Friday, February 28, 2014

2/28/2014 Friday....with a chance of, yes snow.


In search of competition

Most companies (and non-profits) fear competition. American Airlines, our worst possible domestic airline, always does best in routes where travelers don't have a choice. When customers don't have a choice, you can raise profits and lower quality and people just have to deal with it. You can happily be the profitable choice of last resort, the place for people with nowhere else to go.

Some organizations, though, work to find competition instead of fleeing from it. If you have a system, a point of view and a process for growth, then a market that already exists is your friend, the next place you can grow. And so, for example, small chains like Five Brothers and Shake Shack are happy to set up shop right next to fast food places that might represent competition.

This is one reason Amazon's efficiencies are so fearsome--they prefer to start in a market with competition.

On the other hand, if you're depending on being alone in your field, then your charitable cause, your brokerage business or your industrial entity is going to have a hard time finding the next place to grow.

(Semi-related trivia: In high school and college, I was so bad at school elections—losing every single one—I finally decided I would only run for slots where I was unopposed. Amazingly, I lost that one too, and wisely stopped competing for votes—sometimes, competition is a choice.)


 1.05 material
     1.05 Activities.docx
     1.05 Call Reports
     LAP 1.05 Data Diving
     1.05 Marketing Case Study
     1.05 Research Process Article

1.00 Study Guide

Shampoo activity due today for bonus points....if not, Monday for regular credit.

*** We will place a hold on this one*** The Assignment...Superbowl Commercials revisited.... will be given out on Monday...Due the next Monday - Segmentation (Friday for extra credit)

 ***Parent Assist/Powerschool due Friday***
***If you need a note during lunch to go chat with Mrs. Cline....I can assist***
Also, if I haven't see your Parent is good....bring it up and show me.  Deadline will be this Friday.  Show me once you have it!

 Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( ...I will check this Friday/Monday for the second pass...if you cannot get into Powerschool/ParentAssist, an extended window will be open to you so you have time to get it.  You will need to talk to Kristy Cline (office) beginning Tuesday, Feb 11 so she can assist.....this is on you.
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management

Test ID
Plan Organize Implement Control due 4pm.
Continue 2.01
Parent Assist and let me see if you haven't already done this.  See below if you are having trouble.  Deadline will be this Friday.  Show me once you have it!
Assignments:  Assignment #2 - Parent Assist ( ...I will check this Friday/Monday for the second pass...if you cannot get into Powerschool/ParentAssist, an extended window will be open to you so you have time to get it.  You will need to talk to Kristy Cline (office) beginning Tuesday, Feb 11 so she can assist.....this is on you.

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