Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 Boo! See, I told you I would scare you today


Just because you don’t understand it

…doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
…doesn’t mean it isn’t important.
If we spend our days ignoring the things we don’t understand (because they must not be true and they must not be important) all we’re left with is explored territory with little chance of improvement.

Mkt - Promotion - McLaren
Mkt - Features and benefits - short read
APCSP - Big Data

APCSP - Data - video (for later)

APCSP - Data - Duke U - Cell Phones help track flu on campus
  Note the Beneficial effects of the intended Use
  Note the Harmful effect of the intended use

When writing the research project...
Positive and negative aspects must differentiate themselves through the students communications in their papers…
What consequence is app based?
What consequence is user based?.
APCSP - name an innovation and let's explore
    For later - note the error -

Economic impact….don’t just focus on the individual, society as a whole….generalize to the masses

A great thing to do with the kids in class:
Innovation based
Social Impact - more personal - how does this affect the relationship between two people
Cultural Impact - Ingrained - Think Ted Talks - Dan Airely - Organ Donation levels
Economic Impact - Financial as a whole, individually, company wide, economy

SATURDAY SCHOOL - Nov 3      8am-12noon
- a few of you need to make up time.

I arrive ~ 8:10am

Tuesday and Thursday late bus / pick up are still a go!!

Obj 1.00 - For Fun!  For You!
Marketing Overview

Obj 2 - Practice Test - SEMII

2.08 LAPS due by Friday

The Adjustment Bureau movie clip

a. Define the following terms: feature, benefit, obvious benefits, unique benefits, hidden benefits, feature-benefit selling, and feature-benefit chart.

b. Identify sources of feature/benefit information.
c. Identify an example of an obvious or apparent benefit.
d. Identify an example of a unique or exclusive benefit.
e. Identify an example of a hidden benefit.
f. Describe how to prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.
g. Prepare a feature-benefit chart for a product.

Feature Benefit Selling Video

The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Wall of Iconic Marketing Crap

    Choose two/three different items
               Kodak Disc Camera
               Mr Potato Head

3.01 Vocab - Friday - Nov 2

Feature Benefit Chart


Hand out

Students will find 3 items in their home and do a feature/benefit assessment on each.

Due: Monday, November 5, 2018 beginning of class

NOTE: A Benefit must have a reasonable Feature to balance it...Not, yellow in color - saves money.  Does not equate


Graded -> Unit 2 - U2L6
Zeros have been placed.
Will grade ->U3L2 by Tuesday
                    U3L6 by Thursday
                    Hope to get to U3L10 by Sat.
Will continue grading the remainder this week
YOU STILL CAN REWORK UNIT 2 material....until the Thursday...cutoff and all grades will stand.
   email :
     Unit and Lesson w/name
          Orig Answer
            New Answer

Computing innovation - Let's explore together


U3L1 - The need for Programming Languages
U3L2 - The Need for Algoithms
U3L3 - Creativity in Algorithms
U3L4 - Using Simple Commands
U3L5 - Creating Functions
U3L6 - Functions and Top Down Design
U3L7 - APIs and Function Parameters
U3L8 - Creating Functions with Parameters
U3L9 - Looping and Random Numbers
U3L10 - Design a digital Scene

APCSP Unit 1, Lessons 1-14 - Vocab

AP CSP Unit 1 Chapter 2 Review

You may want to ask me before you try this:
AP Computer Science Principles Midterm

I will not have access to answers
Not too sure if it will give you answers either.
But it will be a good look as to types of questions to expects from the APCSP testing

Quizlet - APCSP Exam Review - terminology

Google Chrome add on - screen and voice recorder for computer
Or look here for alternatives

Lesson 10 finishing up

Your project should be finished

use with

4.1 What is Big Data? - Blogspot


Students will be able to:

-Identify sources of data produced, used, and consumed by a web application.
-Given a tool that provides access to a large dataset, explain the kinds of problems such a tool could solve.
-Use a tool that provides access to “big data” and investigate its sources.
-Explain that new techniques are necessary to store, manage, transmit, and process data at the scale it is currently being produced.


