Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday! 2/24/2014 A new beginning...or at least a new three week interim


Emotionally obsolete

Innovations often succeed by creating obsolence.

There's functional obsolence which is powerful but rare. If I own a word processor so I can create documents and edit them with others, a new version of the software (with a new file format) makes my software obsolete. When my colleagues send over a document, I have no choice but to upgrade.

Functional obsolence is almost always caused by interactivity--when files or cables or parts or languages don't connect any longer, they become obsolete.

Far more common is emotional obsolence. The rage you feel when an improved laptop is announced a week after you bought a new one is an example of this. Your old laptop does everything it used to do, of course, but one reason you bought it was to have the 'best laptop' and the launch of a newer model undoes that for you.

Modern architecture has made many existing office buildings emotionally obsolete, because they are no longer the trophies they used to be. A newfangled digital device for audiophiles doesn't do anything to make old CD players functionally obsolete, but it certainly can shatter the illusion of sound perfection that a stereo lover who doesn't own one may be experiencing.

Start by realizing that most people who buy a new innovation are not brand new to the market. They buy the new thing as a step up from an old thing. Most hockey equipment is sold to people who already play hockey.

It's tempting to argue, logically and step by step, why your new product or service is better than the one that's already on the market. It's far more likely, though, that your story will resonate most with people who aren't seeking functionality but instead were happy with the thing they had, but now, thanks to you, believe it has become obsolete. Our neophilia is a powerful desire, and buyer's remorse is its flipside.


Shampoo!!!!!!  Open up Mr Murphy's website and open up 1.02_Shampoo_activity and its companion below it.

The Assignment...Superbowl Commercials revisited.... will be given out on Monday...Due the next Monday - Segmentation (Friday for extra credit) please...remember we are skipping 1.03

Segmentation Worksheet - for real!

Segmentation paper

Segmentation video!!!!

  Also, if I haven't see your Parent is good....bring it up and show me.  Deadline will be this Friday.  Show me once you have it!

 Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( ...I will check this Friday/Monday for the second pass...if you cannot get into Powerschool/ParentAssist, an extended window will be open to you so you have time to get it.  You will need to talk to Kristy Cline (office) beginning Tuesday, Feb 11 so she can assist.....this is on you.
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management

1.04....yep, yep
Just do it...Right LAP 1.02 for a few more pointers
Plan, Organize, Implement, Control - It's all about YOU!  Tell me in no short order, you Plan, Organize, Implement and control items of you leaving the next and heading off to college or the workforce.  You may need to read back over the material to understand what each would entail.
     one+ pages
     normal margins
     12 font
     Times new roman
     Will be emailed -
     due Friday, Feb 28 4pm
Parent Assist and let me see if you haven't already done this.  See below if you are having trouble.  Deadline will be this Friday.  Show me once you have it!
Assignments:  Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( ...I will check this Friday/Monday for the second pass...if you cannot get into Powerschool/ParentAssist, an extended window will be open to you so you have time to get it.  You will need to talk to Kristy Cline (office) beginning Tuesday, Feb 11 so she can assist.....this is on you.

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