Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017 Tomorrow is J's bday. Little guy is adulting more and more now

Copy and paste link below



Right of Publicity

Seth Godin

Spirit Week (10/16-20)

Thursday – Class Day
                   Freshmen – Baby Day – Onesies, carry a blanket, pacifiers, teddy bears
                   Sophomores – Superheroes – any appropriate costume
                   Juniors – GI Juniors – NO WEAPONS (Real/Fake) in the school building, camouflage, helmets
                   Seniors – Senior citizens – walkers, canes, nightgowns (old people night dresses), suspenders, moustaches, powdered hair, etc

Friday – Cowboy Day
                  Jeans can also be worn with a SWHS spirit shirt (no holes in jeans)
                  Cowboy hats, sheriff pins, cowboy boots, flannels


Combo Vocab this Friday - 15 words

Benefits of Product Knowledge

Quiz Today...bwah ha ha ha ha
Quiz - 2.01 material - 1st block link
                                       3rd block link

2.08 Feature Benefit - PPT
Define the following terms: feature, benefit, obvious benefits, unique benefits, hidden benefits, feature-benefit selling, and feature-benefit charts
Identify sources of feature/benefit information.
Identify an example of an obvious or apparent benefit.
Identify an example of a unique or exclusive benefit.
Identify an example of a hidden benefit.
Describe how to prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.
Prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.

2.08 Feature Benefit c PPT
Feature Benefit Selling Video

Wall of Iconic Marketing Crap

Choose two/three different items
Kodak Disc Camera
Mr Potato Head

Feature Benefit Chart

Students will find two items in their home and do a
feature/benefit assessment on both.
Due: Tuesday, October 24, beginning of class

NOTE: A Benefit must have a reasonable Feature to balance
it...Not, yellow in color - saves money.  Does not equate

2.09 - Shoe salesman
Imagine that you are a shoe salesperson and a customer enters your
store.  How would you observe, question, and listen to determine the
customer’s needs?

+3/+2/+1 Scatter

2.09 Selling Process -
PPT - Slides 1-16

2.09 Selling Process c -
PPT - Thurs edging into Friday

2.09 Guided Notes - Mon
Selling process Flowchart

Youtube - Magic Bullet


Step through the Selling process for each example given:
Luggage:  Corporate Executive Vs. College freshman
Handbag:  High school student Vs. Fashion designer in NYC
Boots:  Fisherman/Hunter Vs. College student living in the mountains
Cell phone:  ABC Inc. purchased for sales reps Vs. 25 – 45 year old consumer
Car:  16-year-old male Vs. 50 year old male
Therapeutic Massage:  CEO of corporation Vs. injured athlete 

Vocab  - Study
2.01, 2.03, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08


SEM2 1.14 Review - basic fun

1.14 Making the Match - LAP Vocab

Unlimited tries on this one
1.14 MC - Making the Match - SEMII

1.14 Making the Match Free Responses - LAP SEMII


  1. Explain the goal of sport/event contract negotiations.
  2. Discuss ground rules for effective negotiations of sport/event contracts.
  3. Describe the impact of negotiation fear.
  4. Explain the importance of establishing priorities before negotiating.
  5. Identify factors to research prior to negotiating.
  6. Discuss measures that can be provided to support your position in sport/ event negotiations.
  7. Demonstrate procedures for negotiating sport/event sponsorship contracts

Min 5 minutes - Max 7
18 categories from Blogspot
Popsicle pull for the 5-7 categories group will expound upon in time allowed

Title League

1. Contract Length Min/Max/renewals

2. Drug Testing

3. Grievance Redressal Procedure

4. Hotel

5. Insurance

6. Food/Per diem (under what conditions)

7. Facilities

8. Min Salary/Max (Veteran v Rookie) Chart would look great here

9. Retirement  (amount and vestment time)

10. Report Time (to Venue)
11. Representation (union called)
12. Salary Scale (small spread sheet would be nice)/Step/Scale pay (again, chart would look great here)
13. Terms
14. Travel (Plane/bus/Hotel/Team Meals)
15. Number of games total
16. Termination Clause
17. Wages, Bonus, production norms, leave, retirement benefits, Chart
18. Workouts - How many a day

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