Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019 Another Week, another $5324....well maybe if you are not a teacher



U5L8-10 by Monday, March 18

U4L4 - Rapid Research - Data Innovations

U5L11-14 - Monday, March 25, 2019

Unit 3 test Tuesday, March 19, 2019

If you haven't completed the following, AP Practice, you will not received credit for it as a redo or make up assignment.

U3L7 AP Practice rationale

No on 7, why?  These are simple library calls with a parameter.  Though an abstraction....not a student developed abstraction
row 8, yes and no.  Parameters are an abstraction, true, But look at the way they circled it in red....there are more present than described....looks like someone didn't know what they were doing.


Quiz Chap 6/7 on Tuesday

For what segment of the market is the product intended?
What is the target marketing strategy utilized by the company?
What is the positioning strategy utilized by the company?
Give examples of how segmentation might be done via the Internet.
What variables would the company have to deal with?
How could this product be positioned differently?

Basic Definition - think Big Data

A marketing decision support system is a system used to collect and manage marketing information.
  1. Characteristics of a marketing decision support system include:
    1. Interactive.
    2. Flexible.
    3. Discovery-oriented.
    4. Accessible.
  2. Marketing research is a critical component of a marketing decision support system.  Managers use marketing research to:
    1. Improve the quality of decision-making.
    2. Trace problems.
    3. Focus on the importance of retaining customers.
    4. Understand the changing marketplace.

The Internet has had a major impact on the way marketing research is conducted.
  1. Advantages of Internet surveys
  2. How marketing researchers use the Internet

Competitive intelligence is a collection of data that helps marketing managers to become more competitive and efficient.

Did someone Say Internet Surveys?
Let's look at google Drive

  1. One of the key elements in a marketing decision support system is marketing research.  This process helps to deliver information to marketing managers and decision-makers.

  1. The marketing research process has seven steps:  
    1. Identify and formulate the problem/opportunity.
    2. Plan the research design and gather primary data.
    3. Specify the sampling procedures.
    4. Collect the data.
    5. Analyze the data.
    6. Prepare and present the report.
    7. Follow up.

Soda “Blind” Taste Test with the class
Look at the VALS survey....what is it getting at?

What are various ways to obtain respondents for online surveys?

Describe the ads and disads of online surveys

LO3 3.1 c

Let's define the marketing research project


1.11 Manage Promotional Activities to maximize return on promotional investments
Categorize types of objectives for sponsoring sports/events.
Explain objectives for sponsoring sports/events.
Discuss the benefits associated with corporate sponsorship objectives.
Explain the relationship between sponsorship objectives and being able to evaluate sponsorship effectiveness.
Describe considerations in setting sponsorship objectives.
Demonstrate procedures for setting sponsorship objectives

AT&T Stadium App
Cowboy stadium tour - Sportscapes

Stadium naming rights and their $ figures

Students will:
    Find the top sponsorships by property type

Carolina Panthers Sponsorships

Check out the Sponsor/cost/attendees/CPA - ROI


A look at non-profit

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