Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nov 1, 2013 Halloween is over, but the candy just went on sale



Go over the study guides

Top grossing horror movies v cost to make of all time

Top Horror attractions 2013
Best Screampark 2013
Top 13      #11 and #12 - Betsy Jeff Penn Petition

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Quiz on 11 on Friday - Betsy Jeff Penn Petition

10/31/2013 Spooky Halloween! Boo!!!!!, Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha


Krispy Kreme Doughnuts......



Turn in your forms first and proceed to take care of the survey
The password is Jude (case sensitive).

I will go over the last bit of 4.02....should take most of the class.
Is Halloween an event? - A written assignment. Cite specifics from 4.02 material, not just opinions

Go over the study guides

Top grossing horror movies v cost to make of all time - Betsy Jeff Penn Petition

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Turn in your forms first and proceed to take care of the survey
The password is Jude (case sensitive).
Begin Chap 10
Quiz on 10 on Friday - Betsy Jeff Penn Petition

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/30/13 Boo! hahahaha. you jumped! just a bit of fun before Halloween




Turn in your forms first and proceed to take care of the survey

The password is Jude (case sensitive).

I will go over the last bit of 4.02....should take most of the class.
Is Halloween an event? - A written assignment.  Cite specifics from 4.02 material, not just opinions
MLB picture form
Take a look at revenue in all aspects

Casino plans?

Should we have time, we will go over the study guides so you should have a firm foundation of what is to come on future tests. If not enough time, we will continue this one on Wednesday.

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Turn in your forms first and proceed to take care of the survey
The password is Jude (case sensitive).
Chap 11 finish.
Vocab on 11 & 10 on Thursday. 
Quiz on 10 & 11 on Friday

Monday, October 28, 2013

10/29/2013 Smell that crisp, new nine week air. Full of hope and prosperity.


Two kinds of loyalty

The first kind of loyalty is the loyalty of convenience.
I'm going to look around, sure, but probably won't switch. Switching is risky, it's time consuming. Switching means a new account manager or moving my software or reprinting something. Switching means I might make a mistake or lose my miles or have to defend a new decision.
Corporations are getting ever better at building this sort of loyalty.
Then there's the other kind of loyalty. This is the loyalty of, "I'm not even looking."
This is the loyalty of, "I'm the kind of person that sticks with people who stick with me." This is the loyalty of someone who doesn't even want to know that there's a better deal somewhere else, because, after all, he's in it for the long haul.
The problem with the loyalty of convenience is that the customer is always tempted to look and look some more, and the vendor is always working to build barriers, barriers that don't necessarily increase satisfaction, but merely build a wall of hassle around the (now) trapped customer.
We don't have an common marketing term for this sort of feeling, but 'stuck' comes to mind.
The beauty of the second kind of loyalty, the loyalty of identity and satisfaction, is that the person who isn't even looking is committed, as committed to the relationship as the vendor is. You earn this sort of loyalty, you don't architect it.
You can only focus at creating on one sort of loyalty at a time, true?



The password is Jude (case sensitive).
Joe, read the above...I will ask you about it first.
Congrats, with the exception of Noah, Sabrina and Ashley - all comments were favorable.  Seriously!!  A cell phone during class?  "No Cookie for you!" cookie for you....and points look questionable.

I will go over the last bit of 4.02....should take most of the class.
MLB picture form
Take a look at revenue in all aspects

Casino plans?

Should we have time, we will go over the study guides so you should have a firm foundation of what is to come on future tests.  If not enough time, we will continue this one on Wednesday.

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

The password is Jude (case sensitive).

New app - talking about "exchange"
The class was perfect.  Thank you.
Test will be added only if it helps your grade.  A bonus of the lowest quiz dropped to boot.
Which chapter are we on???
Let's open that one one continue in our journey.....but first!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

10/25/2013 - The day Murphy left us alone......and gave us gifts

"Do well, and the rewards are many, do not and rewards dry up like an arid dessert, harse, dry, hot....then the scorpions come"
--- unknown

Go to the table and collect one of each study guides/tests
     1 sheet says 2.00 Study Guide....all in one packet

Open note...Open Powerpoint...not open friend...that is gross.

As we spoke yesterday, be golden and the rewards will flow....the inverse is also true.