-Big Data - a broad term for datasets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.
-Moore's Law - a prediction made by Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power will double every 1.5-2 years, it has remained more or less true ever since.


  • Getting Started (20 mins)
  • Video: Big data is better data
Prompt: Based on what you saw in the video, what is big data?
Discuss: In small groups, have students share their responses. Afterwards, open the discussion to the whole class. The main points to draw out from this conversation are:
Big data means different things, at different times, to different people.
It can mean devices that are constantly collecting data.
It can mean digitizing data that’s been around for a long time (e.g., every book ever written).
It can mean machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • Activity (30 mins)
  • Exponential Growth and Moore's Law (10 mins)
Moore’s Law - Chart

As you can see from the chart, the amount of data flying around is growing exponentially,
doubling every two years or so. Here’s a way to think about how fast this is: The world will
produce as much digital data over the next 2 years, as currently existed in all of humanity prior
to that. And it will do the same the 2 years after that. And so on. That’s a lot!

-Moore's law is actually about computing power, not data, but data growth seems to following the same trend
-So far, computing power/capacity seems to double every 1.5-2 years...
-That means it grows exponentially...
-Expontential growth is hard for humans to fathom…(let’s play with pennies and the power of 2)
-Yet we need to plan for it.
Moore's Law Remarks
There is a principle in computer science known as Moore's Law.
It is not a law of nature or mathematics but simply a surprisingly accurate prediction that was made a long time ago. In 1965, a computer chip designer named Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors one could fit on a chip would double every 18 months or so.
Amazingly, that prediction has more or less held true to the present day! The result is that since about 1970, computers have gotten twice as fast, at half the cost, roughly every 1.5-2 years. With some small differences, the same is true for data storage capacity.
This is extraordinarily fast growth - we call it exponential growth. With more and more machines that are faster and faster, the amount of data being pushed around, saved, and processed is growing exponentially. This is so fast that it's hard to fathom and even harder to plan for. For example:
  • If the average hard drive today is 1 TB and you are planning for something or 6 years away, you should expect that average hard drives will be 8-10 TB.
Key Takeaway: We need to keep Moore’s Law in mind as we plan for the future.

  • Big Data Sleuth Card (20 mins)
Put students into pairs and assign each pair one of the 5 websites listed.
Wind Sensor network

  • Wrap-up (20 mins)
  • Big Data Wrap Up (10 mins)
What kinds of data are out there?
What format does it come it?
Where does it come from?
Did anyone find a link to an actual data source?
Did anyone find an API? What’s an API?

Prompt: After your explorations what do you think "big data" actually means? What makes it "big" as opposed to not?*"

Here is a general-purpose definition of Big Data (taken from Wikipedia: Big Data): “Big data is a broad
term for datasets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate." The
fact that big data is increasingly important across industries reflects rapid changes in how much data
we're collecting, and the ways we're using it.
In this unit we're going to be looking into how growth in data and computing more generally is
impacting society. In almost every industry and every aspect our lives, computing and data is affecting
our lives in both positive and negative ways. This will also be very useful preparation as we begin to
look towards the Explore PT.

  • Introduce Explore PT (10 mins)
Pages 4-6
Review: Quick skim this document with the class, touching on the following points.
  • Page 4: The Explore PT has 2 major components, 1. computational artifact, 2. written responses

  • Pages 5-6: Skim the submission requirements and give students time to read prompts 2a - 2e.

  • Highlight prompts 2c and 2d which references beneficial / harmful effects and the way computing
  • innovations use data, themes of this unit.

  • Extended Learning
Open Data: You might be interested in looking at some of the publicly available datasets
provided at these sites. It can take a little digging, but you can see the raw datasets
and some of the applications that have been made from them.
Google Maps Traffic: Another big data resource that students may use every day:
  • Go to and zoom in on your town or city.
  • Turn on the Live Traffic view for your area or a nearby town or city.
  • The map should show real-time traffic data.
  • Have students respond to the same set of questions that they did on the Big Data Sleuth Card. This may take a little more research, since the sources of the data aren’t as clearly marked.

  • Assessment
No open ended questions...still 2 small questions on


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