Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday, February 7, 2019 A can in hand is worth more than 2 in a bush


Unit 1 Chapter Assessment - Today

Net Neutrality
Internet Censorship

U1 L9 

Introduce "Broadcast Battleship"

  • We will start by playing a game that simulates some issues that arise when constructing the internet.
  • We will play a crazy game of Battleship where instead of playing against one other person you will play multiple games against multiple other people simultaneously -- We call this "Broadcast Battleship"
  • In our version today, you will play in groups of 3 (4 is OK)
  • To make it easier to track, we've also simplified the playing board to just a 3x3 grid (instead of the classic 10x10)
  • And we'll just play with paper and pencil.

Assignment - Due Friday - emailed to me or shared via onedrive or google drive
Pjt grade 5 points
  • Reading RFCs can actually be fun, especially the early ones! Here are all the RFCs:
  • Blown to Bits (, Chapter 1, pp. 4-13. - Read about the following koans (or truths) of bits related to the Internet:
    • Koan 1: It’s All Just Bits
    • Koan 2: Perfection Is Normal
    • Koan 3: There Is Want in the Midst of Plenty
    • Koan 6: Nothing Goes Away
    • Koan 7: Bits Move Faster Than Thought
    • Pick one of these koans and address the following questions:
      • Argue if you agree that it is a “truth” and if it will always be a “truth.”
      • How does this koan intersect with your life as a student?
1 page or less.  Parenthetical.  MLA biblio on separate paper.
look at Citation machine if questions

Ted is an advertising executive.  He was approached by a potential client who hinted Ted’s firm would have a great chance at getting their business if the “gift” of a 50” flat-panel TV was given. 

What should Ted do?

Chap 3 Vocab next Wednesday

1.    Economically.
2.    Legally.
3.    Ethically.
4.    Philanthropically.

B.   Ethics are morals or values that determine the conduct of an individual or a group.  Businesses typically have a written code of ethics.  Three important areas of study about ethics are:
1.    Business ethics.
2.    Ethical decision making.
3.    Ethics guidelines.

C.   In order to manage effectively, marketers must understand the external marketing environment.  There are several factors that impact the external marketing environment:
1.    Social.
2.    Demographic.
3.    Economic.
4.    Technological.
5.    Political and legal.
6.    Competitive.

Facilitate a discussion using slides 5-14 of the Chapter 3 PowerPoint.

Have students use the Social Responsibility and Ethics notes sheet to take notes on any examples discussed during the PowerPoint to increase understanding.  

In groups of 2-3, have students use the Internet to research the code of ethics for a business. 

Have the groups write their own personal code of ethics based on those found for the business. 

As a class, have each group briefly discuss the businesses’ code of ethics and their own personal code of ethics. 

As a class, discuss the similarities and differences of the personal codes of ethics the groups developed.

Vocab 1.01 - Next Wednesday - 15 terms - matching 

**20q mini assessment on Thursday concerning Cover your Bases - make sure you read them through again

1.01 - 1.03 Powerpoint

1.03 Unions
What are and why do they persist….Unions?
The players and entertainers do not live with absolute freedom, they are tightly governed by their own success and unions.

HW - Due….

Collegiate in depth look into Labor Unions -  Labor depth


Top 5 things a union does
Are there any negatives?
Determine whether you are for or against union involvement in sports/events. Write a paper citing examples and providing evidence to support your stance. Present your ideas to the class.
Search the Internet to determine current issues being addressed by players’ unions. Determine your position on one of the matters. Write a defense of your position.
Share your information with a classmate.

Emancipation of the minors - Who does the Baseball union really cover?

Labor organizations in the sports industry - listing of the major sports unions

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