Should you finish the studyguides....hand in your papers to Mrs. Blackwell and collect one or more of the Role Play sheets....1 page response for each one done.

If you do not finish, it is well.....turn in all papers to Mrs. Blackwell. 

She will be the one who decides your fate.

Remember civilty, 10 minute bathroom rule, and quietness. 

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chaps 8 & 9 note, open book.

Tests are
HSM 8 & 9 a
HSM 8&9 b
HSM 8&9 c
located on Mr Murphy's website under Document manager
Though 60 questions, I will base your grade on 45, with the others bonus.
This can only help you, not hurt...providing you do well with Mrs. Blackwell.
Bennett - a
Black - b
Cooley - c
Crooks -a
Hales -b
Hannouche -c
Harms -a
Hayden, Amber -b
Hayden, Amber -c
Keene -a
Kokx -b
Luong -c
Majeed - a
Moore - b
Nguyen - c
Sarrimanolis -a
Scobercea -b
Shams -c
Skarring -a
Sookra -b

10/24/2013 Thursday...a surprise for tomorrow


Does anger follow the laws of thermodynamics?

I have no idea what caused the guy in front of me in traffic to be having a bad day.

Maybe he has a stressful meeting coming up, or his butler burned his bacon at breakfast. Maybe he's having trouble paying his rent, or his industry is under seige. All I know is that he's weaving in and out, giving people the finger and yelling at other cars, all at the same time.

Unlike cupcakes, anger isn't conserved.

If I have a cupcake and I give it to you, I don't have a cupcake any more. But if someone who is angry gives you their anger, now you both might have it.

You've seen it too many times before. Someone is afraid, untethered or just upset about something that happened long before you walked into the room. Unbridled agita is dumped on you, spittle flying, eyes wide, personal invective unfiltered. Just feet away, the angry person is saying, "here," and dumping vitriol in your direction.

All connection gets severed, any chance for positive engagement seems long gone. The opportunity, it seems, is to pick up some of that anger and throw it right back, where it came from.

And now, of course, both of you are having a bad day.

Shared anger destroys trust. It eliminates dialogue. It activates the lizard brain of everyone within earshot, and produces nothing of value.

No credit goes to the person who vents, who opens his spleen and shares his anger. No points for bravery or honesty or getting in touch with his feelings. Anger shared is not anger ameliorated.

Talk about it, don't talk with it. Point it out, and then leave it there, on the floor, where, unengaged, the anger can't help but wither and die.

Test looking like on Friday - Obj 4, 3, 2

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 9 ....test looking like on Friday.
Looking to Finish Chap 9 today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10/23/13 Hump day!!!!! and parent assist day as well


The PowerSchool for Parents/Students  will be rolled out Wednesday, October 23, 2013 to all High Schools
Parents and Students can get their Access credentials from the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal, which is the old Parent Assistant website;  The Parent access codes and student username and password can be used to create a PowerSchool account.  Remind Parents/Students that we can not give out the student ID over the phone. They can get it from the student or should be on the upcoming report cards. Also note:  I’m trying to find out how other guardians get access that are not a parent, ex: group home guardian, non-domiciled guardian, grandparents, step parents etc.  I’ll update you when I get an answer.
 The Parent/Student Portal requires the following fields to be populated:
  • Email Address (does not need to match the one at the school)
  • Parent's First Name (Must match the name as listed in PowerSchool) - Parent Registration Screen
  • Parent's Last name (Must match the name as listed in PowerSchool) - Parent Registration Screen
  • Student's Last name (Must match the name as listed in PowerSchool) - Student Registration Screen
  • Student's First name (Must match the name as listed in PowerSchool) - Student Registration Screen
  • Home Phone (Must match the home phone number as listed in PowerSchool)
  • Student's ID (Must be entered correctly.  Parents can add up to 8 children)
Once the parents/students have entered the above information correctly, an email will be sent to the email address they have provided. The email will contain the following:
  • Parent Access ID and Access Password - Parent's Email
  • Student Username and Password - Student's Email
  • PowerSchool for Parents/Students link – Parent’s and Student’s Email
  • PowerSchool Parent User Guide  - Parent's Email
  • PowerSchool Student User Guide - Student's Email
If a parent/student cannot successfully register they will receive one of the following messages, each telling them to contact the Data Manager at the school:
Parent Error Messages:
  • Parent's Last Name does not match the school’s database
  • Parent's First Name does not match the school’s database
  • Phone Number does not match the school’s database – Don’t provide the number you have; try to get the correct number from them.
  • Student ID is invalid (parent must have entered the wrong ID number)
Student Errors Messages:
  • Student's Last Name does not match the school’s database
  • Student's First Name does not match the school's database
  • Phone Number does not match the school's database - Don’t provide the number you have; try to get the correct number from them.
  • Student ID is invalid (student must have entered the wrong ID number)


