Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16/14 The day the earth stood still...er..no, just a tuesday

We did.
It's not a silly question. It has a lot to do with culture and crowds and the way we decide, as a group, what's right and what's not.
A quick look at some colors confirms that there is no algorithm, no accepted pattern for color names. They range from short and obscure (puce) to long and obvious references, like cotton candy.
No color has a name until a significant group accepts that name. You can start calling the sky, "gluten," but it's not going to be useful until others do as well.
That's what mass, cultural-shifting marketing does. It creates an idea or a label or a habit or a discussion and enables it to become a building block of our culture.
No one who invents a name for a color is applauded or instantly successful. It never works right away. And then, person by person, it starts to stick. The first person leaps, and leaps again, and persists, inventing something we sooner or later all decided we needed all along.



1.03 Finished....Let's draw up the new Objective list
Review last quiz....mandatory notes.
Adrian Peterson.....sponsorships
CBA - More in depth
     Go back to your original group
     I need:
          a 10 slide presentation (google doc would be preferable)
          Title plus 8 content slides plus a bibliography
          one slide for each of the items we have spoken of.
          Each slide should be entitled with the content as well as the person's name who found it
          If I do not see your name, you will receive no credit
          either email me the link (google doc - set permissions) or the ppt.
          one hour...good luck!!
1.04 today - maybe
***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.



Coca Cola - another open happiness... 
Go Daddy, but not with that race car lady 
So Much fun from a seemingly stupid car 
Samsung responds - comparitive adverrtising 
The making of a brand
Finish Chap 19 - 3 more slides...questions?
Quizlet - Vocab test...just 19
Chap 19 - questions in the back....#
***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.
Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day


Coca Cola - another open happiness... 
Go Daddy, but not with that race car lady 
So Much fun from a seemingly stupid car 
Samsung responds - comparitive adverrtising 
The making of a brand
Another installment of segment that shampoo


1.02 Vocab test - 15 items

***Powerschool - will go down as a zero until you have shown me.

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