Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017 Halt! Who goes there?


Obedience and inquiry

The first rule is that you follow the rules.
That's the mantra of the obedient organization. And there are many of them. You follow these rules, restrictions and systems. Not because they're up-to-date, effective or correct, but because that's what makes us who we are.
Obedience is its own reward. Obedience is required. And obedience is prized.
It ensures a reliable homogeneity, it gives the illusion of solidarity, it evokes power.
The alternative is an organization based on inquiry.
Do what's right and ask useful questions.
This is a supple organization, one more likely to deal with change over time. It certainly has more raucous meetings, and it sometimes appears disorganized, but the resilience can pay off. 
Obedient organizations get better when they find more obedient team members and enforce their systems on them. And organizations based on inquiry get better when they ask better questions, and when they create a culture based on what's right, not merely what's come before.
~ Seth Godin

Tell me your thoughts on this by clicking here.  A paragraph should do nicely.

Word of the Day

1/  Read blogspot and the sentence

2/  Finish your projects if anything is let outstanding.

3/  Share (Blue button, Advanced, anyone with link) with me -

4/  Retake the test most of you missed opportunities the first time....grades will average.
     {schoolnet - PU8PE8}

5/  Begin researching Milgram {}
       You can find different sources if you choose
         Begin notes on his experiments, purpose. and outcomes
                Share with me on Blogspot ~ 1 page worth - no copy and paste, real notes
                        Make sure you cite your sources (MLA citation machine "brilliant!" )

6/  Continue reading 1.11 ppt notes
                  Take notes

7/  a/read the articles listed below
     b/  In a google doc, write 3 points you thought interesting from each article
     c/  Share with me via google doc/drive link....make sure you share it with me (see above for instructions)

Oral Report Rubric
Written Report Rubric

1/Title League/Names
2. Contract Length Min/Max/renewals
3. Drug Testing
4. Grievance Redressal Procedure
5. Hotel

6. Insurance

7. Food/Per diem (under what conditions)

8. Facilities

9. Min Salary/Max (Veteran v Rookie) Chart would look great here
10. Retirement  (amount and vestment time)
11. Report Time (to Venue)
12. Representation (union called)
13. Salary Scale (small spread sheet would be nice)/Step/Scale pay(again, chart would look great here)
14. Terms
15. Travel (Plane/bus/Hotel/Team Meals)
16. Number of games total
17. Termination Clause
18. Wages, Bonus, production norms, leave, retirement benefits, Chart
19. Workouts - How many a day
20. Works cited page - MLA format

Because we had such fun last time....if you wish to redo your first test, I will give you half the credit back if you score higher than the first time...deadline 3/10/2017 end of school

Blogspot, Quotable, Article
  • Look over blogspot and open requisite items

Cover the basics (once more) of writing a paper (research)
Unveil the Milgram assignment
         Basic written paper
                   three aspects to his work
                     conclusion (as to what he taught us in Marketing)
         Today is research
         Project will be due in one week’s time

Milgram Research

Oral reports - if needed
The Last Lecture first 15/20

1.11 Objectives

  1. Categorize types of objectives for sponsoring sports/events.
  2. Explain objectives for sponsoring sports/events.
  3. Discuss the benefits associated with corporate sponsorship objectives.
  4. Explain the relationship between sponsorship objectives and being able to evaluate sponsorship effectiveness.
  5. Describe considerations in setting sponsorship objectives.
  6. Demonstrate procedures for setting sponsorship objectives

1.11 ppt - Sponsorships
1.11 Activity - Create a 3-d soccer ball with “10 reasons Sports Sponsorships work!

AT&T Stadium App

Cowboy stadium flythrough

Stadium naming rights and their $ figures

Students will:
    Find the top sponsorships by property type

Carolina Panthers Sponsorships

Check out the Sponsor/cost/attendees/CPA - ROI


A look at non-profit

1/  Read the quotable and do what it tells you

2/  Next Thursday will be a combo of 2.07/2.08
2.08 Vocab         2.07 Vocab

3/ Friday - Have students select a type of business, create a:
  1. Name for the business {last name + CO}
  2. Brand promise {look up definition and retell it about yourself}
  3. Mission statement
  4. Vision statement
  5. Core values {5 bullet points}
  6. Advertising message incorporating the brand promise
  7. Save on your Google drive and share with me....Share (Blue button, Advanced, anyone with link) with me -

3/ Friday - Writing:
"Why is Brand So Important" - in your own words - do not plagiarize
Share with me (see above)

4/  Friday

Unit 1.00 Quia Review
Unlimited attempts, great practice.  Do not become a distraction in the classroom, go learn something great!

6/  Read and take notes on the following

a. Identify sources of product information that provide information for use in selling.

b. Identify types of product information that can be useful in selling.
c. Cite occasions when product information can be used in sales presentations.
d. Describe guidelines to follow when acquiring product information.
e. Demonstrate procedures for acquiring product information for use in selling.

7/ Read and take notes on the following

a. Define the following terms: feature, benefit, obvious benefits, unique benefits, hidden benefits, feature-benefit selling, and feature-benefit chart.
b. Identify sources of feature/benefit information.
c. Identify an example of an obvious or apparent benefit.
d. Identify an example of a unique or exclusive benefit.
e. Identify an example of a hidden benefit.
f. Describe how to prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.
g. Prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.

8/ Explore how many different wonderful apps google allows you to use....for free!

Obj 1 test most missed:
             3rd block Obj 1 47.4% correct or lower Questions - Review
             4th block Obj 1 47.4 correct or lower questions - Review

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