Quiz - 4.01 has been canceled 
Test looking like on Friday - Obj 4, 3, 2

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 9 ....test looking like on Friday.
Vocab on Thursday - Chap 9

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/22/2013 Silence on the homefront


The complaining customer doesn't want a refund

He wants a connection, an apology and some understanding. He wants to know why you made him feel stupid or ripped off or disrespected, and why it's not going to happen again.

If you have a department that sends out form letters and refund coupons, what you've done is built the ability, at scale, to get rid of people who are giving you a second chance.

When the refund for the broken M&M's or the artificially flavored nuts that should have been delicious, or the $20 inconvenience fee in exchange for the torture you put a frequent flyer through arrives, you've basically sent a form letter that says, "goodbye."

Which is your choice, of course, but if you think that this expression of goodwill is going to be seen as goodwill, you're wrong.

Try candor or inviting them to an online focus group. Perhaps try being human. Try giving them a chance to be a voice of the concerned, energetic customer, a voice that needs to be heard by people who actually make decisions.

4.01 - Activity 5
Test looking like on Friday
Quiz on Wednesday

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 9 ....test looking like on Friday.
Vocab on Thursday - Chap 9
Quiz Wed

Monday, October 21, 2013

10/21/2013 No birthdays this week! How Sad. :(

It isn't hard to make a mountain out of molehill. Just add a little dirt.
- Unknown

4.01 finish
Facilities Manager and other trouble spot for a facility
Activity 5
Test looking like on Friday
Quiz  on Tuesday/Wednesday

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 8 fun fun fun! Decision Support Systems  - We finish today....test looking like on Friday. 
Vocab on Thursday
Quiz Tues/Wed


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/16/2013 and 10/17/2013 What a day to behold!

Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
Earl Warren


Facilities project.  Return to bing and finish up

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 8 fun fun fun! Decision Support Systems 
Bennett - a
Black - b
Cooley - c
Crooks - d
Hales - e
Hannouche - f
Harms - g
Hayden, Amber - h
Hayden, Amber - a
Keene - b
Kokx - c
Luong - d
Majeed - e
Moore - f
Nguyen - g
Sarrimanolis - h
Scobercea - a
Shams - b
Skarring - c
Sookra - d

Monday, October 14, 2013

10/15/2013 Avis' birthday brings the debt ceiling crisis closer


Better than free

How do you compete with free? How does a wedding photographer or a travel agent—someone who used to make a good living performing a task that was hard to do without them—compete against ubiquitous free alternatives?
There's only one way: Sell something better than free.
Make a product or provide a service that's worth paying for.
You don't need a better way to talk about what you do, or a better gimmick, or a better social media strategy. In fact, you need to reinvent and rebuild what you make for a new reality, a reality where paying for something is an intentional act of buying something way better than the free alternative.
I'm sorry if this seems obvious. It's apparently not obvious to all the frustrated people I encounter who are still trying to sell the old thing in a new market.


The map.
Open google mpas...not bing maps and we will begin shortly.

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 8 fun fun fun!  Decision Support Systems

Funny Ad for DieHard Batteries

DSS in Action
Bennett - a
Black - b
Cooley - c
Crooks - d
Hales - e
Hannouche - f
Harms - g
Hayden, Amber - h
Hayden, Amber - a
Keene - b
Kokx - c
Luong - d
Majeed - e
Moore - f
Nguyen - g
Sarrimanolis - h
Scobercea - a
Shams - b
Skarring - c
Sookra - d

10/14/2013 Sniff, sniff sniffffff. Bear smells a birthday!


Understanding luxury goods

A luxury good gets its value from its lack of utility and value. A typical consumer would look at what it costs and what it does and say, "that's ridiculous."

