Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016 One day more! Another day, another destiny. This never-ending road to Calvary....yours to decide


The fundamental mismatch error

"It's me, not you."
"It's you, not me."
What happens when you're unable to serve a customer well, or engage with an employee, or work with a partner?
One instinct is to blame the other person, that your art doesn't match their expectations, and they ought to change, or leave.
And the other is to put the blame on oneself, to state that, "it's up to me to change to make them happy."
Either might be true.
For some people, that's hard to swallow, but it's true.
If you're not getting what you seek from the work you do, it could be because your instinct is to go too far in one direction, a belief that doesn't help you very much.
Blame too many other people and you become a lonely diva, bitter and alone.
Blame yourself too often and you become a wishy-washy panderer to the masses.
Mismatches have to happen. The opportunity is in dealing with them in a way that leads you (and your publics) to the place you want to go.

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing I
3.04 Logo Origins - Thursday
     Couple this with images of how their logos have evolved

Kids don't spend a lot of time sad 

PSM - L'Oreal

     Activity - easy comparison

Activity [5-80]
Select a brand name and identify the characteristics that make it an effective brand name. Then, determine the brand’s stage of brand loyalty: recognition, preference, or insistence. Obtain materials from your instructor to prepare visuals featuring symbols, names, and characters associated with the product/service’s brand identity. Discuss the visual with a classmate.

Product Life Cycle - Student Workbook

Brand Personality Quiz
Good Morning Amy!

Smart Marketing Quiz

Bonus Assignment: - Infomercial - Link due to me prior to Spring Break.
You (+ 1 max) can earn extra credit by doing an infomercial of an item in your house.
     <1 minute="" span="">
     Title Screen
     Clearly defined Product
     Lots of Feature Benefit
     3rd Party Testimonials
     Any Closing you would like
Video - uploaded to Youtube (you have a google account - you are fine)
You can edit in movie maker in any of the CTE LABS - not during school though.


 Short Assessment
Unit 1.00/2.00

Big Project (see below) due on Thursday - just do it at home.  May have time in class on Wednesday/Thursday????

Select a promotional activity that will occur for a Week night Baseball game, and prepare an oral report (5 - 10 bullet points) about how you and your team would coordinate the sport’s/event’s promotional activities. Present to the class.
Teachers will have guest judges to evaluate each presentation’s merit for fun and involvement.
Must include Groups targeted
Selection criteria
# of participants
Criteria for “win”
Equipment needed
Time required
Prizes if any

Joe’s Redhots
Scroll down to the Advertising break out and the final chart of the accounting page

List out all facets of Prom will entail

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