Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Ding sing, session is in

U4L9 - Finish
Look at U4L10
Preview Explore PT

Begin U5L1

Express Course 21-27 due Friday Nov 15

HW - Due yesterday
1 para on each concerning who,what,when,where,how.

HW - Due Nov 7


The Psychology Of Social Sports Fans: What Makes Them So Crazy (Long - but really good

Why pro sports franchises succeed. . . and fail

LAP - Play to the Fans
2.05 LAP - Play to the Fans #11Qs - Due by Tuesday


2.06A-B ppt - Wednesday
2.06 ppt c - Thursday
Define the term “ambush marketing.”
Identify reasons that businesses use ambush marketing.
Discuss ways that ambush marketing can be effectively used as a marketing strategy.
Explain the impact of ambush marketing on sponsorships.
Demonstrate procedures for identifying ambush strategies to use at events.

Define the term “viral marketing.”
Explain the importance of viral marketing.
Describe principles of viral marketing.
Discuss viral marketing strategies.
Demonstrate procedures for developing viral marketing strategies

WSJ - Ambush Marketing

Ambush Marketing - people arrested and fined

Forced to watch a game in their underwear

Look up Ambush Marketing/Guerrilla Marketing Examples

2.06 Minor League Marketing Report - Read the executive summary.

Quiz on 2.04-2.05 and Executive Summary tomorrow

Participate in a small-group activity to brainstorm ideas for viral sport/event marketing strategies for a sport/event identified by your instructor. Present the strategies to the class, and select three strategies to implement. Submit the best idea to your instructor for feedback.

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