Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2017 Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday


Seth Godin:

Show your work

It's tempting to sit in the corner and then, voila, to amaze us all with your perfect answer.
But of course, that's not what ever works.

What works is evolving in public, with the team. Showing your work. Thinking out loud. Failing on the way to succeeding, imperfecting on your way to better than good enough.

Do people want to be stuck with the first version of the iPhone, the Ford, the Chanel dress? Do they want to read the first draft of that novel, see the rough cut of that film? Of course not.

Ship before you're ready, because you will never be ready. Ready implies you know it's going to work, and you can't know that. You should ship when you're prepared, when it's time to show your work, but not a minute later.

The purpose isn't to please the critics. The purpose is to make your work better.

Polish with your peers, your true fans, the market. Because when we polish together, we make better work.

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing I

3.02 ppt

3.02 ppt b

a.    Describe forms of consumer protection associated with product/service management.
b.    Describe the need for consumer protection in product/service management.
c.    Discuss the role of governmental agencies in protecting consumers.   
d.    Explain laws that protect consumers.
e.    Explain how consumer protection affects businesses.
f.    Describe expenses that can be incurred by businesses as a result of consumer protection

Product Life Cycle - Student Workbook - Friday/Monday

Big Mac: Inside Mcdonalds Empire video
Bic Mac Worksheet

Bonus Assignment
3.01 PSM Project - Grocery Store - Bonus Project (Due by Friday, March 18, 2016 - Issue Thursday, March 10, 2016)
Bonus Assignment: - Infomercial - Link due to me prior to Spring Break.
You (+ 1 max) can earn extra credit by doing an infomercial of an item in your house.
     <1 minute="" span="">
     Title Screen
     Clearly defined Product
     Lots of Feature Benefit
     3rd Party Testimonials
     Any Closing you would like
Video - uploaded to Youtube (you have a google account - you are fine)
You can edit in movie maker in any of the CTE LABS - not during school though.


Call GCS and ask to speak to person who holds the contract for Pepsi.
Go over totals from Christman
  1. Define the following terms: advertising agency, full-service agencies, general agencies, boutique agencies, and media-buying agencies.
  2. Describe services offered by each type of advertising agency.
  3. Identify factors that affect how advertising agencies are organized.
  4. Describe departments in advertising agencies.
  5. Discuss how advertising agencies are set up, or structured.
  6. Explain how advertising agencies are paid for their services.
Big Project
Event Promotion/Coordination/PPT Pjt

Outside the context of the current lesson....
List out all facets of Prom will entail

Oral Report Rubric 

Written Report Rubric

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