Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015 Sports Awards, but other than that, just another Monday


Surveys and focus groups

It doesn't matter what people say. Watch what they do.
The story is told of a focus group for a new $100 electronic gadget. The response in the focus group was fabulous, people all talked about the features of the new device with excitement.
At the end of the session, the moderator said, "thanks for coming. As our gift to you, you can have your choice of the device or $25."
Everyone took the cash.
Surveys that ask your customers about their preferences, their net promoter intent, their media habits--they're essentially useless compared to watching what people actually do when they have a chance. The media wastes their time and ours handicapping politics based on polls, on changes in polls, on expectations based on polls—it's sad. Polls are always wrong.
The best part of show & tell has never been the telling part.

ACT Question of the day 
SAT Question of the day
Marketing I
Countdown clock

Millennials' spending fir the holiday
Infographic about infographics
Ideal pet
Uncle Drew
Office Depot

Everyday....Pricing Project!!!!!

Vocab on hold until we catch up                                                                                                 .



Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 10/11 combo on Friday After the test

Countdown clock

Millennials' spending fir the holiday
Infographic about infographics
Ideal pet
Uncle Drew
Office Depot

Multiplier effect

OCE Due Nov 23

Pricing Project Unveiled

Chap 17 - Price

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