Sunday, September 25, 2016

Monday, September 16, 2016 - Aldous Huxley own IP's on "Monday's", but it still a Brave New World


Looking for the trick

When you find a trick, a shortcut, a hack that gets you from here to there without a lot of sweat or risk, it's really quite rewarding. So much so that many successful people are hooked on the trick, always looking for the next one.
SEO, for example, had plenty of tricks as it evolved, ways in which a few worked to get rankings and links without deserving them.
Or consider the act of publishing a book. One approach is to spend a lot of time and money tricking the system into believing your book is already successful, which, the trick says, will lead to it becoming actually successful.
Or the simple trick to avoid belly fat, lose weight, get a promotion, find dates or make money overnight.
I could list a thousand of them, because the web is trick central, a place where, for a short while, the people apparently at the top of whatever heap you aspire to got there by finding and exploiting a trick.
There's a meta-trick that's far more reliable. One that works over time and doesn't depend on avoiding being out-tricked: Make great stuff. Satisfy needs. Do the hard work that leads to growth which leads to investment on its own merit.
It turns out that the trick-free approach is the best trick of all.
Word of the Day
Question of the day
SAT QOTD (Begin in 2012)

Kaplan's Version QOTD
Marketing I

Did you read about customer Service? Please tell me, from the reading, what you did learn... 
  What makes a bad sales experience?
After Lunch - Test Review - Item Analysis
Read the calendar below for assessment updates
     Vocab and Quiz already set for next week.
2.01 Nature and Scope of Selling [5-21]
a.    Define the term selling.
b.    Identify individuals, groups, or agencies that sell.
c.    Explain reasons that customers buy goods and services.
d.    Identify types of items that are sold.
e.    Explain where selling occurs.
f.    Describe how products are sold.
g.    Describe the role of selling in a market economy.
h.    Explain personal characteristics of salespeople that are essential to selling.

Marketing Microlivestock

Writing Prompt #2
Today we will be looking back over our writings.  Being in marketing offers a person a different and at times, a superior perspective.  Your task is to rewrite your original write up.  The shortest response took stride at 140 words.  I need you to shorten your respective work to under 80.

HW for Next Tuesday:
~“ What is the difference between Consumer Sales and Industrial (Business 2 Business) sales?”

~Question #4, p. 629 Think Critically 
“Make a list of products that can easily be sold by….”

Chap 5 Vocab on Thursday
Quiz on Wed Chap 5 Mon/Tues material
Small project on Friday

Obj 2 -Chap 5 - Consumer Decision Making

Pizza Hut Ad Campaigns

Addidas - Odds 

Chap 5
Mon  1-20
Tues  21 - 33
Wed  34 - 56
Thurs 57 - conclusion

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