Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015 Only 48 days and give or take 12 hours until Christmas!!!!! or any other respectable celebratory occasion you partake in.



So, which is more interesting: A vintage 1964 Porsche or a new Honda Civic?
Which is a better car?
If we think hard about the definition of 'better', it's pretty clear that on almost every measurable performance metric, the Honda is a far better car. More reliable. A better value. Able to drive faster, longer, in more conditions. Better mileage. Safer. And on and on.
So why do people pay more, talk more, gawk more at the other car?
Scarcity isn't the only reason. It turns out that perfection is sort of boring.
Airbnb isn't as 'perfect' as staying at the Hyatt (more variability, more ups and some downs) but it's certainly more interesting...
When a product or service benchmarks quality and can honestly say, "we're reliably boring," it might grow in sales, but it will eventually fade in interest, because the people at the edges, the people who care, are drawn to idiosyncrasy, to the unpredictable, the tweakable, the things that might not work.

ACT Question of the day 
SAT Question of the day
Marketing I
Countdown clock
What a great idea?!?!? Dinotruck!
Govt can make you do things....silly injunctions
Facebook v Tsu
How to Act when you get a crappy Christmas Gift
Barnes and Noble- Nov 16

Everyday....Pricing Project!!!!!
    A couple fo things you will be graded on.
               1/  Make it pretty, symmetrical
                              Fill the box with the model number
                              add color/contrast
                2/  make sure url's work
                3/  title is correct Name, 1st/3rd  Fall 2015
                4/  You have enough data points
                5/ prices are correct given promotional discounts (only valid on items $50 and over for this week)
                6/  Prices are centered in their respective columns
                7/  Shading is uniform
                8/  Column lines are consistant
                9/  name is on the worksheet/spreadsheet upper left
                10/  If a sales price falls - highlight yellow
                       If a sales price rises - highlight red
                11/  Make sure orig price is only placed once at the top of it's respective column.

Quiz Today on the bag!

Begin and finish 2.09
(best you begin with guided notes)
Begin studying 3.01 vocab

Wilson - 2.03 on Tuesday


Honors Strategic Marketing

Vocab Chap 11 on Tuesday.....combo with 10.

Cards here

Countdown clock
What a great idea?!?!? Dinotruck!
Govt can make you do things....silly injunctions
Facebook v Tsu
How to Act when you get a crappy Christmas Gift

almost done with 11!
Obj 4 - Chap 11 - Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing
Chap 12 awaits.

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