When a good like this (and it might be a service as well) comes to market, it sometimes transcends the value equation and enters a new realm, one of scarcity and social proof. The value, ironically, comes from its lack of value.

The owner of a $12,000 Birkin bag might tell you that it's worth every penny. Obviously, one can carry a wallet and a few other essentials in bag that costs less than 1% of what this bag costs, and we can even imagine making something just like a Birkin for a fraction of the price. But that would be a copy, not the real thing, and so the story, the narrative, the specialness and most of all, the social element would go out the window. A Birkin bag is at its most valuable when your friends admire you for owning it, not when they admire its ability to carry your stuff.

The ring in the blue Tiffany box or the speaker cables that cost more than a car--these are purchased as (perhaps peverse) testaments to the (take your pick) power/taste/wealth of the person buying or owning it.

Discount luxury goods, then, are an oxymoron. The factory outlet or the job lot seller or the yoga studio that's selling the "same thing but cheaper," isn't selling the same thing at all. They don't offer scarcity, social proof or the self-narrative of a splurge. What they sell is, "you're smarter than other people, but you know, you're also a little bit of a fraud because this isn't actually a luxury good, because it's a better value." Circular, but true.

It takes guts to invent a brand new luxury good from scratch. Shinola watches don't tell time any better than a $16 Timex, but they do tell a better story. Their creation is part of that story, but so is the identity of the stores that sell them and the fact that they sell out regularly.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, who invented the industry (yes, one person invented luxury goods as a category) understood something that flies in the face of the non-scarcity of the internet: social proof among the wealthy is based on beauty plus scarcity plus expense. The fact that others believe a good is overpriced is precisely why a certain segment of the market chooses to purchase it.

This even works in b2b situations. McKinsey certainly offers a luxury good (only the biggest, wealthiest corporations can afford them) as do furniture makers like Herman Miller.

We're also seeing luxury goods being purchased by people not ordinarily thought of as wealthy. A teenager with a rare pair of new sneakers qualifies as luxury in her tribe.

It's interesting to note that first class travel isn't the luxury good it once was. The airlines stumbled, started playing with both service and scarcity, and unravelled the myth. Hence the need for a private jet as a luxury good, even when there's a perfectly fine commercial jet going to that very destination.

One place where the luxury goods idea has been underutilized is philanthropy. The rich guy who gives $20 million to a university isn't doing it because the school is likely to spend his money in the most efficient way. He's doing it because they will name a building after him. The building is a scarce good, overpriced for what it appears to deliver, which is precisely why it's a form of luxury.

One opportunity for non-profits is to use their true needs as only part of the conversation about giving. The dreaded gala, for example, is best seen as a luxury good. All the time and coordination and busywork are actually providing utility... not to the charity, but to those attending.

Sorry to drone on... wrapping up then, when luxury intersects with the web, conflicts ensue. First, because the net makes pricing transparent, which inevitably makes some people feel stupid for paying full price (and stupidity doesn't work with the other pillars of luxury). And second, because the new sorts of social proof have to do with how connected and respected you are, not how much you paid for that handbag.


3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

What chapter are we in again?
check the pacing guide.
Swagger Wagon - the original

Friday, October 11, 2013

10/11/2013 Happy Birthday Tina!!!!!


How do you compete with free? How does a wedding photographer or a travel agent—someone who used to make a good living performing a task that was hard to do without them—compete against ubiquitous free alternatives?

There's only one way: Sell something better than free.

Make a product or provide a service that's worth paying for.

You don't need a better way to talk about what you do, or a better gimmick, or a better social media strategy. In fact, you need to reinvent and rebuild what you make for a new reality, a reality where paying for something is an intentional act of buying something way better than the free alternative.

I'm sorry if this seems obvious. It's apparently not obvious to all the frustrated people I encounter who are still trying to sell the old thing in a new market.

Breakdown the expenses of football

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 7 questions????
Hey! What about "What does the fox say" as a song for the sports banquet????

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/10/13 One day till Birthday!!!!!! or maybe it was 4 days?!?!?!


The Show Me State (of the art)

Click and read
Be ready to stand and tell me what it means....or in written form.
Good luck!

Put final touches on your project.
Remember to have totals on the bottom of each of the 6 budgeted items.
I need a grand total on the final slide
Anticpated food and Beverage sales/expenses

For Fun....

