Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 I'm giving it all she's got Captain!



Amazon 2

23 things artificially intelligent computers can do better/faster/cheaper than you can

Predict the weather
Read an X-ray
Play Go
Correct spelling
Figure out the P&L of a large company
Pick a face out of a crowd
Count calories
Fly a jet across the country
Maintain the temperature of your house
Book a flight
Give directions
Create an index for a book
Play Jeopardy
Weld a metal seam
Trade stocks
Place online ads
Figure out what book to read next
Water a plant
Monitor a premature newborn
Detect a fire
Play poker
Read documents in a lawsuit
Sort packages
If you've seen enough movies, you've probably bought into the homunculus model of AI--that it's in the future and it represents a little mechanical man in a box, as mysterious in his motivations as we are.
The future of AI is probably a lot like the past: it nibbles. Artificial intelligence does a job we weren't necessarily crazy about doing anyway, it does it quietly, and well, and then we take it for granted. No one complained when their thermostat took over the job of building a fire, opening the grate, opening a window, rebuilding a fire. And no one complained when the computer found 100 flights faster and better than we ever could.
But the system doesn't get tired, it keeps nibbling. Not with benign or mal intent, but with a focus on a clearly defined task.
This can't help but lead to unintended consequences, enormous when they happen to you, and mostly small in the universal scheme of things. Technology destroys the perfect and then it enables the impossible.
The question each of us has to ask is simple (but difficult): What can I become quite good at that's really difficult for a computer to do one day soon? How can I become so resilient, so human and such a linchpin that shifts in technology won't be able to catch up?
It was always important, but now it's urgent.
   ~Seth Godin

  1. Discuss the reasons for maintaining/building fan support.
  2. Identify bases of the sport/event product that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
  3. Describe techniques that can be used to maintain/build fan support.
  4. Demonstrate procedures for selecting strategies to maintain/build fan support

2.05 Fan Zone Project/  Show the kids

The Psychology Of Social Sports Fans: What Makes Them So Crazy (Long - but really good

LAP - Play to the Fans (Quiz on Thursday based on this and other readings)

Why pro sports franchises succeed. . . and fail

1000 True Fans

  • Define the term “ambush marketing.”
  • Identify reasons that businesses use ambush marketing.
  • Discuss ways that ambush marketing can be effectively used as a marketing strategy.
  • Explain the impact of ambush marketing on sponsorships.
  • Demonstrate procedures for identifying ambush strategies to use at events.
  • Define the term “viral marketing.”
  • Explain the importance of viral marketing.
  • Describe principles of viral marketing.
  • Discuss viral marketing strategies.


3.01 Guided Notes Due Thursday
3.01 B  Slide 8 HW - Due Friday
3.01_Stage_of_PLC - HW - Due Friday

Coffee Shop

Table 3 - Adoption segmentation characteristics

Technology in Distribution

Oh Look!

History of Packaging

Pearl River Delta Blue Jean Manufacturing

Tell students to imagine that the development of a new product will result in a huge profit for a business; however, its production will result in hazardous wastes. Arrange for students to conduct a class debate about whether a company should move forward with product development. Implement the debate, and debrief following the activity.

Planned Obsolescence

Planned Obsolescence: The Ultimate Economic Inefficiency
{Key Bullet Points + Govt. Response at bottom}

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