutual introduction.

Graphics: What do you look like? What does it remind me of? With so few clues online, we read an enormous amount into every pixel, every typeface...

Tone of voice: A variation of graphics, it has to do with your copy, with your video, with the urgency of your offer. Urgency rarely leads to trust.

Scarcity: Is there a perception that early birds gain? This also hooks in with metrics, like the progress your Kickstarter has made so far, or the number of social links you display.

Offer: What’s in it for me to listen to what you have to say? Do I gain more if I listen with a sympathetic ear?

Size of leap: What are you asking me to do? It’s significantly easier to earn the trust that is required to with follow you on social media than it is to get me to give you my credit card. When you hook your new idea to an old idea I already trust, you benefit.

Fear: This is related to the leap. Big leaps are scarier, requiring more trust, and thus more skepticism.

Social ranking/metric: Results on the first page of Google are more trusted. People with a lot of Twitter followers as well, which is one reason both metrics are aggressively coveted and sometimes gamed.

Tribal affiliation: Are you one of us?

Perception of transparency: When I can see the metrics, or understand your intention, or when the message carries with it the hooks to those ideas, I’m more inclined to trust you. (This is a cultural, not a universal, bias).

Longevity: How long have you been showing up?

Mass acceptance: When I sort of hear of you from my friends, when I recognize you from a hashtag or the logo on a shirt or from a TV show, you come out ahead. TV celebrities walk in to the room with a lot of trust.

You will be judged, best to plan on being judged in the best possible light.

SEMII event
Please read the is worthy

5.02...Read for 5 minutes and get ready

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Please read the is worthy
Chap 17....yeah!  Let's go with that one.

Vocab!  Chap 17

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/13/13 Since we didn't have a Monday, is today really a Hump Day?


Evoking online trust

Interactions rarely happen with people we don't trust.

How is it that someone sees your website or your social media presence or your email and decides to interact? The decision to interact happens before someone actually listens to what you have to say. Here’s a way to think about the factors that kick in before the browser even hears what you have to offer them today:

  • Word of mouth
  • Direct interaction
  • Graphics
  • Tone of voice
  • Offer
  • Size of leap
  • Fear
  • Social ranking/metric
  • Tribal affiliation
  • Perception of transparency
  • Longevity
  • Mass acceptance

Word of mouth: The most effective, by far. If I’ve heard good things about you from people I know, the entire relationship changes. You get the benefit of the doubt.

Direct interaction: Have you previously touched me or interacted me in some way beyond the passive? The way I feel about that ping will alter our interaction. If this is the first time you're reaching out, you can bet a piece of spam is read differently than something that comes via mutual introduction.

Graphics: What do you look like? What does it remind me of? With so few clues online, we read an enormous amount into every pixel, every typeface...

Tone of voice: A variation of graphics, it has to do with your copy, with your video, with the urgency of your offer. Urgency rarely leads to trust.

Scarcity: Is there a perception that early birds gain? This also hooks in with metrics, like the progress your Kickstarter has made so far, or the number of social links you display.

Offer: What’s in it for me to listen to what you have to say? Do I gain more if I listen with a sympathetic ear?

Size of leap: What are you asking me to do? It’s significantly easier to earn the trust that is required to with follow you on social media than it is to get me to give you my credit card. When you hook your new idea to an old idea I already trust, you benefit.

Fear: This is related to the leap. Big leaps are scarier, requiring more trust, and thus more skepticism.

Social ranking/metric: Results on the first page of Google are more trusted. People with a lot of Twitter followers as well, which is one reason both metrics are aggressively coveted and sometimes gamed.

Tribal affiliation: Are you one of us?

Perception of transparency: When I can see the metrics, or understand your intention, or when the message carries with it the hooks to those ideas, I’m more inclined to trust you. (This is a cultural, not a universal, bias).

Longevity: How long have you been showing up?

Mass acceptance: When I sort of hear of you from my friends, when I recognize you from a hashtag or the logo on a shirt or from a TV show, you come out ahead. TV celebrities walk in to the room with a lot of trust.

You will be judged, best to plan on being judged in the best possible light.

Atlanta Braves moving?!?!?!?!
As from ESPN
A better one from ESPN

5.01 Quiz

Take the first 15 minutes of class and read over 5.02,
Go over the study guides....eventually


Motivational levels achieved....Walmart, my kinda store

hahahahahaha - did we get your attention? event

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Continue with Chap 4


Services...a change is coming

Consumer Buying Decisions..Where should we go for Black Friday sales?

Let's focus in on Attention.. (AIDA - Promotion)

11/12/13 hahahahah the date is funny!!!! It will only happen once more this century



5.01 recap

Take the first 15 minutes of class and read over 5.02, Try to collect memories of your experiences now past that pertain to willing to share!

Go over the study guides....eventually

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Test anyone?!?!?!?
Find it over on Document Manager


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/7/2013 One Day More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5.01  Let's Begin!
Take the first 15 minutes of class and read over 5.01, Try to collect memories of your experiences now past that pertain to willing to share!

Go over the study guides

NYC Marathon - the website
NYC Marathon 2012...the one that was you read it and tell me why
Expenses Rising....NYC Marathon.....why? And more importantly, what is the solution they proposed?

And this year, the Road Runners, not the city, will have to foot the bill for the cops, emergency workers, and traffic controllers who make the marathon run smoothly—which will cost about $2.5 million, according to Crain’s.

NYC a the posting...but only for 2012, 2013, and 2014
NYC Economic Impact....What is it every ear? What happened to the money since it cancelled?
A Charity scam, or simply an inconvienant truth? Where does the money go?

Asics...marathon runs in our blood

Someone forgot the basics of setting up an event.... "Wonder Blunder"

Rollerdome: Inline skating in the Metrodome

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Blockbuster....leaving us forever....

Chap know, the one you should have read.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11/6/2013 Wednesday....nice!


"You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: Never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line."

 - Vizzini...The Princess Bride


Go over the study guides
Quiz Today...Obj 4.02

NYC Marathon - the website
NYC Marathon 2012...the one that was you read it and tell me why
Expenses Rising....NYC Marathon.....why?  And more importantly, what is the solution they proposed?

     And this year, the Road Runners, not the city, will have to foot the bill for the cops, emergency workers, and traffic controllers who make the marathon run smoothly—which will cost about $2.5 million, according to Crain’s.

NYC a the posting...but only for 2012, 2013, and 2014
NYC Economic Impact....What is it every ear?   What happened to the money since it cancelled?
A Charity scam, or simply an inconvienant truth?  Where does the money go?

Asics...marathon runs in our blood

Someone forgot the basics of setting up an event.... "Wonder Blunder"

Rollerdome: Inline skating in the Metrodome
Let's start on 5.01

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

 Recommenduer....check out #3

Asics....more than just a

Bad Hallmark...Bad!   Marketers, though close to perfection, sometimes do make mistakes

Fielding Questions or Thoughts from Chap 10.....if not, we move on.

Friday, November 1, 2013

11/4/2013 Brrr, is it getting colder?



Go over the study guides

Amusement parks that have closed...a slideshow

Quiz moved to Wednesday

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 11
     pg 351
          LO3, 3.01
     pgs 363-364
          Entre...ship Cases  (a funny one Ms. Hales)

Continue Chap 10
Quiz on 11 on Friday