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 7...and we continue....student led


Walmart and Who?
Hey! What about "What does the fox say" as a song for the sports banquet????

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

10/8/2013 Fun fun Fun!!!!!


The easiest way to disagree with someone to assume that they are uninformed, and that once they know what you know, they will change their mind. (A marketing problem!)

The second easiest way to disagree is to assume that the other person is a dolt, a loon, a misguided zealot who refuses to see the truth. Their selfish desire to win interferes with their understanding of reality. (A political problem!)

The third easiest way to disagree with someone is to not actually hear what they are saying. (A filtering problem!)

The hardest way to disagree with someone is to come to understand that they see the world differently than we do, to acknowledge that they have a different worldview, something baked in long before they ever encountered this situation. (Another marketing problem, the biggest one).

There actually are countless uninformed people. There are certainly craven zealots. And yes, in fact, we usually hear what we want to hear, or hear what the TV tells us, or hear what we expect, instead of hearing what was said, and the intent behind it. Odds are, though, that we will make the change we seek by embracing the hard work of telling stories that resonate, as opposed to dismissing the other who appears not to get it.


3.03 Word.doc
You will create an event today
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Chap 7...and we continue....student led
Hey!    What about "What does the fox say" as a song for the sports banquet????

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

Monday, October 7, 2013

10/7/2013 A new week, a new outlook


Looking a gift card in the mouth

"You qualified."

I'd just purchased $102 worth of stuff at the sporting goods store, and the clerk happily handed me my ten dollar gift card. What a nice surprise. I turned around to the stuff next to the checkout, searching for a $6 item I could now purchase, for free.

"Oh, sorry, you can't use it today. It becomes valid tomorrow."

Not only that, but I noted that it expires in four months.

Not so much of a gift. A manipulation. I better hurry back, the thinking goes, or that thing of value in my wallet will disappear.

Just as insightful is the recent promotion that they did at Staples. Pay $15 to buy the ability to save 10% on most things in the store (not online) for the next sixty days. It turns out that most people spend about $50 on a visit, which means that part of the card pays for itself in that first visit. But, and it's a big but, you've now purchased something that feels like a debt, one that you can only profit from if you head back, and soon.

These, of course, are not gift cards at all. They are motivational cards. And they work.

People are not machines, and purchasing just about anything is as much about emotion and the story we tell ourselves as it is about economic calculation. Charging you for the chance to save money one day is one more step in a dance about feelings.


How to put on an Event....

But first, Let's take a look at the Alabama Theatre....tell me their business model.
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Chap 7...bwah ah ah ah ha ha

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10/4/2013 Ahhhh! Friday...wait! It ia a half day...not a mere Friday but a stupendious day!!!!!


Three questions to ask your marketing team

(or your business development team, your fundraising team or your pr folks)...

Who are you trying to reach?

If you say you are trying to reach everyone, I'll know you're likely to reach no one. How specifically can you identify the psychographics, worldview and needs of the people we seek to change?

Why do they decide to support us?

In order to earn the donation, make the sale, generate the buzz, we need to change people somehow. When we change them, what happens? What story do they tell themselves?

What do you need in order to make this happen more often?

What resources, tools or facts need to be present for this to work for you? What do we have to change about our products, our services or our people? How do you know?


Will find worksheets by tomorrow....quiz on Expenses tomorrow as well.

Tourism Video

Geico...the camel is back
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Swagger Wagon - the original

10/3/2013 Downhill now! Friday is a half day


 “Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.”
Theodore Roosevelt


3.01 Activity 2 - I need at least 5 items
3.02 - Activity 1 - 10 items

Research as needed.....will be to turn in

Will find worksheets by tomorrow....quiz on Expenses tomorrow as well.

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Chap 7...bwah ah ah ah ha ha

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10/1/2013 "Boo!!!" hahahahahah scared you.....


 To keep your marriage brimming, With love in the loving cup, Whenever you're wrong, admit it; Whenever you're right, shut up.
Ogden Nash

If the government could remember this lesson and apply it....republicans and democrats would get along infamously

Test  Go ahead and do it
1st - 84146127110
3rd - 84132627110

A lesson in Public Financing...


3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Chap 6...roll on!
Swagger Wagon - the original