Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016 A full slate of wonderment, if you can stay awake!


I am hiding here
Clearly, all (most) of you were able to focus through the Malcolm Gladwell video yesterday.
To make sure you comprehend, I am allowing you to take this small survey to check for retention. 
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing I

Collect Chap 21 p 258 HW

Scatter 2.01/2.03 Combo +3,+2,+1
2.01/2.03 Cards

2.01/2.02 Combo Test - Matching

Quite Honestly, You do not have a lot of time to do this.  Good Luck!

Fun! - Snickers

Develop sales/return policies  for a “store”

Stew Leonards

Powerpoint (Review):

Handle difficult customers (CR:009)
a.    Define the following terms:  disagreeable customer, domineering/ superior customers, dishonest customers.
b.    Identify types of difficult customers.
c.    Describe categories of disagreeable customers.
d.    Discuss categories of domineering/superior customers.
e.    Describe ways in which customers are dishonest.
f.    Identify situations in which customers become difficult.
g.    Explain reasons for handling difficult customers.
h.    Describe general guidelines for handling difficult customers.
i.    Explain specific guidelines for handling types of difficult customers.
j.    Demonstrate procedures for handling difficult customers.

Handle customer/client complaints (CR:010)
a.    Define the term complaint.
b.    Identify the costs associated with customer complaints.
c.    Identify reasons for customer complaints.
d.    Describe the benefits of customer complaints.
e.    Explain the importance of appropriately handling customer  complaints.
f.    Explain procedures for handling customer complaints.
g.    Demonstrate procedures for handling customer complaints.

Given a company, students will find the return policies and compare to other companies.  

Virgin America - Setting Expectations

Virgin Atlantic - Cartoon!!!!!!

Superbowl Assignment Data - One Commercial Today!

Other Resources to peruse during class:
Due Feb 19 (HW - 10) beginning of class
Marketing Dynamics - p 258 - Review Concepts - #11 - “What is the difference between a…” 
1.11 ppt - Sponsorships
1.11 Activity Create a 3-d soccer ball with “10 reasons Sports Sponsorships work!

Oral Report Rubric 

Written Report Rubric 


Due Feb 26th (project - 20pts)  class 
            Milgrim Research Paper.
                  of the 5 main ideas he is known for, 3 have real life application in Marketing.
                  find those three, research, collect data, and write a brief research paper on those three.
                  Format should look like:
                              Title Page
                              Topic 1 - Tell me about it - read back through research Objective for details on what to look for
                              Topic 2 - ditto
                              Topic 3  - ditto
                              Conclusion - in closing, describe how these three relate to will need to use your noggin!
                              Works cited (use Son of Citation)

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