Thursday, April 21, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016 What do you want to do when you grow up?


I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned most people die of natural causes.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Random Question of the Day
Word of the Day
SAT QOTD (Begin in 2012)
Kaplan's Version QOTD
Marketing I

Channels of Distribution

Amazon DC - Cyber Monday video

Amazon - BBC - Video

Amazon using tiny robots….to take over the world

Walmart - The high cost of a low price - Full Documentary (1:37)

RFID Technology

Warehouse Management Systems

ABC: An introduction to CRM

ABC: An introduction to ERP
Must be done in Google Drive...sheets.
Provide hyperlinks to every price search you find.
use this template a copy
Please make label sections accordingly.  {Flights/Ground transportation; hotel; etc}

Make sure you have a running total.

You recently took a position with Cowboys, Inc.
We are planning a meeting to take place next Monday here at Southwest Guilford High School at 8:00 a.m.  This is an important meeting that will determine the future of this company.
You are given the task of setting up transportation and lodging to and from the meeting for each of the meeting attendees.
The meetings will start next Monday at 8:00 a.m. and last four days.  The meetings will end on the fourth day at 5:00 p.m.
You have been given a budget of $5000.00 total for transportation to and from the meeting and lodging for all of our meeting attendees.
Guests must stay in 3 star or higher accommodations.
Guests must stay in single room doubles or multiple people in room.

Our Attendees:
John Weston, Pittsburgh, PA
Juan Garcia, San Antonio, TX
Kristine Cook, Des Moines, IA
Victor Hernandez, Little Rock, AR
Jennifer Richardson, Los Angeles, CA


Quiz - 3.03-3.05 

Community Colleges of NC - Pathways

Dual Credit Classes

***Do not read...yet...****
27 pages of sheer bliss….all from the standpoint of ticketing….and yes, today we read.

Set prices of sport/event products offered for sale in a school-based enterprise, including identification of the products’ floors and ceilings and estimating product demand. Compare your responses with those of other students in the class, discussing the rationale used.

Dodge ball-date May 17th
Coggins Gym
Teams and volunteers report at 6pm and we start playing at 6:30pm
Proceeds go to Out of the Garden.  This is sponsored by NHS and Beta Club.

3.05 ppt

3.06 guided notes

Determining Merch Opportunities

Participate in a small-group activity to identify an upcoming school/local sport/event. Brainstorm to generate a listing of potential merchandising opportunities for the sport/event. Select the best ideas generated, and divide the selected ideas among the members. Each member should write a rationale for the merchandise selection and generate a list of three vendors who can provide the merchandise. Combine the group member’s findings, and submit them to the teacher for review.

Promotional Products for Events

Merchandise Powerpoint

Changing the game - 40 slide ppt

3.06 Jabari Parker small project

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